Annasisa was on duty at a club, keeping the peace between the rest of the humans and vampires and making sure no one was breaking the rules. Her father was making rounds in the city with her sister Jasmine and brother Nightstar. They were her father's favorite children because she refused to kill a vampire when she was sixteen years old and let the vampire go back to his kingdom.
Annasisa has long silver hair with blue eyes. She is slim but not too skinny, and she has fair skin. She is 27 years old now, unlike the rest of her kind who got married at 20 or 23 years old. They have families, but Annasisa didn't like the males she grew up with.
As Annasisa was making her rounds she saw a group of young vampires come into the bar and they spotted her. They whispered under their breath and said, "Shit she's on duty today! I thought you said someone else was on duty, Jax."
Jax was 127-year-old Dhampir who had known Annasisa since high school and college. He had long red hair with golden-green eyes, he was pale with slightly tan skin and he was about average height but compared to the other dhampirs he was tall.
Jax looked at Annasisa who was making her rounds at the bar and he said, "She was not supposed to be here tonight. Unless her father and sister forced her to work today."
He approached her angrily and said, "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with your friend Mira today like you told me you were going to be?"
Annasisa looked at him with a serious look in her eyes and said, "Oh, I am with my friend Mira; she is on her way. And what business is it to you that I am here or not, Jax? Are you trying to cause trouble tonight? Is that it?"
Jax clutched his hand into a fist and said, "You should leave now unless you want to get hurt."
"Oh, I am sorry Jax but I am here on duty tonight. I'm not here to babysit some spoiled Dhampir! Since you threaten to hurt me, I can teach you a lesson or two." She said with a dangerous look that would scare any vampire that walked into the bar.
"Annasisa, why are you yelling at this dhampir and did he threaten you?" says a woman with long blue hair and blue-green eyes, with fair skin. She stood about average height but when she stood next to Annasisa she was taller by a few inches.
Annasisa just nodded to the woman and the woman looked at Jax and said, "I know for a fact it is against the rules in here to threaten people, sir."
Jax folded his hands into a fist and said, "She is not allowed to come to work today and yes, I know she was at work yesterday and didn't get any sleep yet. Her fucking family has a leash on her and she does everything her family tells her to do. How can she be independent from her family when she does everything they tell her to do?!"
The woman let him talk and she took notice he was folding his hand into a fist, she walked to him to wrap his hand in cloth and said, "One, Annasisa is an independent woman she just doesn't show it much, and two Annasisa's family is her boss until she gets ranked up to gold rank hunter but sadly for her even to rank that high she needs to kill a full-fledged vampire."
Jax remained quiet as the woman said, "Let me guess you were hoping she would be getting a good night's sleep since she works with her family?"
Jax just nodded to the woman, and the woman glared at him with hate. She says, "I am sorry, but that is not how her family works. They want her to be sleep-deprived so she can make a huge mistake while she is out on her job. I hate people who think like that, including people who don't understand the issues that are at hand."
Jax found his voice and said, "Okay yes I may not know the issues at hand but does that mean I can not fucking care? She is in danger here, and this is not a threat it is stating a fucking fact! One she is tired she has not slept in what? a day? a week? She can't keep up with the ones who may become a problem, the other thing is we have a really fucking big name coming in today, we can't have her here!"
Annasisa looked at him with hate and said, "But sadly my family was the ones who were ordered to be here tonight by a friend of my mother when she was alive."
Jax laughed and said, "Right, And who was this friend? Because no organization would order hunters here today because of the big wig coming today, he scares the fucking piss out of them! Besides that who are you?" he said looking to Mira.
The woman smiled at him for asking who she was with everything that was said to him. She said, " My name is Mira Sunlight and why would Annasisa make up a lie for me? She knows I'm not too fond of liars and you making her out to be is pissing me off Jax."
Jax froze into place and he remembers hearing about a woman named Mira. She was supposed to be one of the youngest vampire hunters in a century that killed eight rogue vampires and nine full pledge vampires that had killed a family of vampire hunters and she was only 9 years old at that time. He didn't understand how Annasisa could be a friend of someone that powerful, but at the same time, she would know the fact that the Organizations would not order hunters here at this time. "Okay, look Mira. you are part of one of the biggest Organizations in the world, and you know that Draven is coming into town, coming here specifically, I am not calling her a liar I am calling her family liar, now please, get her the fuck out and get her to rest, please!"
Mira's eyes widened at the name Jax said to her, she knew it well due to the fact he was an old and powerful vampire he was feared yet respected by both hunter and vamp, Jax was right and she knew it.
As Mira was about to turn around and tell Annasisa that they needed to go now, he walked in, a tall dark figure at first, he had long black hair pale skin, and sharp facial features, he was maybe six feet or seven feet tall, and he looked as if he was muscular as well, he was dressed in a nice black suit almost seeming to be silk from the looks of it, he walked with such grace that he seemed to glide over the floor through the crowd, all Mira and Jax could do at that moment was curse under their breaths, and stand in front of Annasisa and shield her from his sight, for whatever reason Annasisa did not know but at the same time, her eyes could not leave the vamp as he walked in.
coming soon