
A informatial start

"In the beginning, there were Gods that wanted to create life.

The Goddess of light, Celestia, and the God of Fire, Rafit, created our sun so that we could see.

The God of Darkness, Eretus, and the God of Earth, Amri, created the 3 Moons: Mimes, Rhevos and Methas

Rafit and made the Fundament for our Planet, Fantasia.

The Planet was still not habitable for us lower lifeforms, so the God of water, Celci, made the Sea so that we have something to drink and nourish us.

The God of Air, Ofstar, made the air we breathe.

The Goddess of Life, Rebecca, and The God of Natur, Fisota, gave Fantasia the First tree, the World Tree in Greenhaven. The World Tree spread all kinds of seeds so that plant life could grow.

After the Gods were finished with the world did they create the guardians of Fantasia the dragons. They created the seven clans of Dragons: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, nature, Light and Darkness. Dragons are strong but few in number, so they created our civilised Races.

The Goddess of Life, Rebecca, helped every god in their pursuit to create the civilised Races. This is the reason that she doesn't have a race that is purely created by Rebecca. This is also why many people call her the Mother of Civilised Races.

Celestia created the Ashari, which are humanoid beings that have white skin and Blond hair, they also have a golden crystal in their forehead which gives them a higher than normal affinity with Light Magic. Their Body type is sleek and typically not suited for close combat, so they specialised in magic and archery.

Eretus made the Caltar. He made a humanoid race which had a grey skin colour. Also, they have a body type which is more robust side. They are more inclined to darkness due to the obsidian gem on their forehead.

Rafit made the Altari, which are also humanoid but had 4 arms and red skin. Their hair has the colour of ash and they have a red gem in their chest. They gained a higher than average affinity to fire magic from their red gem.

Amri created the Bumrath race. This race is also humanoid with 2 legs and 2 arms. They are shorter than the other Civilised Races and not so much agile, but they have a powerful mind. They have no gem of the earth

"In the beginning, there were Gods that wanted to create life.

The Goddess of light, Celestia, and the God of Fire, Rafit, created our sun so that we could see.

The God of Darkness, Eretus, and the God of Earth, Amri, created the 3 Moons: Mimes, Rhevos and Methas

Rafit and made the Fundament for our Planet, Fantasia.

The Planet was still not habitable for us lower lifeforms, so the God of water, Celci, made the Sea so that we have something to drink and nourish us.

The God of Air, Ofstar, made the air we breathe.

The Goddess of Life, Rebecca, and The God of Natur, Fisota, gave Fantasia the First tree, the World Tree in Greenhaven. The World Tree spread all kinds of seeds so that plant life could grow.

After the Gods were finished with the world did they create the guardians of Fantasia the dragons. They created the seven clans of Dragons: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, nature, Light and Darkness. Dragons are strong but few in number, so they created our civilised Races.

The Goddess of Life, Rebecca, helped every god in their pursuit to create the civilised Races. This is the reason that she doesn't have a race that is purely created by Rebecca. This is also why many people call her the Mother of Civilised Races.

Celestia created the Ashari, which are humanoid beings that have white skin and Blond hair, they also have a golden crystal in their forehead which gives them a higher than normal affinity with Light Magic. Their Body type is sleek and typically not suited for close combat, so they specialised in magic and archery.

Eretus made the Caltar. He made a humanoid race which had a grey skin colour. Also, they have a body type which is more robust side. They are more inclined to darkness due to the obsidian gem on their forehead.

Rafit made the Altari, which are also humanoid but have 4 arms and red skin. Their hair has the colour of ash and they have a red gem in their chest. They gained a higher than average affinity to fire magic from their red gem.

Amri created the Bumrath race. This race is also humanoid with 2 legs and 2 arms. They are shorter than the other Civilised Races and not so much agile, but they have a powerful mind. They have no gem of the earth variety, but they have a boost in mind magic.

Celci created the Enesh race which is the only civilised race that lives exclusively in the sea. This humanoid race has two arms and a Tail. Their skin tone is kind of bluish and they have 2 gems on their elbow which gives them more affinity to water magic.

Ofstar made the Britax, which have a pair of wings, 2 legs and 2 arms. A fully mature Britax can fly up to 30 km/h with a maximum endurance of 4 hours. They have 2 orbs at the base of their wings, giving them a higher affinity for wind magic.

