
A Fate To Hate

Ellen is an orphan in her late teens, with the desperation to make some money for college she works as a maid in the home of a Business mogul Dave Marcellus. Things went south when she got more than she was expecting.

Akinwunmi_Mariam · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Chapter thirty five

"Do you have anything you want to tell us or me?" Mrs Stefan's voice drove Ellen out of her daydream as she struggled to eat her dinner.

She was missing Dave like crazy, she can not wait for the day to break so that she can see him but she doubt she would be able to sleep a wink tonight.

"Is there something you want to hear from me?".

Ellen asked, her eyes meeting with her granny's aged ones.

How she has missed her without even realizing it.

"Maybe you can start by telling us who marked you". Eliana's stern voice rang out.

She had been trying hard to hold down her anger and she could no longer keep her mouth mute.

"Which mark? what nonsense are you talking about?" Ellen's voice raised a bit showing her frustration.

She has barely been tolerating the presence of this annoying cousin of hers but it seems she was getting over the board.

"You don't know about the mark?". Mrs Stefan spoke up frowning.

Ellen shook her head in response.

"Take a look for yourself". Eliana said giving her a mirror.

"It here". Mrs Stefan said pointing to a spot on her neck.

Seeing how serious they were Ellen took the mirror and did as they asked. Just like they said, something was on the spot.

It was like a tattoo but not quite like one as it was lighter in color.

It was like a trademark of some sort, it was looking strange and unique that she finds herself admiring it.

"Can you see now?"

Eliana's chirping voice said.

"So? what does the mark mean?".

Ellen asked.

Even though she had no idea how it got there that doesn't mean she wouldn't as what it meant.

"Have you forgotten all that we talked about?" Mrs Stefan asked.

Hearing her words, Ellen did a quick recall of that day and immediately remember.

"All these are unnecessary, I already informed Gavan". Eliana declared.

"Informed him about what?".

"About her, the mark and all.

He will be here in a few minutes.".

"Are you out of your mind?!.

Blood drains from Mrs Stefan's face.

Fear was visible in her eyes.

"Who is Gavan?". Ellen asked curiously

"It's me, child".

A male voice said startling them, Mrs Stefan who was initially scared now looks to be on the verge of death.

"Miss me?" He asked them flashing a forced smile.

Ellen's eyes widened in fear.

She has always been scared of this man even though he is her uncle.

"Pack all you will need we will be leaving in a bit". He said facing Ellen.

"I will not let you take her!" Mrs Stefan yelled losing her last shred of patience.

"I'm going anywhere with you".

Ellen said stubbornly.

"That is not in your power to decide".

"This is for the best, we cannot sit down and do nothing while she gets mated to that wolf.

They will kill her immediately her origins were revealed and you know that it cannot be hidden forever. Very soon her powers will be back". Eliana's voice took on a high octave as she rants on.

Her eyes showed a never seen light.

"Don't worry sister, she will be fine with me. We have done this before and we can still do it again". Havana's voice was in its regular manner.

Even though he remained seated with a leg crossed during a heated argument doesn't mean he won't get his way.

"No, I won't let you !" Mrs Stefan's voice rang out in deep pain and denial.

This night brought back old memories, the situation was similar. She has no idea her past action can come to hunt her in such a painful way.


Dave barely slept a wink throughout the night he was uneasy all through.

He missed her terribly. He has hoped she would call him but she didn't and when he tried to call it went straight to voicemail.

He felt extremely terrible like something was wrong. Hence when the sun begin to brighten up the sky he was relieved.

Very soon she will be here, he thought happily.

His thought was cut short when a scream pierced the air.

Scrambling off the bed, he peeps out the window to see the front of the pack house in disarray.

A war had penetrated the pack while most of the pack members were still in their beds.

Jumping out of the window, he shifted into his wolf form before he hit the ground.

His eyes flashed in anger tearing the flesh of the opponent apart.

His beast effortlessly defeated anyone that come across him.

Although it has been a while since he has fought that still did not stop him from fighting skillfully, he was an alpha after all.

The fight went on for about twenty minutes, and most of his men were down. Ralph was wounded. He was also getting tired and still the opponent seems to increase in numbers.

More screams rang in the air as a house was set on fire, the house was close to other houses and if the fire isn't put out there will be a great disaster.

Ralph, get someone to put out that fire.

Dave mind-link Ralph but got no reply.

He eyes search around for him only to see him bleeding out on the floor.

A loud howl escape his lungs as he run towards him but he did not make it far as he felt a weight on him.

A wolf had jumped on him, pushing him to the ground.

Fighting back was hard because his back was on the floor.

Feeling a sting on his neck, his wolf retracted leaving him to his original state before his consciousness slipped away.

"Alpha we did it," a voice said happily as they stared down at the unconscious body of another Alpha they just defeated.

Truth be told they were scared to embark on this mission but they got a positive result hence they have to celebrate.