2 Study Date

Hannah could not get Jasmine's voice out of her head, "Never know, he could be interested too." Why would he be interested? She's mostly quiet around him during their interactions, and he's doesn't seem the kind of person to like the quiet type. Granted, Hannah's only quiet because of the nerves that comes with having a crush on someone.

Maybe he could be interested if he actually gets to know me. Hannah thinks wistfully. How could that even happen during study groups, when all the attention is literally on doing work.

She mindlessly highlights the key terms and definitions in the chapter of Child Development that she's reading. She did not get all that much done yesterday and is falling behind in her readings. Her professor sent out an email that morning announcing a quiz on Friday on this week's readings – two chapters and a handout packet. Hannah barely started one chapter and hasn't even looked at the packet since it was distributed last Friday. She groans at the prospect of failing the quiz.

Quizzes are 10% of the grade, and you need this to take the next courses. Come on, Hannah! You're better than this! She hypes herself up. She shakes her head and diverts her attention from thinking about Zachary and whether he will show up and study with her to actually reading the book. Stages of development… infancy… Hannah bangs her head against the textbook. Why is it so hard to concentrate?!

"Looks like you're having a rough time," Zachary's voice floats over to her. "Maybe we should study together some other time."

"No!" Hannah all but leaps from her seat to grab his arm. She stops herself mid motion and quickly moves into a wave showcasing the open chairs. "Just take a seat. I'm good."

"Okay…" he awkwardly and hesitantly takes the seat across for Hannah. She internally face palms at her eagerness and its deterrent from him sitting next to her.

"What are you studying today?" Hannah tries to save the already awkward encounter.

"Anatomy, same as yesterday," Zachary answers. "It's so much material. We're only on cells right now, but like imagine having to know the entire body and its systems by the end of the semester!"

"I thought it's a two semester course."

"It is," he confirms. "I just kind of want a head start so I don't have to work as hard next semester."

"You might forget everything over the summer though," Hannah points out. "It's not like between Fall and Spring where we only have a month off. Three months is plenty of time to forget everything we've ever learned, or thought we've learned."

"I'm going to take summer classes," Zachary informs. "I'm not even sure I'll graduate on time without taking summer classes."

"You're a freshman taking Anatomy, pretty sure you're already ahead."

"Yeah, by one class. If I'm going to graduate school, I need to do better than one class advanced."

"Are you planning to go to med school right away?" Hannah asks. She knows that Zachary is studying Biology, but she doesn't his plans after college.

"Vet school," he corrects. "I'm not going to be a doctor. Hence, not pre-med. But this school doesn't have a pre-vet program, unfortunately."

"Oh, that's awesome!" Hannah pauses, "The vet school thing, not our school not having a pre-vet program."

"Yeah, which is kind of why Anatomy is killing me because I have no interest in the human body," he gripes. "What is knowing how the human body works going to help me in the future?"

"Some animals move in similar ways and have like muscles, I think it's useful to have this knowledge," Hannah interjects. "I mean, it also gives you an opportunity to change your mind in the future."

"That's fair," Zachary says and goes silent. "What are you studying?"

"Child Development," she automatically answers.

"No, I meant in general," he clarifies. "I know you're a Psych major, but like what are you aiming to be?"

"Oh!" Hannah exclaims, slightly embarrassed at her assumption. "My dream is to be a social worker. I want to work with children, maybe foster system type things. I don't know too much about the details yet."

Zachary doesn't say anything and opens his textbook, leaving Hannah awkwardly awaiting a response. Okay, then. She thinks as she returns to her own studies. I guess he didn't like my response, but it won't change what I want out of life.

"I think it's admirable," Zachary comments after ten minutes of silence except for the occasional highlighter glide and page flip. "Being a social worker, I mean."

Hannah gives a small nod, her head still down focusing on the page in front of her. She feels her cheeks warming up at the compliment. Admirable. People say that to her all the time when she talks about her career goals, but hearing it from Zachary feels different, special even.

They continue to study in silence for another 30 minutes before Hannah leans back in her chair and breathes out a heavy sigh. Chapter done! She glances over to Zachary who happens to be staring at her and they make eye contact. Zachary averts his gaze first, sheepish smile on his face.

"You're done?" Hannah asks, trying to ease the tension. If he was looking at me, then he was probably already done studying and checking to see if I was ready to go, she insists.

"Uh, not yet," he answers. "I just got a little distracted."

"Oh yeah, that happens to me all the time!" she chuckles. "The quiet is not conducive to focus sometimes."


Hannah takes that as a signal ending the conversation and rolls her head to release the tension in her neck before returning to her textbook. Next chapter, almost done reading. She tries to pep talk herself.

"Hey Hannah," Zachary gently calls for her attention. She looks up at him.


"You want to grab lunch or dinner sometime?" he asks.

Hannah screams on the inside, freaking out. Is he asking me out? Does he want to go on a date? No way, it must be a friend thing. Don't spazz! It's probably casual and if you make a big deal it'll turn him off and he'll change his mind. Calm yourself!

"Sorry, if you don't want to, that's totally cool too," he says. Taking her blank stare and silence as a no to his invitation.

"No!" Hannah exclaims. "I mean, yes! I mean…"

Ugh! Get it together girl!

"I mean yeah lunch or dinner sounds good. When were you thinking?" Hannah tries again, praying that Zachary doesn't rescind his offer.

"Maybe Saturday? I have a practice in the afternoon, so maybe dinner," he says. "I can meet you outside your dorm."

"Yeah, sounds like a plan! Maybe say 7-ish?" Hannah suggests.

"Cool," Zachary agrees. "I actually have to run now, but I'll see you on Saturday."

Zachary begins packing up his things and Hannah just watches as he gathers his belongings, looking down and pretending to read when she notices his gaze moving toward her. Once he's done, she looks up to smile and wave while he retreats. Once he's left, she lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding since they made the plans for Saturday.

I'm getting dinner with him on Saturday! Ahhh!
