1 The Power Behind Doubts

It takes a strength few can reach to be satisfied with yourself. To consciously know who you are and be satisfied. As all it takes is a spark of doubt to make you tumble to the ground. And recovering makes an unknown future. You could change, little or lots, and that is what we fear. What will happen if that voice that repeats and reminds the worst of the worst actually has truth to it? That's a thought nobody likes to face.

Doubts are as good as they are bad. The moment you doubt something you end up risking everything. And that's why people ignore them, as having such negative thoughts can only make your day worse. Seeing inside your own head can be such a hindrance that people will decide to just not think. To go through their lives with the bliss of thoughtlessness.

In the end a balance of both is good. When things get stressful and tense, sometimes thinking is the last thing you should do. Performing at your best without hesitation. And sometimes thinking is better, it allows for decisions and precise actions. That's exactly what doubts do. They provide the what if, and you can base your preparations off of that. They keep you thinking about yourself and your insecurities, making sure you are always you. And they can drive you to constantly improve however you think you should.

As long as they don't control you.
