
Ch 4 proof that Tony stark has a heart

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"And now I'm back home." Tony commented.

The US Air Force One touched down, Pepper and Happy waiting for it in the airstrip. Pepper's eyes were flushed and her makeup was running. The ramp lowered, and inside the plane Rhodey pulled Tony to his feet and supported him as he slowly walked down the ramp. Tony's right arm was in a sling. Medical personnel came rushing up to him but he scoffed them with a dismissive gesture.

Pepper rolled her eyes, "Some things never change."

Pepper smiled through her tears as Tony asked her if she was weeping for her long lost boss, to which she replied she was weeping tears of joy as she hated job hunting. Tony told her vacation was over.

"It's like you two were made for each other." Rhode said as everyone snickered while Tony and Pepper blushed.

The two sat in the car as Pepper asked Happy to drive them to the hospital but Tony refused, saying he wanted an American cheeseburger and call a press conference, much to Pepper's shock.

"You and your cheeseburgers." Pepper sighed.

"So this is the conference?" Steve asked and Tony nodded.

"Bold move from a bold man." Fury said.

When Happy pulled up to the curb, a number of well-dressed people were standing waiting to meet him. They began to applaud as soon as they saw the car, and Obadiah Stane sprang forward, arms outstretched. Obadiah greeted Tony happily as Happy gave him his second cheeseburger, with Obadiah wondering why Tony didn't meet him at the hospital.

"Why, so you could stab me to death there?" Tony asked dryly.

"He doesn't even feel guilty after seeing your condition." Peter commented.

"No conscience in him. He won't." Natasha educated the boy.

"She is right, Peter." Benjamin told him and he simply nodded.

"Some people just want power for themselves. They don't care about who they hurt, bub." Logan told him.

Tony and Obadiah entered the conference room as the reporters applauded. Pepper stood at the back of the room, wondering what he was going to do. Someone called out to her and she turned to see a middle-aged man standing next to her, requesting to speak to her for a moment.

"Son of Coul!" Thor called out.

"Good ol' Coulson." Tony commented.

"He was a nice guy." Pepper said.

"Sure was." Tony agreed.

"How you doin' Coulson?" Clint asked on-screen Coulson randomly.

"Wish he could answer that." Natasha noted absently.

"Good to see him." Hill muttered to herself.

Loki didn't say a word, knowing they would glare at him the moment he did.

Fury didn't say anything either, as he knew what the others didn't.

"Are you going to keep it a secret from them forever, Director Fury?"

Fury was shocked to hear Xavier's voice in his head. He turned to see Xavier looking at him with a kind smile. Benjamin, Odinson and Logan looked at him and gave a simple nod before turning back to the screen.

'They know.' Fury thought to himself. [1]

The man introduced himself as Agent Phil Coulson of Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. Pepper commented that it was a mouthful, to which he replied they were working on it.

"Didn't we already work on it?" Hill asked.

"The man had a sense of humor." Fury told everyone. [2]

Pepper said they had been visited by various agencies but Phil said they were a separate division with a more separate focus, saying they needed to debrief Tony about the circumstances of his escape. Pepper agreed to an appointment and he walked off with a 'Thank you.'

"What an appointment that was." Pepper remembered with a shudder.

"Good thing that sort of thing never happened again." Tony agreed.

Tony asked all the reporters to sit down so they could all see him and it would be a little less formal. He took a bite of his sandwich while the Press actually sat down after looking quizzically at each other as Obadiah sat next to Tony.

"They actually sat down?" Aunt May said incredulously.

"It's me, remember?" Tony said and everyone rolled their eyes at his antics.

"Yeah, we remember." Clint snarked dryly.

"Mr. Stark has some kind of quality in him." Vision said.

"Can't argue with that." Benjamin agreed.

Rhodes walked up to Pepper to ask her of the matter but she had no idea. "I never got to say goodbye to my dad." Tony said to Obadiah.

Bucky gulped as Natasha held his hand while Steve simply nodded at him.

Tony then said the same thing to the audience before telling them how he would have asked him if he was conflicted over what his company did. Tony then said how he saw young Americans getting killed by the weapons created to defend and protect them, and how he was part of a system with zero accountability.

