
Arrival, and Training.

Tenrou Island;

In the middle of Tenrou Forrest, there was a youth 18 years of age checking his surroundings. He has white hair, black eyes, a lean but muscular body, and a huge sword holstered on his back. [A/N: search for Dmc2 Dante with a DMC4 outfit]

After making sure no beasts was arround he begun to search for higher ground, he saw a hill in the the distance and begun to head there immediately. This was so he could get an overview of his surroundings and plan out his next move of locating a drinkable water source as well as shelter. [A/N: Survival 101]

After he reached the top, he was amazed by the scenery. The anime didn't give Tenrou Island some justice as it was 10 times more beautiful in real life.

"So I really am in Fairy Tail" said Cram with an excited tone and huge grin on his face.

"Ok, before anything else. Let's go and find ourselves some shelter, and a water source" said Cram. When he was about to leave, Cram was reminded of something and said "Oh yeah almost forgot" Cram reached his hand out in an empty space; used a grabbing motion and manifested Ebony out of his Devil aura. "Just a little assurance in case magic beasts attack"

After securing a water source, some hunted game, and a place to stay, Cram begun to inspect his items. First the main weapons; One by one he manifested them using his Devil aura. Rebellion, Yamato, Force Edge, and the Gilgamesh/Beowulf variant.

Lucifer was combined with Vergil's summoned swords so it was no longer a Devil arm. However, his summoned swords can now be wielded for combat and a lot more powerful than the original.

As for his secondary weapons, he had the shot gun powered Ebony and Ivory and Pandora 666.

Looking at all the weapons he has, Cram begun to think of a schedule to practice all of them. When suddenly, a surge of memories flooded his psych. Cram groaned as a head splitting pain came with the memories.

It was Dante and Vergil's experiences in fighting using their move sets, abilities, and skill. Cram was thankful for the memories, but was still cursing the heck out of Dante and Vergil for having to much experience. Making the absorption of experience longer and making him suffer more.

After persevering a few minutes of torturous Headaches. Cram finally absorbed Dante and Vergil's experiences. Then by using what little strength he had left he secured his house/cave by placing a big rock in the front of it; covering 7/8th of it's hole. Giving enough space for only air and small critters to get in. After doing all that, he collapsed.


Time skip


After 6 months of harsh training that could even make Vegeta cry. Cram, had finally mastered every ability and skill Dante and Vergil had to offer. Also, along with his skill mastery Cram's overall power greatly improved, especially on the strength, speed and durability department.

At first his strength in normal form could be compared to Makarov in the beginning of Fairy Tail. This was thanks to the combination of a fully awakened Demon Body and the Body of a Legendary Saiyan.

Now however, Cram's over all power had greatly improved by leaps and bounds; His strength after training was now equal to that of Goku(1500Ton+) when he arrived at planet Namek for the first time. without even exerting himself in his normal state, he could dash at a top speed of Mach 5(3836mph), and could now survive a tactical nuke explosion with nothing but his skin in his normal state.

Saiyan's had amazing growth, but it shouldn't have been this amazing even for a Legendary Saiyan. I guess this is what happens when you mix a Demon and a Saiyan into one body.

With his current strength, he could now Defend himself in the Fairy Tail world. [A/N: more like conquer it if you asked me]

Cram, equiped Rebellion on his back and holstered Ebony and Ivory on his waist.

What he needed now was experience in battling mages and who better to get it from than ol' mister Black Wizard.


Southern part of Tenrou Island,

A man known as the strongest and most evil mage of all time. Who possesses powerful and extremely dangerous magic. Was currently sitting on a rock at the edge of the Forrest and had a melancholic expression on his face as he was reminded of the sins he had committed all through the decades.

However, that expression suddenly changed as he felt a presence approach him.

"Show yourself" said Zeref.

