

Chawnga lives in a rural area of a developing country where the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer. He belongs to the latter. Having lose all hope both in carrier and relationship, his only wish left was to at least make the living conditions of his parents comfortable. They work hard to support him and never scold him for being useless. He really felt guilty but can't get a progress even when he tries his best. They're just a normal poor family with no connections. There's seem to be no one that they could asked for help, even their relatives turn a blind eye. The night before his 28 birthday, he sincerely pray to God before going to sleep, with all his heart and soul to give him one last chance to turn the tides around. When he wakes up the next day, he was surprised that he had gone back to 20 years ago. Then he knew he was given a chance to restart starting from Primary Level. But there's more, he could see an interface that appear and disappear as he wish. And the most surprising thing was that he was not short of money anymore. [ Host : Chawnga Renthlei Money : Unlimited Points : 0 ] [Note : It's my first time writing. I'm not that good with English, hope you understand. Any character or place, there might be some similar names or events or some slightly changes, so please don't compare with the real world as the story in this novel is all made up. Thank you. ]

Silai_Mu · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs

Future Plan

[Store (Available Points = 130)

Theihai Sweet = 10 Points

(Makes you clean.)

Tui = 10 Points

(Freshen up. Recover Stamina)

Juice = 20 Points

(Makes you clean. Include clothes that you presently wear.)

Bawnghnute = 30 Points

(Makes you clean. Include clothes, accessories, gadgets etc.)

Hasiai = 10 Points

(Makes your mouth fresh.)

Sawhthing = 50 Points

(Automatically makes you clean once bought. Include Mouth fresh.)







Chawnga can't find anything useful that might make him healthier. Sighed. Maybe he's gonna still be the sickly guy again even in his second life.

Chawnga was not the type of guy who used to have big plans, so he doesn't really know how to make proper plans exactly. So the previous plans he had are just a thought at that moment. Though he still plans to carried out if it's possible. Maybe he can convince them.

While Chawnga was busy with the store he had, he heard his mother calling to him saying that breakfast was ready.

After breakfast, his mother plans to take him to the normal market to buy him something that he likes as it was his birthday.

Chawnga still remembered that he stubbornly wanted a toy soldier that was costly for their tight family budget. His mother has to pacify him many times and told him there are other good things to buy that are manageable by their budget, but can't do anything about him. So his mother had to buy it for him. He doesn't even know how his mother felt at that time. As long as the child likes it, if it isn't too reasonable, parents always tries their best. They give everything they have without reserve.

How naive of him to be so stubborn that way. He felt guilty. He wouldn't make the same mistake again.

His sister was going to be with his father. So he was going out only with his mother.

Before going out, Ramtei check the needs for the family on what to buy with the minimal cost and then check her purse. She was surprised to find an extra money of 10,000 AVS. She doesn't delve further on how she still have so much money. She just thought her husband was just surprising her which he used to did it in the past.

Zawma used to give all of his salary to his wife but sometimes surprises her when he gets extra or buy something just to see her smile.

Ramtei was elated to see so much money in her purse even at the end of the month. She felt relief that she doesn't need to restraint herself that much today when going to the market.

In the market, Ramtei asked her son to choose anything that he likes. She plans to surely bought for him now that she has enough money. The things to buy in the market at this time of year are still very cheap compared to 20 years in the future. So the necessary needs of the household wasn't much and can be manageable under 5,000 AVS. This means that Ramtei has enough money to buy things for his son as his birthday present.

But surprisingly her son wasn't pointing to anything or showing tantrum towards anything which he usually did in the past. She thought he was sick or not feeling well. When she asked him with concern, he just smiles at

her and continue to look around the market as if this was his first time coming. She just let him as he pleases while buying the necessities and told him to tell her when he sees what he likes.

Chawnga was looking around and was surprised how old it was in this time. How come he never noticed this. But it makes him feel comfortable as this was a peaceful time. There were no pic pockets or daylight robbery. All are honest except for Politician. Haha.

The Politicians start to take advantage of the people's honesty and trust from this time around which led to some unfruitful events in the future. The people fully trust in their leaders who led to them astray. That is why they began having evil thoughts.

If someone you trust the most was not trustworthy and was scheming against you, what will you do. You might want to take revenge upon them. But what if revenge wasn't possible at the moment?

It's the same for these people who are under these untrustworthy politicians who selfishly chose to love themselves only. Truly, a wolf in a sheep's clothing. They're very nice on the outside, even their speech are worth millions. But words without action are just empty words.

While Chawnga was looking around the market, he subconsciously see the exact same toy soldier. How can he ever like that toy. Maybe that was the kid character in his past. But now he was not moved in the slightest. Even when there's a sports car worth millions is put in front of him, he still wouldn't be moved, as he had already seen the world so much that he had become immune to such things. Only the family he had are enough. If they're happy and their future is good enough, then he is content.

As he look around Chawnga plans the future again as he sees a world of opportunities only in the comparison to the future he had already seen. But he doesn't need that to earn money because he wasn't short of money anymore. The plan he makes, the opportunities he sees is for the poor whose talent might can't be rival but doesn't have anyone to guide. The educated who doesn't have connections to get a job. The righteous who are shift, suspend or fired for doing good deeds which in turn becomes the thorn for the politicians.

That was he what Chawnga always wanted to do even his previous life. He used to dream that if he had the power to change, he will surely change it and make good living conditions for the people who deserves it. He might not be able to save everyone but at least he would still try to save as many as he can.

When he thought like that he felt happy. He thought of someone in his past life. That was Sir Nicholas George Winton MBE, a British humanitarian who helped to rescue children who were at a risk of oppression by Nazi Germany.

He was a real hero Chawnga admired not just because of saving the children, he admired him also because of his modest behavior. He help the children but the news only was known years later because of his wife, only when she find the notes containing the children information.