Fisota made two races the Nashme and the Erime. The Nashme are a race that eliminates threats to the world tree and forest ecosystem in general. The Erime are the nurturers of the forest ecosystem. The two races were created so that a balance could be reached in the region around the world tree.

The Nashme are a more robust race with thick skin and quick reflexes. Their preferred frontal battles. They are also called Dark Elves. They have darker skin and pointy ears.

The Erime are an agile race with sharp eyes. They are a generally peaceful race but if provoked can take out many people with their magic and arrows. They have pointy ears and a paler skin tone than the Nashme. They are also called Wood Elves.

This was written as the first Chapter of the Book of the Beginning, Architep."

The Priest clears his throat.

The Priest looked like a 30-year-old man with long brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"This was it for this week's lesson kids. I know you children have most likely a ton of questions so I am going to answer a few of them."

As he was saying there were many arms already in the air to get his attention.

"Yes, Maria what is your question?"

The Priest pointed at a 6-year-old girl with blond hair, blue eyes and freckles.

"Yes sir, why wasn't the human race mentioned?" asked Maria

"Good Question Maria, we humans were later created than the First Civilised Races. I wanted to talk about us humans in a few weeks, but I can say a few things about us, humans. We were created in the Second Age, also known as the Age of Chaos, in a combined effort of all 7 Divines so that we could fight against the Outlanders. That was a-"

"Sir what are the Outlanders?" asked another kid.

This kid was also 6 years old and had spiky red hair and brown eyes.

"Matthias it is not polite of you to interrupt someone while they are speaking." said the priest sternly

"Sorry mister Lockard," said Matthias apologetic

"I let this one slide, but don't do that again. This is also a lesson for you all kids. Always try to be polite and own up to your mistakes."

"Understood Mister Lockard" shouted the whole class.

"To get back to the Outlanders. They are creatures that plague the civilised Races since the Second Age, because they are the footsoldiers of evil gods that try to conquer this World. This is it for now I will talk about the second Age and the System next week ."

"Sir, what is the System?" says another kid with brown hair and green eyes.

"Guys again with the interruptions." the priest sighs

"Sorry Mister Lockard, but what is the System?" says the kid

"It is alright Roy it is good to be inquisitive. In short form, the System is a Divine Gift that helps all life grow. It helps people grow in their Professions and visualise their Status. Every lifeform has an innate ability. Every Body has in their Status: Constitution (CONS), Agility/Speed (SPD), Dexterity (Dex), Intelligence (INT) and Wisdom (WIS).

The higher the Constitution, the higher the Health Points (HP). Also, Constitution contributes to the Physical Defence (P-DEF) and Physical Attack (P-ATK). So in short can be a lifesaver.

Agility means that the speed of your muscles is higher. This means faster movement speed and also faster attack speed.

Dexterity is balance, reaction and eye-hand coordination. This basically means control over the body.

Intelligence is for magic power. The more INT Someone has the more MP (Magic Points) someone has. INT also strengthens the Magic Attack (M-ATK) and Defence (M-DEF). If someone doesn't take the Magic Route then this will be switched with a Supporting Stat of the chosen Path. Or when someone chooses a mixed class with more than one Path will all supporting stats of the Paths be included in the Status

Wisdom is for control of Magic. The more someone has control over their Magic the more efficient the magic. Also if someone uses a spell and has enough mana but their control is too low then a Spell malfunction will happen. A Spell malfunction means a spell explodes on the caster point blank.

So children can someone tell me why we humans have Wisdom and Intelligence visible when we first get our Status?"

Everybody was quiet after so much information. Mister Lockard waited a while so that they could ponder over his question.

After the long pause did Maria raise her hand and said" is it because we are good at magic?"

"Good answer Maria. We, humans, are blessed in the way of magic because we can all use dark, light, wind, water, earth and fire magic. But some people have more talent in certain elements or even different fields. So if you want to be a magician you can be it, but you don't have to. Some people want to be a Swordsman or a healer or a Bard. The Options are endless, so I have homework for you guys. The homework for you guys is "What do I want to do when I am older?". I see you kids next week.

Have a Good day and be the Divines be with you."

"And also with you!" roared the children.

I have dyslexia so if you see a problem please comment it.

Many thanks :)

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micha4flamecreators' thoughts