"Americans?" Wanda asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't know the full deception that had been carried out behind my back during that time." Tony told her, "I'm sorry." [3]

She simply nodded, letting the matter go for now.

The reporters asked him the details of his abduction and he got up and walking to the podium, said he had his eyes opened, saying he could offer more to this world than blowing stuff up. He then began, "And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturer division of Stark International -"The crowd went wild at that declaration as Tony continued, "Until such a time as I can decide what the future of this company will be, what direction it should take -"

"Whoa!" Peter beamed.

"That was when you stopped making weapons." Thor noted as Stark simply nodded.

"It looked like a disaster though." Pepper noted of the conference.

"It really did." Sam agreed as he looked at the screen.

Obadiah not so subtly pushed Tony off the microphone, joking about how many newspapers they will sell. "- one that I am comfortable with, and is consistent with the highest good for this country as well," finished Tony as he walked away from the podium.

"What a bombshell." Hill said.

"Obadiah must be feeling very screwed right now." Bruce commented.

Rhodes had a mixed expression on his face as Obadiah tried to calm the situation, saying Tony was back.

"Yeah, I'm back!" Tony said as everyone sighed.

Later, outside the main Stark Industries factory, Obadiah came riding on a segway with a cigarette in his mouth. As Happy took the segway, Obadiah took the cigarette out of his mouth and using a keycard, went inside. Tony stood near the Arc Reactor prototype that powered the factory.

"That's pretty big." Bucky commented, summing up everyone's thoughts on it.

Obadiah chastised Tony for what he had done, bringing up the stock drop. Obadiah said that they were weapons manufacturers so they needed to make weapons. Tony countered, saying he didn't want a body count to be his only legacy, to which Obie said they were ironmongers. Tony said it was his name on the side of the building as Obie said they kept the world from falling into chaos.

"Your name on the side of the building doesn't really mean much." Loki told Tony.

"So you blew my name up?" Tony asked dryly.

"It was an accident." Thor shrugged, "I mean, you should feel lucky the power I emanate isn't powerful enough to destroy the galaxy as a side effect."

"Now I wonder if I could make things happen with a word." Wanda said.

"That would make life very uninteresting." Tony said.

"Yeah, it would be too boring." Natasha agreed. [4]

"Obadiah wants to keep the world in chaos." Steve said.

"But I'm guessing he is delusional enough to believe that he is doing something good." Sam said.

"All villains are heroes of their own stories." Rhodes said.

"I actually agree with that." Peter said as he thought of Adrian Toomes.

"I got a specimen of that right here." Thor said as he clapped Loki on the back who looked annoyed and even ashamed of his past actions.

Tony said he wanted them to do something else but Obadiah was having none of it. Tony then brought up the Arc Reactor, and Obie revealed he knew about it, making Tony unbutton his shirt to see it. Obadiah then told Tony that they were a team and they could do anything together, but he needed to lay low for a while.

"So that you can sell even more weapons behind our backs." Pepper snarled as everyone glared at Obadiah again.

Later, Pepper was watching an episode of "Mad Money" where the host was mocking Stark Industries in a very cartoonish way that would come off as funny to anyone who was below twelve or below but cringeworthy to anyone who thirteen or above. "Look! That's a weapons company that doesn't make weapons!" He mocked.

"Your Highness, please don't judge us by this." Steve said to T'Challa with a grimace.

"Everyone great country has some flaws in it." T'Challa simply said.

"Now I wonder why I even watched that thing in the first place." Pepper muttered.

"I know right!" Tony himself said.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to be watching this either." Sam told her.

"Watch some real news." Aunt May said.

"I don't think people do nowadays." Fury said.

"They do if it involves celebrities." Hill told him. [5]

Suddenly, Tony's voice came from the Starkpad, asking her how big her hands were. She was confused until Tony repeated the question and said he needed her.

"Dude, she was your secretary!" Sam said.

"Really, Mr. Stark?" Aunt May asked, feeling a bit disgusted.

"It wasn't that kind of job!" Tony said.

"What?" Bruce asked.

"Continue watching." Pepper simply said.

