
Chapter 1 - Dream

Alice's POV

Blood of the people I loved and cared for was everything I could see in the room that was once filled with the laughter of the people that came to celebrate my success.

A success that made people envy me but also hurt my loved ones.A success that I loved but hated at the same time and that success is what brought me to this stage.

I sat there in the pool of blood surrounding me with bloodshot eyes and tears running down my face when I saw someone whom I never imagined to see again in my entire life come in front of my eyes laughing at my misery of loosing my loved ones.

When I saw the laugh the agony in my heart soared high, and I yelled "Do you hate me so much that you took the life of so many that I love and cherish". The reply came with a sneer "Ofcourse my dear sister".

"Why do you hate me so much?" I asked with my voice trembling because of my anger.

She said "Don't you know sister ? isn't it because you chose to destroy my happy everafter ?"

When I heard this confusion settled within me but my anger was what I hold now with nothing overpowering it.

As if expecting me to not know the answer she went on "Don't you remember, my love, then let me remind you the lives you took for achieving this position in your life includes people that I cherished with my entire life and since you didnt care about them when I begged you to let them go and you didnt. So don't you think it is good only if I repay that gift to you. Do you remember now sister?"

When I heard her reason my anger overtook me and I yelled "It was me who took those lives you could have just killed me. Why do you have to kill them ?"

To which she told " Sister are you so naive or trying to be one. I killed these people because they didnt do anything even when they knew about your madness but instead played a part in their deaths and the bonus of killing them is that I get to see you experience the same pain of being lonely as me"

"But they are your parents too not only mine".

"But they never treated me like that because to them you were their only daughter. Let's end this game sister even I am tired."

Before I could understand what she meant I heard her telling " Here is my last gift to you my sister" with these words I saw her fall on the ground with a loud thud in the errie silence of the room and loose her life.

That was the moment I realized all the mistakes I did and all the innocent lives that I had taken come back biting me in my sister's form and taking away everything that I cherished in my entire life.I realized I lost everything in the pursuit of my power. A power that took away everything in my life.

I slowly stood up from there seeing the people I love lay lifelessly on the ground before I reached to the love of my life who was there with me supporting regardless of me doing everything wrong and lost his life for choosing me.

I laid his head laid on my lap before I took the gun in his hand to shoot myself. But before I could shoot myself I felt someone wake me up and I woke up to realize all those things I felt were nothing but a bad dream that felt so real.

My heart was still beating fast when I heard a voice filled with worry asking me "Are you alright princess?you are shouting in your sleep."To appease her worry I told "I am fine mama. Just a bad dream." After the response she hugged me and comforted me.

It took me a while to get out of my shock and convince myself that it was dream. But I strongly believe that it was a message from my future to not take the wrong path.

As the realization hit me I decided to change my life and not to make those choices that I made in my dream and lead a beautiful life.

It was the day I made - A Forever Promise to be happy and take care of and love everyone who love and cherish me with everything that I have.

Hello Guys!

Hope you guys will love the book

Sweety_29creators' thoughts