

Deja woke up the next morning. She felt happy, she had got rid of her enemy. She got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and cleaned up and got dressed and waited for Drake to arrive. He arrived on time, he even looked happier than usual. "He must not have heard about Alice." She got in his car. They drove off....in silence.

"Did you sleep well last night."

"Yeah, I slept well." She smiled at him. Why did he feel drawn to her now, she was like a magnet to him.

"That's good.....did you hear about Alice?" His smile faded.

"Y-yeah I heard, it was terrible I'm really sorry." She really wasn't but just for Drake's sake.

"Don't be sorry she deserved it." His face showed no emotion.

She didn't know he hated her that much.

"What do I say he's scary when he's like this." She thought to herself.

"I'm glad you're ok..... I was really worried about you." She blushed and turned her head.

He stopped the car in front of a different building.

She was confused.

"What are we doing here?" She looked at him curiously.

"I have some business here remember you are, my assistant so you're coming with me."

He grabbed her chin, her eyes sparkled he knew she was the one for him. *In Deja's head* ''Why did he grab my chin do I have something on my face? I wonder what's for lunch why am I hungry? Does he like me is that why he's looking at me like that maybe he might kiss me....that would be nice I have never kissed a boy?" All these thoughts went through her head before he said.

"You look beautiful today in the clothes I picked out for you." She blushed, he let go of her chin.

"Let's go in." He got out of the car. Deja was in shock.

"Did he just call me beautiful...am I in love?" She sat there in deep thought.

"Are you coming?'' He opened the door for her. She snapped back.

"Y-yes.'' She got out and followed him in. They entered it was busy inside. And felt like it was freezing in there. She loved the AC but this was a little extreme.

She didn't like this it was way too cold.

They got on the elevator. The elevator attendant was very pretty she had short purple hair and dark green eye's, she gave Deja a friendly smile, she asked what floor, Drake told her and we went up. They stopped and got off.

Deja waved at her and she waved back. They entered a big room with a long table there was no one there just them, they sat down. Deja looked so meek.

"Why is she so cute all the time." He had his head in his hand.

Someone entered the room and sat down beside Deja. She looked up.....he was actually good looking, he had short blond

hair, his eyes were blue. "Of course he has blond hair and blue eyes stereotypical dude." She turned her face away from him.

More people came in and sat down Deja felt trapped.

"Why does the man beside me keep looking at me? how am I suppose to get out of here I'm trapped." She looked pitiful.

Drake was talking to one of the other chairmen, how does he not notice this dude staring at me I guess I will deal with this myself." She sighed. And put a smile on her face

"Hello, I'm Deja." She held her hand out. He shook her hand.

"I'm Alexander Blaster, what is such a beauty doing in a place like this?'' He let go of her hand.

"I-I'm Mr. Drake's assistant." She thought this would get rid of him but it didn't.

"Oh, you are that's to bad if you ever want to change employers just give me a call." He put a business card in her hand and winked at her. She pulled her hand away.

"Oh thank you but I like working for Mr.Drake." She put the business card in her pocket she was gonna burn it later.

"Thank you all for making it today we are starting the meeting now." Deja had a note pad with her to take note's for Drake, she was getting bored after an hour of the just talking and arguing, she started doodling on her paper. They stopped for lunch. They all got up and left.

Deja got up she hadn't even noticed that Drake had disappeared with the rest. She had to ride the elevator by herself. She got in and the door was about to close but Alexander got on. The elevator attendant wasn't in the elevator for some reason. Deja pressed the button and they went down. Alexander grabbed her around the waist.

"I know that you want me you just couldn't show it in front of your boss don't worry he's gone now it's just you and me." He whispered in her ear. She was frozen this has never happened in her life.....*Smake* She elbowed him in the face.

He stumbled back and his nose was bleeding. He put his hand up to his nose and saw blood.

"Your gonna pay for that you little...." The elevator door opened and Drake was waiting for her. He looked mad.

Deja got out of the elevator and hide behind Drake, so did the others. Alex walked off holding his nose.

"What happened Deja are you hurt?" She looked at him and smiled.

"I'm fine he grabbed me around the waist so I elbowed him in the face and broke his nose." She looked down why did he do that to her why did she freeze? Drake hugged her, he felt so warm and cozy she didn't want him to let go, but he did and smiled at her.

"Do you want me to deal with this?" No one messes with Deja.

"No, he got what he deserved, let's just go eat lunch I'm starving." Other people were watching them saying things like. "I didn't know that Mr. Drake actually hugged people what happened to him he used to be so cold?" Drake didn't care what they think he just cared about Deja.

They had lunch together. It was good. They went back up after everyone was finished Drake didn't leave her side.

The meeting finished a few hours later, and they left.

Deja didn't see Alexander again. While they were driving back to Deja's place she thanked him.

"Thank you for comforting me I needed it." She flattened down her skirt.

"Your welcome I will never let anything bad happen to you again." He said with passion in his voice. They pulled up to Deja's apartment complex and stopped.

"Thank you again I really appreciated it." She leaned over and kissed him on the check. He blushed in surprised. She got out and walked away. He was in udder disbelief that she kissed him on the check. He smiled and laughed.

"You might look delicate but you're the toughest person I know." He drove home happier than ever.

Deja unlocked her apartment and entered she sank to the floor. "I can't believe I did that why did I do that." She held her embarrassed face in her hands. But she was happy.


I feel like I'm forgetting someone in this story...hhmmm...

Oh Yeah, Onyx I almost forgot about her.....haha...dont kill me please. the next chapter is about her and what she's up to so yay?


Till the next chapter.
