
345: dream-making


Kang Daqiao was confused. She raised her head and looked at Kang Xiaoqiao.

Kang Xiaoqiao held her hand and said solemnly, "Sister, I've grown up--"

Grown up, grown up...

Like a magic spell, it corroded Kang Daqiao's heart. In an instant, her cries became louder, more sorrowful, and more heart-wrenching.

Her cries drifted far away, causing many people to be confused, thinking that something big had happened.

In the house, Kang Xiaoqiao patiently patted Kang Daqiao's back, letting her cry, letting her cry, venting her inner emotions.

Kang Daqiao cried like a child, her face full of tears.

She didn't know why she was crying, but she instinctively wanted to cry.

It was just like how she didn't understand why she had to work so hard to clean and do housework, so stubbornly not letting Kang Xiaoqiao do anything.

She was a girl who grew up in a farmer's home. She didn't have much knowledge, and she hadn't read any books. She didn't know that there were things called emotions in the world.

She only knew that there was one word: 'temper'. The words she knew were not rich enough, and she could not express her feelings at the moment.

However, it was as if she had been stripped naked, naked, and seen through by others. Kang Xiaoqiao had seen through all the little thoughts that she had hidden in her heart.

At this moment, she seemed like a transparent person. Kang Xiaoqiao's words that she had grown up actually made Kang Daqiao lose control of her emotions.

She could only cry instinctively to vent the fear and unease in her heart.

Meanwhile, Kang Xiaoqiao comforted her one by one as she said gently, "Sis, look, isn't it a good thing that I've grown up?"

"When I was young, it was you who protected me and always took care of me. Now that I've grown up, I'll be there to protect you and take care of you in the future, okay?"

"Haven't you never read a book before? Let me teach you. Look, you can recognize quite a lot of words now. Look at the letter you left me. You've written so many words. Sis, you're really amazing."

"Sister, when we go to the provincial capital, I'll take you to buy clothes and show you the buildings there. Sister, do you know that you're even prettier than the girls in the city? They'll only be envious if they see you."

"Sister, the new factory I'm opening is just west of the city. There's a large piece of wasteland there. When it's cleared next year, plant flowers all over it. When that time comes, I'll get someone to build a few large windmills--"

"When that time comes, we'll wear beautiful dresses and dance among the flowers. Let Lu Yichen and second brother take many beautiful photos of us. What do you think?"

"There are still night schools in the provincial capital. When the time comes, I will go and ask about the situation. Sister, don't you like to study? When the time comes, you can go to night schools. We can also get a university student to be--"

Kang Xiaoqiao talked a lot. It was all her hope for a better future. For someone like Kang Daqiao whose faith had collapsed, she had to establish a new faith for her.

Otherwise, how was she supposed to live?

She had so many bad names. Her mother had despised her, and the whole city knew about it. Moreover, she was a divorced woman. Now, her spiritual pillar had collapsed again. If there was no more hope, she might just disappear like this... Or she might just disappear from this world.

However, this cancer had to be removed sooner or later. Kang Xiaoqiao described the future to her heart's content. Kang Daqiao went from crying loudly to sobbing slowly. Finally, she listened quietly. Then, with a pfft, she could not help but laugh out loud.

"You stupid girl, I don't even know how to read big words, and you want me to be a university student. How dare you say that?"

Kang Xiaoqiao's eyes lit up when she heard that. She immediately said exaggeratedly, "Sis, you're not right. How can you not know how to read big words? How can you know a few hundred words now? According to what you said, we can even go to Jingdu University."


Kang Daqiao's tears had not even dried when she glared at Kang Xiaoqiao and said, "The more you talk, the more you lose your edge."

Then, she hurriedly wiped her tears.

Kang Xiaoqiao struck while the iron was hot and said, "Sis, what I said is true. Who knows, you might be able to go one day."

"My sister is so smart. She can learn anything with just a little bit. Look, I've only taught you for how long. You're amazing. The words that I haven't taught you can be written by yourself."

Kang Daqiao wiped her tears and did not say anything. Kang Xiaoqiao continued, "Sis, the department store in the provincial capital is really big. There are so many people coming and going inside. It's called more than one. When I went there for the first time, I almost dazzled my eyes."

"That fabric seller, what a guy. He actually took up half of the floor. Sis, the most important thing is food."

"The department store has a Deli on the first floor. The braised pork head is so fragrant. Just thinking about it makes me want to eat it--"

When Kang Daqiao heard that, she glared at her and said, "You little greedy cat. We don't have pork head at home. However, we have two pork trotters, a piece of pork liver, and a piece of pork belly. I'll go and make it for you now."

Kang Xiaoqiao's eyes lit up and said, "Sis, that's great. I'll go and prepare the insulated lunch box now. When you're done, we'll eat on the way."

Kang Daqiao was stunned when she heard that. "We'll go today?"

Kang Xiaoqiao nodded and said, "Of course. Let's find another day. We'll go today and stay there for a day. We'll come back tomorrow."

Kang Daqiao was stunned for a moment before she nodded. Then, she scratched her hair and said, "Then, I have to quickly put the things away. Otherwise, I'll suffer a great loss if I lose them."

Then, she hurriedly went to work. As Kang Xiaoqiao looked at Kang Daqiao's busy figure, she couldn't help but sigh in defeat.

Actually, it was good that sister was simple-minded. She was easy to coax--

Then, she touched the non-existent cold sweat on her head and shook her head.

Kang Daqiao didn't know whether it was because she was seen through by Kang Xiaoqiao and fled in a sorry state, or because she was attracted by Kang Xiaoqiao's flowery words and beautiful dreams.

In any case, at this moment, she was full of energy. Moreover, she found that her mood was extremely relaxed. In the past, she always felt heavy and depressed, but now, she felt as light as a swallow.

Thinking of what little sister said, there was a wasteland in the new factory. Next year, it would be full of flowers, and there was a huge windmill in the middle of the flowers. She had seen that windmill in a book. It was very beautiful, very beautiful.

When the time came, she would make two sets of beautiful clothes for little sister. She would definitely look good in a photo.

Also, little sister had said that she could go to the night school in the provincial capital to study. She did not even dare to think of such a good thing. However, little sister's words were so convincing. At this moment, Kang Daqiao felt that all of this was not impossible.

No, she had to learn how to read properly. She had to learn everything that little sister had taught her.

With the hope of a better life and the dream of being able to study, Kang Daqiao was like a hardworking little bee. She began to busy herself non-stop.

The recommended ending book of Duo, "report, lovely wife married" . It was fat and beautiful, and the content was wonderful. You are welcome to read it!

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