
Third Letter

Prince Ayling,

Last night Shandi died. There aren't words in our vocabulary to describe the horror of a failed adulthood ceremony for a witch. Her body lost the energy to support her powers and turned into a bulging meatball. Blood mixed with viscera burst out of all her body holes, her eyeballs popped and her powers turned into a black mist that continued to pour out of her body until nothing was left but sections of scarred flesh. Adulthood is a hurdle all witches need to overcome and this tragic scene is the obvious reason why they are seen as the embodiment of the devil. Cara changed even more since then. This morning she looked at me with a dark expression and asked me if I was a witch. I was terrified. A cold shiver crawled up my back. Before I could even think about what was being asked, my survival instincts kicked in and I lied. After that her expression softened and her character changed, somehow she now resembles a protective mother hen. We met a little peasant girl in the street today, and she asked why was I crying and if I was lost and couldn't find my way home. She was sweet and honest and made me think that maybe what I am missing is a purpose. Life has changed and maybe so must I.

Yours respectfully,

The Witch Ravel.

Sorry for the delay! The week before vacation is hard and I was down with a though cold, so didn´t have any energy left. I´m really happy that one of my favourite authors from Webnovel read it. Please Like and comment. Read you soon!

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