When Pepper keyed herself into Tony's workshop, a shirtless Tony was reclining on a chair next to a rather ominous-looking monitor, to which he was connected by way of three cords - one red, one blue, and one white. He was holding another Arc Reactor that looked slightly different from the one he was currently using.

"I'm sorry for judging you." Sam said simply, though he still rightfully held a grudge for the airport fight.

"Me too." Aunt May said.

"Apology accepted." Tony shrugged.

"This looks much worse." Thor said.

"Good thing I had to do it only once." Pepper said.

"What?" Peter asked.

"Keep watching." Tony simply said.

At Tony's request, Pepper showed him her hands and he commented on how small and petite they were. She was astonished by the Arc Reactor already inside his chest. He told her he was upgrading it for another one and needed her help with a short wire. He took out the Arc Reactor from his chest and had her put it somewhere else before he made her lift the wire, saying she was the most capable, qualified, trustworthy people he had ever met.

"Adorable moment ruined by the fact somebody could die right now." Rhodes said.

"I find it adorable, disgusting and tense at the same time." Aunt May said.

Pepper reached in but was disgusted by the pus, though Tony replied it was an inorganic plasmic discharge from the device, not that it made her feel any better. She got the wire but it touched the sides, making a "ZZZ" noise. She managed to pull it out, but she also pulled out the magnet, making the monitor beep madly as Tony started going into cardiac arrest. Pepper comforted Tony and managed to put the other Arc Reactor into him just in the nick of time, making him yelp. Pepper told Tony not to ask her to do that ever again.

Wanda slightly gagged at Pepper's memory of the incident.

"But Mr. Stark said it was safe." Peter said out loud.

"If Tony says something is safe, then trust me- it isn't." Natasha educated the young boy and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Discharge from the device is even worse than pus." Bruce said.

"Couldn't agree more." Professor Hulk said.

"It's like you believe you have nine lives or something, bub. Trust me, you don't." Logan told him.

"What if I do?" Tony shrugged.

"You don't. I know someone who does." Benjamin told him. [6]

"I don't have anyone but you." Tony told her with unusual sincerity as he stared at her.

"Awww." Scott said and Hope smacked his arm again.

"It's cute!" Scott said.

"Doesn't mean you have to behave like a little girl." Hope shrugged as everyone laughed.

As he got up, he told her to burn the previous Arc Reactor or throw it away, saying he wasn't nostalgic. She walked off when he told her he didn't need anything else. Pepper walked off as Tony asked a robot who had been sitting above him the entire time to clear the stuff on his desk.

"Now that's a good boy." Tony said.

Rhodes was giving a demonstration to a line of cadets in a military hangar when Tony arrived and started making jokes about him, making the cadets laugh, though Rhodey asked him not to do that. The cadets walked off a while later as Rhodes commented on how surprised he was to see Tony walking around.

"You shouldn't be walking around like that." Bruce said.

"He doesn't care." Professor Hulk said.

Tony told Rhodes he was working on something big and wanted him to be a part of it. Rhodes wondered if the press conference was a doozey but Tony said it was something else, making Rhodes wonder if he was a humanitarian now. He asked Tony to get his mind right. Tony simply grimaced.

"You thought I had PTSD." Tony said.

"Didn't you?" Rhodes asked and Tony sighed, realizing he shouldn't be making jokes about that.

Later, Tony brushed a hand over his holographic keyboard and asked JARVIS if he was up, to which he replied he always was.

"Hello, JARVIS." Wanda simply said.

"While I am him, I consider myself very different." Vision said.

Tony then moved a holographic image of the suit to a holotable and told JARVIS to store it on his private server as he didn't know who to trust in the company. He moved some parts away and threw them into a holographic dustbin.

"Wow. That is so awesome!" Peter said, looking at the technology.

"Eh! Compared to this device, not that much." Logan said.

"Hey!" Tony said.

"He's got a point." Fury agreed.

"Yes, Mr. Stark. A device that can record memories and a time travel device are much more impressive than that or anything in Wakanda." T'Challa said.

Tony sighed and looked at the screen, feeling humbled.

