
A deadly Romance

Cecilia the daughter of the mafia boss in the American mafia has only one goal in mind ,To find her missing mother ,But what happens when she is suddenly put into an arranged marriage with Lorenzo Ricci the most ruthless mafia boss in the underworld who may be involved in the disappearance of her mother .will they live through their marriage peacefully or will they end up at each others throats find out in this book!!!

Nightowlann · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs


"Your tits are so soft "I muffle into her chest and she chuckles as she rubs my hair and I feel so much comfort,I'm glad she's here but something comes into my mind "wait a minute how did you know I was here"I ask and she looks at me with an are you serious look."Cece babe everyone in the underworld knows your with Lorenzo Ricci so of course I knew you would be here"She rolls her eyes at me when I groan.

"Ah shit why is this happening to me??"I throw my pillow of the bed in frustration and get of the bed and start pacing about the room,while Zoe watches me with a raised eyebrow.

"how can I get married to the man that may or may not have had something to do with my mother's disappearance ugh " I say as I throw my hands up  in annoyance.

" Something tells me your not okay with this alliance"she says half jokingly and I glare at her, she raises her hands up in surrender .I ignore her as I walk towards the bathroom and wash my face and look in the mirror "Damn I look like shit "I yell dramatically as I wipe my face "A hot shit"Zoe yells back  " pfft That doesn't make it better "I roll my eyes as I laugh .

"Yeah it does you may look like shit but at least your hot shit"She winks at me and I scrunch my nose in disgust and push her out of the bathroom.


After my much needed afternoon bath I walk out to see Zoey looking annoyed as she throws her phone of the bed but when she sees me she pretends to be fine ,"Oh hey"she says ,I fold my arms and raise an eyebrow "spill"

Zoey sighs dramatically,"It's just my stupid new boyfriend,he got mad at me for not coming over today and started yelling at me on text!! So I broke up with him "She says as she shrugs , and starts blow drying my hair.I feel bad for her this is her sixth breakup this year.

I was about to say something when someone barges in and i look up to see a pissed Lorenzo "What the fuck is going on here,why the hell are the guards at the front door passed out and who the hell is this Porca miseria!!  "He Curses as he runs his hand through his dark hair ,And I turn to Zoey as she shrugs at me and wiggles her eyebrows "so this is  hot asshole lucky "She grins as she winks at me and turns to Lorenzo

"bye I'm going to the kitchen"She Snickers evilly to herself as she runs out , leaving me with Lorenzo who looks beyond pissed as he shoots me an explain look .

"The crazy dumbass that just ran out is my  bestfriend zoey we met at college  and she probably knocked out your guards to get in here so yeah "I shrug  and try to walk away but I'm pulled back as he looks at me intently "you've been crying"he says with a frown as he stares at me deeply.

I shift back "no I haven't" he raises an eyebrow at me "your eyes are red "

Shit I don't want him to find out  why I was crying so I blurt"I was cutting onions"

"In your room ?? Do you take me for a fool I know your lying"he says as he looks at me with a look I can't understand"yeah so what it's none of your business Lorenzo"I say

'why couldn't he just stop asking me questions it's none of his business'

He wants to say something but stops and walks away and I'm glad he did


After a while I go downstairs to the kitchen and  I see Zoey getting pinned down by Rosa as she points a dagger at herl,they both turn and I see Zoey blushing and I roll my eyes

'kinky ass weirdo'

she winks at me and I shake my head and head towards them , Rosa turns to me and let's her go "Sorry about her Rosa she's a nut job ",Zoey trys to put her arm around Rosa but Rosa directs her dagger to Zoey to try and scare her but Zoey raises the dagger to her neck and smiles.

"Damn mama mi sto eccitando " Zoey says as she winks at Rosa ,Rosa scoffs but I see a slight blush on her face  "Freaking masochist"she mutters and walks away and I turn to Zoey only to see her staring at Rosa's ass and I flick her forehead "Pervert"

She pouts at me as she rubs her forehead"you can't blame me she's hella hot" She says with a smirk on her face . "what did u do to her ?" I  wince when I hear Rosa's cursing all the way from the training room shooting crazily at the poor test dummy .