Zeref and a certain spirit, had already felt Cram's presence the first day he got to the island. The first master wasn't really interested in him as he had no magic power whatsoever. Meaning he wasn't a mage and was probably just lost or stranded on the island. Zeref on the other hand just didn't care. But got interested after a few months, when continued explosions were heard and a massive chunk of the island was cut off.

Zeref went and looked for Cram in many occasions, but always failed. He eventually gave up as he had a feeling this person will show himself to him eventually.

Back to the present,

Cram wasn't surprised when he was found out, because he really didn't hide his presence.

"I want the book of E.N.D." said Cram.

"Hmm? How do you know about the book?" asked Zeref a little surprised inwardly, while looking at Cram with a serious expression.

"First calm down, I'm not here to fight and let's just say I have my sources, anyways I will trade for it if you are interested" said Cram.

"What could you possibly have that would make me interested? And what makes you think I even have the book?" asked Zeref.

"For your first question I'll answer that later. As for the second one it's simple, because of who you are, Zeref Dragneel. As a master of E.N.D. you could sense it's presence. Looking for it's location is simple as long as you pinpoint it's direction, am I right?" said Cram.

"You even know who I am? Who exactly are you and what do you want with E.N.D.?" asked Zeref.

"My name is Cram Lib, as for why I want E.N.D. is because I want to destroy it and-

Anger suddenly took over Zeref when the idea of his brother's destruction was mentioned.

Cram couldn't finish his sentence as a black aura of death suddenly attacked him, however before it could hit, Cram suddenly disappeared from where he was and appeared a few meters away from Zeref standing there as if nothing happened.

"Teleportation magic? Hmm, but I didn't feel you use any magic power. Well, it doesn't matter because soon enough you will die" said Zeref in a threatening manner. Then extended his hand pointing a finger towards Cram and fired multiple compressed black balls of death.

Cram dodge every one of them. However, each and every time he did something like a tree, rocks or even animals that was hit by the black ball would disentegrate.

"Calm down Zeref, allow me to explain further" said Cram in a not so persuading voice as he continued to dodge Zeref's attack.

"There's no need, just die" said Zeref as he fired a beam of black laser-like light towards Cram.

Cram didn't dodge this time and deflected the laser like beam sending it flying. During this action, Zeref used teleportation magic appearing besides Cram, then used his black magic to engulf him in a circular sphere.

"This is the end" said Zeref as he was assured of his win.

But suddenly a streak of red came from inside the sphere. It was Cram using Devil Aura to manifest the Gilgamesh/Beowulf variant. Once, equiped he charged his devil arm and brought it down punching ground creating a shockwave.


Everything, that was within a 10 meter radius including the black sphere was blown to kingdom come.

Zeref, got away using Teleportation magic. However, he still suffered major burns on his right shoulder, and hand. Which healed immediately due to his curse.

Zeref couldn't regain his calm as an unspeakable aura of unknown origin, far stronger than his own aura of death was emanating from inside the crater.

He looked towards the center of the crater. Then saw it, eyes that were far redder than that of blood was shining inside the smoke at the center of the crater. Zeref shivered at this sight, the black wizard Zeref; for the first time in a few hundred years was feeling afraid.

That was careless of me, I got to confident and almost died. Who knew that black sphere could hold it's own even with me excerting my strength it's a good thing I could double my power using the Gilgamesh/Beowulf variant, but that was a good lesson nonetheless. I still need more experience at fighting magical beings thought Cram.

He deactivated his Devil Aura and returned the weapon "Variant" [This'll be it's official name] and went back to normal state. He heard of someone taking a deep breath but shrugged it off as he thought it was only his imagination.

Cram located Zeref and instantly appeared in front of him. He asked "Now can we talk?" as Zeref was a little out of it and was still in a daze he acknowledge with a nod.

Dante's Move set- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XmXlEigpW-U

Vergil's Move set- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b8hD6PFejbA

This was a little rushed.

CoolNameGuycreators' thoughts