
– Phenex

In a room lit by fire. Red and gold colors everywhere. A bed adorned with feathers. Laying there was a woman who had blonde hair.

Her stomach showed signs of being pregnant.

This was Liliari Phenex. The Lady Phenex. Compared to other Devil family, the Phenex took their bird-like theme to the next level by giving birth like birds.

Phenex wasn't born like mammals. They were born like birds.

Liliari turned and twisted on her bed. Until finally, her eyes widened and an egg quickly came out of her.

Without further ado, she spread her Hell Fire around her and hugged the egg. Because just like birds. She as a mother hen had to warm her eggs.

This process lasted for a whole day.

Rital Phenex, the Lord Phenex came inside quickly after 24 hours, he immediately looked around the bed and his face softened when he saw the image of his wife cradling and feeding a baby with her breastmilk.

"Liliari. As part of our deal, it's a boy and you can name her"

Rital smiled as he waited for the woman to think of a name, he was staring at the baby's little jingle bungle. He was glad to have 2 sons. Now, he would just need to pray for a 3rd being a daughter and he can sleep in a church in happiness. Little did he know that he would have the 4th as a daughter. (Children of pureblood are rare and treasured. The Phenex has 4 and 3 of them are males. Think about that.)

"I think... Ru... no, Roner. Roner Phenex." (And yes. It is a pun that somehow follows their Ra, Re, Ri, Ro, Ru pattern)

She nodded on her own as if to ascertain her decision. She stared at Roner with a giddy smile.

"Grow up strong like your brother, okay? Maybe the next heir if he becomes Maou, ohoho~"


Roner has grown up. Currently 4 years old, whether it's his actual age or just physically, it didn't matter.

Because Roner was afflicted with the sleeping disease. Liliari entered the room where his little boy who didn't wake up since after his first birthday laid. In her hands was a phoenix tear.

She gave it to Roner via his mouth and sat beside him.

"Roner. I'm not sure if you know, but your mother is pregnant once more. It's sad to have a little brother you can't meet at all"

She then continued on telling various stories before leaving him again.


Roner has grown up. Currently 8 years old, he was still sleeping peacefully, but this time Liliari came with a little Riser.

"Mommy. Big brother is still sleeping?"

Riser asked. Not aware of the sleeping disease. Liliari patted the little boy in the head and took a phoenix tear from her pocket.

"He's still having wonderful dreams. Let mommy give your brother medicine for a bit okay?"

Liliari then did the same as usual before sitting beside his bed and telling him stories. Riser joined in telling fun things he did.

Eventually, they left. Riser gave a small wave.

"Bye-bye big brother!"


Roner has grown up. Currently 16 years old. It has been a long time. The current ages for all the Phenex family physically at least, was Ruval 20+ years old, Roner 16 years old, Riser 12 years old, Ravel 6 years old.

In the original series. Roner continued to be afflicted with the sleeping disease and thus never appeared in canon. (AHAHA. See what I did there~ seriously though, the 2nd son never appeared, he is even unnamed... kinda like the perfect thing to play with)

However, at age 16. Roner finally finished remembering his past life.

That's right. Roner instead of getting the flash by of his life in an instant, what happened was that he relived it inside his dreams. 15 years of him being a human who was named Claudius Takeshi.

Up until he entered the swirling white.

He opened his eyes.

Raising his right arm up in the air.

He smiled.

"Thus. My Genesis begins anew."


It took a few minutes for Roner to remember the first year of his life. The words Phenex and everything he heard were enough to make him know where he was.

The Underworld, territory and home of the Devils, specifically at the Phenex Castle.

He felt weird. He felt power surging through him. Was this how it felt to be a Pure-Blooded Devil? It felt like he was constantly charged with menthol. It would take a while to get used to, but he will eventually.

He looked at his body, it was weirdly skinny. Although, probably being malnutritioned and surviving on Phoenix Tears– he wasn't sure but probably– would do that.

Roner touched his body and sighed. It really was too skinny to do anything, he couldn't even walk yet as his legs weren't... fully updated, yet in terms more familiar.

He really wished he could just get the perfect body naturally. It would do him a lot of good instead of being a sickly Phenex. Wow. What a way to be a laughingstock.

Then, as if his wishes were heard.

[Imperial Privilege]

+ Golden Rule (Body)

+ Natural Body

His body, no his inherent immortality started to burn up. It recognized his body as "injured" and not the natural body he should have.

Slowly, he started getting fatter, more muscular, more perfect. He looked like he was sculpted and there nothing that was wrong with his body. As in, he was the pinnacle of perfect that an Angel would even admit.

Such was the effects of Golden Rule (Body), the perfect body.

The increased strength and ability of never ever feeling atrophied was due to Natural Body.

Of course. Roner wasn't even aware that what happened to him was unusual. For him, this was just more privilege of being a Phenex.

He stood up, the light of the fire hitting in a certain way that made him look... like something divine.

Just in time, his mother came in with Ravel and Riser.