"Me I didn't do anything-"

I raise an eyebrow at her

" I really didn't "

"Your a shit liar "I state

"Okay fine I may or may not have kissed her "she says quietly and I yell "what the hell you were only down here for like 5 minutes how did that happen "I throw my hands out in the air suprised.

"I didn't do it on purpose I slipped and then we fell on each other and kissed "She yells back with a also suprised look on her face

'i always thought that only happened in movies '

I shake my head at Zoey's comical stupidity and tell her she better apologize and she mock salutes me and  runs upstairs .


Ten minutes later ,Zoey comes downstairs with a smile and I ask how it went "Let's just say we're practically best friends-"

"Best friends is a stretch"Rosa interrupts as she comes downstairs

And rolls her eyes jokingly at Zoey and I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I get to keep that idiot alive.

"God I'm bored "Zoey exclaims suddenly and Rosa nods in agreement"let's go do something fun "Rosa says and I ask"Like what??"

"Racing "Rosa smiles and tells me to go change and I do ,I go to my room and pick out a pair of black ripped jeans and a leather jacket then I let my hair down .

I meet them outside and she leads us to her personal garage and I feel like I'm in heaven when I see my motorcycle and I'm pretty sure Rosa caught on to my evident excitement when I basically run up to it and start it "Fuck I missed you "I say to my mortocycle and Zoey gags but I ignore her and check out my baby.

Rosa tells me about a racing competition tonight and that she wanted us to go since Lorenzo was to busy working to notice we we're gone and I immediately agreed and I got on my motorcycle and Rosa got on hers it was an Harley Davidson like Lorenzo's except hers was smoking red ,Zoey sat at her back and put her hands around Rosa's waist "what are you doing?"Rosa says as she stiffens

"You don't want me to fall of now do you Rosie??"Zoey says as she bats her eyelashes at her and I laugh when Rosa's eyes twitches from Zoey's new nickname for her "Don't call me that "She grits out as she drives off and I drive off too.


It's a. Private race club and thanks to Rosa we where able to get in everywhere was filled with men with their Motorcycles betting on races and getting entertained by dancing women.We look to the stands and see an audience watching a race going on

going on .

We look to see a Yamaha R15 V4 speeding to the finish line the other contestant tries to catch up but the Yamaha driver swerves and hits the other driver with his bike causing him to fall and crash as the Yamaha driver Speeds to the finish line and the crowd cheers.

The man removes his helmet and leans on his bike as everyone cheers him on as he brags"Come on isn't anyone here good enough to beat me y'all are a bunch of pathetic shits"He Spits and spanks one of the lady waiters walking and he laughs.

"Ah geez this guy sounds like a douche "Zoey blurts out loud and everyone turns to us including Blondie as he looks at us and smirks and walk up to us"oh hello ladies could you be here for me "He says as he looks at us with lustful eyes and I feel utterly disgusted i need to put this asshole in his place so before anyone speaks I do

"Yeah I'm looking for a good racer to challenge but from the look of things I ain't seen shit"He turns to me and he smiles pervetedly at me "oh really then how bout you race me baby "He chuckles as he tries to go closer to me but I shift away "Okay then let's race"

He seems amused that I agreed"you hear that y'all this fine baby right here wants to race against me place y'all can place your bets cause you already know who's winning "He jeers and I don't pay them anymind instead I get in the tracks with my mortocycle .

Everyone laughs and I hear whispers "how does this woman want to beat chase he's the best racer in this whole city "

"Yeah that woman's definitely going to lose ,I don't know why she's making a fool of herself like this "

"Yeah but isn't she sexy as fuck I wonder if I can pay her for a night after she loses since she's going to need the money some men say as they laugh and then I hear Rosa yell at them "hey!! assholes chiudi Il becco"She glares as she point a dagger at them and they go quiet.

Just as they are about to countdown he turns to me and says"Hey beautiful let's make our little bet if I win I get to take you home for the night but if you do you get my hot bike "He smirks foolishly and I nod at him ,he's obviously underestimating me cause I'm a woman.

'haha this is going to be fun'

I grin as I face the road as the lady yells

"READY .....SET.....GO!!!!"

Word count:1765 words

A/n:hi guys thanks for reading I'm enjoying this book so far I hope you guys too feel the same feel free to comment and tell me what you think thanks .