
A Fate To Hate

Ellen is an orphan in her late teens, with the desperation to make some money for college she works as a maid in the home of a Business mogul Dave Marcellus. Things went south when she got more than she was expecting.

Akinwunmi_Mariam · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs


Hours after Dave left Alpha Morris's house, he meets secretly with Gavan in his study.

"Are you sure things will go as planned? Dave is a clever boy and a good Alpha he might see through all these in no time" Alpha voiced out his thoughts fearfully.

"Don't you trust me, This is a deal between the two of us. Do your part well and you will get to expand your territory.

Or you don't want that anymore?".

Gavan asked cocking a brow

"I– I do, I am just being cautious."

The greediness shone bright in his eyes like never before, territory was always important within their kind.

He doesn't mind getting himself dirty just to increase his territory.

He did not want to take up the task but the reward was too tempting to overlook.

His pack will be the biggest in the country if this mission goes on successfully.

"I will take my leave now, I will be back in two days."

Gavan said before vanishing right in front of Alpha Morris' eyes, his eyes widened in shock at the event. He still finds it hard to get used to seeing that.

Unknown to Alpha Morris, he was also included in Gavan's plan. He was being used as a shield against whatever the outcome of the situation will be.


Dave remained in the same position for the next five minutes.

What had he done?.

He did not know what came over him.

Yes, she is his mate but he hadn't thought of marking her not anytime soon.

Groaning, he eases her weight off his body.

He felt strange, he could feel her heartbeat in a rhyming motion with his own further confusing him.

After some grunts and groans, he managed to strap Ellen on the shotgun seat. Although her head still slack to the side from lack of support, the seat belt held her fast in place.

"Don't worry we will be home soon"

He said out loud reassuring himself.

He has many reasons to be scared.

He doesn't know how marking works on others except their kind.

Well, in the past he had dated a few humans but hadn't thought much about them other than to ease his carnal needs.

Groaning softly, Ellen peered open her eyes. The moving car made her head spin, instinctively her hand went to the spot where her neck hurts.

"Don't touch it".

Dave stopped her before she could.

It hurts like hell

Slowly recalling what had happened.

"What have you done to me?" Ellen asked wanting to sound angry but her voice came out weak and pitiful.

"I also don't know myself, we are some miles away from home. I will get you to the doctor once we get there". Dave's words fell on deaf ears as Ellen fell asleep again.

Frowning deeply, Dave gave all his attention to the road slightly increasing the speed of the car wishing they got home faster.

The next time she opened her eyes, Ellen felt someone dabbing a soft wet object on her neck. Reaching for the spot again.

"Don't touch it, you will have it infected". An unfamiliar voice warned her.

Dropping her hand, she scanned the strange room and became relieved when she saw Dave seated by the bedside.

"Are you sure it will heal without any problem?".

The question was asked by Dave.

Was she hurt?

She wanted to ask but once again consciousness slipped away from her.

"Thank you". Dave smiled appreciatively at the nurse, who on the other hand blush at his curtsey.

"You were not at work today". Ralph said once the nurse left the room.

His tone was a little accusing rather than asking.

"How would you know?".

"I went there to see you, I wanted to relay some message".

"I had an urgent matter to attend to". Dave replied with a shrug.

"Was she the urgent matter?". He asked, nodding at the bed.

"Are you trying to disrespect me?" She is my mate and for all I care she may be a human or a fairy. It doesn't matter but don't you ever try to question me like that again. Or you will be sorry".

Dave's voice hardened, he knew his pack members won't take her seriously and might even expect him to forsake her a "befitting" mate but they are in for a long ride.

An example of that is his own right hand man actions tonight.

"I'm sorry Alpha–"

"Just leave, Ralph.

Shut the door after you".

Glancing momentarily at the wall clock, Dave realized the sky will darkened soon.

With the next day his new worry would come, he had gone to meet Alpha Morris for some support to aid his pack during this period of tribulations.

He was surprised the older had agreed without demanding anything in return.

With that in check he will need to now embark on a journey of how to properly get Ellen settled to the park but first he would have explained everything to her.

He will have to bare his soul and tell her everything she needs to know about him and his kind.

It will be hard, he is aware and thankfully time was bountiful with him.

He would be patient to the core, smiling at what was to come.

His smile faded when the door was yanked open, Ralph rushed inside breathless.

"Victoria is awake" Ralph said in a hurry, a happy grin displayed on his.

It took Dave a while to process the information, bolting up from his seat.

He headed for the door.

"Watch over Ellen while I'm gone, hopefully I won't stay long. Don't leave the room while I'm gone.

Not to even use the toilet".

"Okay, Alpha".

Ralph's clipped voice hid how reluctant he was but he wasn't bold enough to say so to his Alpha.

After waiting impatiently for days his own mate too was awake.

Yes, Victoria is his mate although she doesn't know yet and that will be till her next birthday.