A loud crash of something glass and fragile resounded throughout the room, making Roner look back.

"R-Roner... Y-You finally woke up..."

She fell down on the floor, covering her mouth and crying.

"My baby boy is finally awake. Riser, Ravel. S-Say Hello to your big brother..."

She continued to be unable to process whatever was happe. Riser had stars sparkling in his eyes from looking at his big brother's body. Whilst, Ravel had the decency of a maiden and covered her eyes. With the left eye being able to see.

It was a very, very joyous occasion.


Roner sat down in front of his entire family. The word had no actual hint of being filial for him. Heck, he considered them more strangers from some series turned into strangers in real life than family.

"I shall introduce myself, I am Rutal Phenex, your father and Lord of the Phenex Clan"

"I am your elder brother. Ruval Phenex, current heir of the Phenex Clan"

"I'm your mother. Liliria Phenex"

"Hello big brother! I'm Riser!"

"Ravel Phenex. Hello big brother"


Roner wasn't really paying attention. He already knows who they are by virtue of his 1 year memory and his life as Claudius who at least knew about them. Somehow.

Rutal saw this and thought that the reason was something else.

"I know all of this might be sudden, seeing as how you just woke up from a very long sleep. But, don't worry, nothing really changed from you, you are still our dearest 2nd son. Roner Phenex."

Roner wondered how exactly those torches burn that much. Was it magic? Was the Phenex that stupid to waste magic on torches? Roner was seeing how different it was being a rich clan compared to someone like the Gremory. If he was right, Sirzechs was literally the backbone of their clan for most of the series.

Then. Roner realized that he was actually being spoken to.

"Excuse me, sir. What?"


Liliria was taken aback at the sheer... distance of how Roner referred his father.

He called him sir. Rutal felt really weird having his son address him something as respectful and far as Sir.

Ruval only raised a brow and stood up to leave after a few seconds. It was cool that his 2nd brother looked alright, but he still had other things to do.

"I'm leaving first, mother, father."

He moved with grace and Roner followed him with his eyes.

'Tch. Privileged asshole, must be real happy being the heir. Looking down on us like that, ugh'

Roner then looked back at his two younger siblings. One had sparkle in his eyes at the prospect of having someone else to play with, the other was a bit still out of it, considering she was just flashed a few minutes prior. He stared at Riser.

'Brats. Growing up privileged. How happy, you just eat sleep and gain power like a chicken lays eggs. That piece of shit even grows to get a harem and be engaged to some other heir like nothing. God, I hated that prick"

Then to Ravel.

'Slut. Privileged bitch. Reminds me of how I died. God. Being born with a bunch of privileged assholes is the worse. Is this punishment?'

He glanced at Lady and Lord Phenex.

'What the fuck do you teach your children? What sort of shitty parents are you that your son grows up to be a piece of shit and your daughter be a whore of extreme proportions?'

He then looked at the sky outside. Or whatever the red thing was.

'And this entire place reeks of a chauvinistic society. Woman gets married off and men just gets harems for the sake of harems. There's even that character who vocally admonished the female characters by telling them about how being a Devil woman should be, and boy was it just plain stupid. They're all privileged fucks who's only actual problem are anything holy and how big their dick is. God– Ow. Damn'

Roner then sighed and laid his feet on the table.

He remembered what God told him. That he was just an envious piece of shit. He felt funny.

Just how the fuck is he a problem and people, no society like this was allowed.

Then he remembered that they're Devils.

'Oh. Well. That explains a lot. Only Devils could ever manage a completely stupid and wrong way of living. They look down on reincarnated Devils and think that forgiving those who were with the old Satan faction is bad. They're stupid enough that a civil war even broke out, out of completely stupid reasons and the fucker leading them just did it for the lols. Being a Devil is being evil, so he goes and heads to war, extinction be damned. He literally sees nothing, nothing at all that would make it possible for a race as stupid as this to survive. If it wasn't for Sirzechs and Serafall acting like actual people. They would be extinct long ago. This race lacked a sense of being a race. They're born to be stupid.'

Roner finished his little insight and sighed one last time. His eyes flared with determination.

"I'm going to change this fucking hellhole from the roots."

He declared openly. He stood up and kicked the windows, breaking it. Then, by recalling whatever info he has about flying, he somehow just knew how to fly.

[Imperial Privilege]

+ Golden Rule (Body)

+ Natural Body

+ Phenex Flight

He flew out of the window, leaving his family stunned at how he acted. He didn't care. He headed straight for the biggest looking building and asked for Ajuka Beelzebub there.

He was going get his pieces and a peerage first.

Then, he'd come back and rise to the top of the Rating Games.

Then he'd be a Maou and flip this society upside down. Politically and physically.

Also mentally.

Roner didn't know why, he just felt like he could do it. He felt like he could and should do something about this place. Like an inner Emperor looking for something to rule.

This was the day, that the [Imperial Phoenix of Ash and Blood] was born. Or woke up.

Either way. Canon was done for.