
When All's Been Said And Done

"Gosh, what's taking him so long?" 

Trish was impatiently waiting at the front of the staircase that Kreig descended several minutes ago. The other assessors have fully recovered and are just waiting for Kreig to come back so they can make their way to Howling Pass. It has been more than fifteen minutes when Kreig went to gather the rest of the statue fragments. It wasn't that long since then, but knowing him, he wouldn't take this long just to gather some pieces of rocks. That's why Tirsh's worry is understandable. 

"Hey, Cap'n, do you think we should go and check how he's doing?" she asked Gladius, who was just sitting there waiting like the other assessors are.

"What? Do you think that HE needs us to check on him? Just leave him be. He'll be back in just a few, you'll see," he replied as if brushing off Trish's unwarranted comment. 
