
A Crown For Throne: Guild Incantation

The last thing she remember is that she died because of the car accident, she was admitted in hospital and announced comatose. Until she was out of breath, out of heartbeat and out of line. Not until she resurrected, but in another world.

goddess_aba · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 1


It is not so good to be here in front of all unknown people, looking at you intently like questioning your whole image, not just physically I think. I think they are also digging some theories, asking themselves who I am. But I won't forget the fire thingy that float a while ago that almost hits me, and a guy who is fucking flying like it is already natural here. Wait, am I really resurrected? But this is not human world! Their eyes, their eyes are different! They do have different colored eyes! Red, yellow, blue, green and violet.

"Captain, I thought you're not gonna hire anymore? Why is she here?" The girl who has violet eyes said, she is sophisticatedly looking at my eyes with disgust but I don't care anymore! What I want to know is what kind of world is this? Is this a fantasy world? Just like from the mangas I read?

"That's what I thought too." The man that violet eye girl called 'Captain' said. He is really cold, his personality is like an iceberg that so hard to break. His aura is something that you won't really like to be with in one room. His red blood eyes is still staring at my eyes like there is something wrong 'bout it.

"Her eyes, it's different Cap! It's my first time encountering that kind of eye color." My gaze transfer to that guy who has yellow eyes. I think he is the jolly one of their group, he is always smiling like an idiot.

"W-What do you mean my eyes are different? What are you talking about?" I asked but their Captain just hissed and stood up like a fucking moron. I politely asked! But did he just ignore me?

"I have amnesia!" I shouted. That! He stopped and looked at me again. But still, no responses from him and continued walking away from our table.

"Hello, Miss. I am Midori, I am the Vice Captain of this guil—"

"She has amnesia, Midori. I think she doesn't remember anything, even about guilds." Blue eyed girl spoke, she is smiling but a sincere one. I sensed that she is so pure and kind, unlike the other one with violet eyes with her violent stares.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Well, this building is a guild where all the members are working, having discussions and executing plans. We are hiring people who are having not just an extraordinary powers but incredible personality." Power. I am really in a fantasy world! Am I dreaming? I slapped my face that made them shock but I just smiled a bit.

"C-Continue please." I am just as crazy as fuck!

"And that stops when other guild members attacked us, stopping us to hire, to discover people with such incredible powers. Our Captain doesn't want to risk other people's lives who can't fight by their own that's why he stopped us hiring members." I nodded, I am a fast learner and active listener so I understand it fully and quickly. But I don't know if I can adopt their nature here that easily because I don't know if I have powers or not. It's risky for me if the other guilds attack them again and to be killed.

"But we are confuse right now why you are here, Captain don't want to entertain another member anymore. But I think I know now, and it is funny that you are scared of fire balls where those are natural here. You can see them everywhere, those are like the eyes of the owner and checking if there is something wrong with the guild or in surroundings. By the way where's my manner, I am Oceana. Midori's wife." We shaked hands after she introduce herself. The blue eye girl.

"Your eyes, it is a rainbow color. I don't know if it's rare but this is the first time we met such eyes. You have long natural black hair and your height is towering, you almost reached our Captain's height! Hey, I am Thunder!" The one who are floating a while ago, the smiling idiot with yellow paired of eyes.

I have rainbow eyes? Is it good? Long hair? As far as I remember, I have short hair in human world. I don't know if my face is still the same, I don't know if I am still Alfalla.

"That girl who has violet eyes, well she is Violet. She summons beasts, that's her power. Thunder, well, controls lightning and electricity. Oceana obviously controls any form of liquid, well me? I controlled nature's living things. Our Captain produce and manipulate fire. He is Hell by the way, literally hell." I don't know but I am having this excitement inside me, do I have powers like them right? Because I won't be here if I don't have!

"I only remember is my name. I am Alfalla, I don't know further things but I am fully in shocked right now. I forgot everything, where I lived and who I am. My feet just dragged me here out of nowhere." I looked at Violet and her gazed is still the same but I know she is suspecting. But I have to act perfectly, I have to pretend that I am having amnesia. I don't know what will happen to me if they will know that I am from another world, worst is from human world.

"Well I guess welcome to our guild! Welcome to Incantation! That's our guild name." I smiled a bit, still I don't have to feel complacent around these people because I don't know them yet. I just know who are their names and powers, but not their stories.

"But first, before you become our members, you have to oath that your loyalty is on us. Is on our guild, and is on our Captain. Loyalty is the most important thing, we have to assure that you are not an asset from the other guild and you are not a spy from every kingdom." I got it, they are suspecting me as one of the spies or assets from the group whom I don't know.

I just smiled and raised my right hand.

"I am not an asset nor spy, villain or enemy of your guild. I swear, even though we are not that fully acquainted, still my loyalty is for the first guild who accepted me even I am encountering such chaos within my brain. I am Alfalla, will serve Incantation Guild."

And that, I received my guild tattoo and it's on my right shoulder. A guild tattoo.

Please let me know if you like my story so that I can update anytime. Motivations please!

goddess_abacreators' thoughts