
We missed you

Although they took their time getting home, Yuuki's phone rung.

Ring ring ring!

"Hold on a minute." Takhiro and Kahoru stopped and watch Yuuki answer her phone.

"What is it Jun? Huh the baby? I'll come now." Yuuki hung her phone.

"We should quickly head back... Kahoru are you alright?" Kahoru was shocked. A baby? Since when did Yuuki have a child?


"Oh! Jun and I got married two years ago and had a child three months ago."


"I wanted you to be my maid of honour, but we couldn't contact you at all."


"The thing is you're back now. That's all that matters!" Yuuki smiled.

"We must hurry if you want to see the baby!"


In the cafe bar, everyone was trying to comfort the baby. The little baby could not stop crying and it had gotten more worse every second. Jun had the baby in his arms trying to cradle it.

"Why are they taking so long?" Erika cried.

"Don't ask me!" Jun replied.

The door of the cafe bar had opened and Yuuki ran towards the baby. "My little Yuta, I'm so sorry for leaving you alone. Mummy is here!"

Takahiro and Kahoru followed behind Yuuki. Once they walked in, the air was tense and there was a wailing baby crying his guts out. Jun handed the baby over to Yuuki and in just a second, the baby immediately stopped crying.

The air in the room had relaxed and everyone was relieved. Soon after the baby fell asleep, everyone's eyes turned to Kahoru. Why were they all glaring at her?

"And where were you in the last four years?" Asahi walked up to Kahoru and shook her.

"Yeah! I was worried sick." Erika was pouting.

"Since when were you and Hiro a thing?" Takao crept up to the couple and slapped Takahiro's back.

"Oh yeah! Now that you mention it. How come you never told us about Kaho?" Jun was frowning.

"You were never interested in my love life, and now you want to get in the middle of it?" Takahiro face-palmed.

"That's because there were companies trying to arrange a marriage with you. We didn't like any of the girls they tried to introduce and now you're married to Kaho?" Yuuki was very confused.

"This Marriage is a secret for now."

"A secret?" Takao asked.

"No one has ever seen the King of the Entertainment industry's face, except for the other CEO's of different companies. Even some of your staff haven't seen your face."

"I will reveal my face in a month. I will be collaborating with the magazine department."

"That magazine will sell quickly!"

Kahoru watched them as they bickered. It seemed no one had changed at all.

"Enough about Takahiro! Don't forget Kaho is here." Yuuki interrupted the chatter.

"I didn't do much. All I did was treat patients for four years. What about you?

Erika pounced at Takao. "This is my husband!"

"H-hey, don't say it so casually."

"Takao and Erika got married a year ago." Asahi joined the conversation.

"I'm also an actress now! Thanks to Mr. Hiro for helping me out with my career!"

"No problem."

"My father passed away a year ago and left the food industry to me. Takahiro helped me with the 'CEO' thing. He even helped me open a restaurant and this cafe bar." Takao indirectly thanked Takahiro. He smiled brightly and his tone was cheery.

"I'm the general manager of King's Crown Resort and Yuuki is a house wife."

"Compared to your position, the house wife is definitely more powerful." Yuuki elbowed Jun in the stomach.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"The way you worded it sounded like your position was much higher than your general manager status."

"Isn't it?"

"Who cooks and cleans the house, hm? Who does all the laundry and takes care of the baby?"


"You better watch your mouth or I'm not cooking for you."

Jun was speechless. Who knew his comment backfired on him. His wife was the boss of course.

"Asahi. What about you?" Kahoru ignored the couple's little quarrel. He smiled and glanced at Takahiro.

"I am Yu Entertainment's Vice President. Nice to meet you lady boss." Asahi looked dead serious and deeply bowed.

Kahoru blinked a few times and tried to stop Asahi from Bowing. Takahiro snickered next to them. Kahoru glared at Takahiro and kneed him behind his knee that was closest to her.

His leg reacted and he almost fell over.

"It's been 16 years and you still remember my weak spot?" He grunted.

"I'm surprised it's still your weak spot." Kahoru gave him a look of disbelief and rolled her eyes.

Asahi started laughing really loud and Takahiro's glare turned ice cold. He walked over to Asahi and started a play fight.

"It's been so long, yet they still fight like this. It's hard to identify them as a CEO and Vice President, don't you think?" Yuuki chuckled.

"Mm." Kahoru reminisced on their childhood days. It was an amazing childhood. They were so carefree back then.

Now they had to face adulthood. But no matter the hardships, they still stuck together.

"You know, you and Hiro used to fight all the time too. He always bullied you, yet you still clung onto- mmh?"

Kahoru quickly covered Yuuki's mouth. "Don't mention another word."

Yuuki nodded. But she still rambled straight after Kahoru's hands uncovered her mouth. "You were such a crybaby back then too."

"After all these years, you still have a big mouth."

Yuuki scratched the back of her head and nervously laughed. "Also you wanted to see the baby? Let's go upstairs."

Yuuki held Kahoru's hand and dragged her upstairs. Although this was a cafe bar, There was a private room upstairs. It looked like a big apartment.

"Is this your home too?"

"Not really." This is for when we hold mini parties like the one right now. Although everyone usually hangs out downstairs, Erika and I usually hang upstairs, where it's more quieter. It's also a good place for the baby to sleep."

"This time you forgot me downstairs." Erika took her shoes off as she walked into the room. She was pouting.

"Oops sorry Erika." Erika lightly punched Yuuki on the shoulder.

"Now that we're all here, Kaho. Would you care to explain?" Yuuki and Erika had their eyes on her. It looked like they were going to rip her apart Ofer did not say anything.

"Um... our parents set us up a month ago."

"What? A month ago? This is an arranged marriage?"


"Takahiro rejected every marriage offer that was sent to him. When he said he would introduce us to his wife we thought it was those arrogant girls he was forced to marry. We were really shocked when we heard it was you." Yuuki was relieved.

"I thought it was another person. We couldn't recognise you but your eyes told us everything." Erika bitterly smiled.

Just after they had talked about the subject, the baby inside the bedroom started to cry.

Their friendship has been rekindled! I’m happy for them!

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