In the desert, men wearing masks were digging up remains of Stark's first suit. One of them picked up his mask and called the bald leader, the right side of whose face was blistered and burnt.

"No more than you deserve." Rhodes said.

"Good work, Iron Man." Pepper said as she and Tony high fived.

"And now they're going to try to remake it." Steve sighed.

The bald leader took the mask and studied it closely.

"I doubt he has the brains to make that." Aunt May said.

"Yeah, good luck." Hill agreed.

In his workshop, Tony was working on the lower part of his suit which he called the "boot", with Dum-E trying to help. But it was subpar worker as Tony kept scolding him relentlessly.

"I feel bad for Dum-E." Wanda said.

"Did its feeling ever get hurt?" Natasha asked randomly.

"No." Tony said.

"Yes." Vision told him.

"Poor Dum-E." Aunt May said.

"Why didn't you replace it?" Banner asked.

"Looks like someone is nostalgic after all." Sam whispered to Steve, Natasha and Bucky.

The next scene was shown through the camera of another bot called "U." Tony had a boot on each foot with guards on his arms and metal handlebars in his hands. He stepped back on a large grid on the floor and as the bots started working on his command, he tried to fly at ten percent thrust capacity, only for the split-second surge power to propel him through the air as his feet flew over his head and he banged into the ceiling, before falling down with a crash. Dum-E blew a cloud of steam at Tony.

Everyone burst out laughing hard at the scene.

"You okay there?" Pepper asked him.

"Maybe." Tony said.

Later, Tony worked on his computer and formed a holographic gauntlet, slipping his arm into it. Later, he made a skeleton of that to test as Pepper arrived and dropping a box, told him Obadiah was upstairs. When she inquired about the gauntlet, he said it was a harmless flight stabilizer, but when he tried to use it, he was blasted back as Pepper covered her ears.

"Harmless? Yeah right." Natasha said.

"I believe you now." Peter told her.

"You're a fast learner, kid." Fury told him.

"You definitely own the mad scientist, Tony." Bruce told him, referring to the conversation they had had before creating Vision.

Tony went upstairs to see Obadiah playing the piano and realized it went bad as he saw the pizza. He started eating it as Obie told him the Board of Directors were filing an injunction due to his PTSD. Pepper told him the stock had dipped fifty six and a half. Tony said he still had the controlling interest but Obie pointed out the Board had rights too. After some arguing, Tony decided to go off with the pizza. Obie asked Tony for the Arc Reactor but he refused so he took back the pizza, though he still let Tony have a slice before he walked back to his shop.

"He wants it so much already." Hill said.

"Greed." Pepper snarled.

"He must have been the one who filed." Steve said.

"Yup." Tony said.

Later, Tony stood in front of his bots again and after berating Dum-E a little, he tried to fly at one percent thrust capacity and this time, to his own shock, he managed to get a stable flight, though he was still thrown sideways a few times.

"And you've done it." Rhodes said.

"That's me." Tony shrugged and everyone sighed.

Tony tried to fly again at 2.5 thrust capacity and struggled more than before but still managed to fly and land safely. "Yeah. I can fly!" Tony said.

"Cute." Thor shrugged.

"You're Gods, right?" Tony asked and Thor shrugged again.

Later, Tony put a suit around himself. It was plain silver but very recognizable. The Mark II.

"Hell yeah!" Peter cheered as everyone glimpsed the Mark II for the first time.

Inside the helmet, bright lights began flashing as icons appeared.

"So that's what it looks like inside." Steve muttered.

JARVIS was uploaded into the suit as Tony examined the workshop and started walking. Tony wanted to go outside but JARVIS tried to object, only for Tony to say, "JARVIS. Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk."

"And sometimes you should walk first!" Vision protested.

"Classic, reckless Tony." Natasha said.

Tony started flying and soared out of the garage.

"My first proper flight." Tony said, "Nothing beats that feeling."

"I agree." Rhodes said.

"You're very good at flying." Thor said.

Tony soared into the air, flying around the city. Two kids saw him and one dropped his ice cream in shock. Tony flew higher into the air but the suit had a fatal buildup of ice, making him fall down, though he managed to deploy flaps in the nick of time. He flew through the city and reached on the top of his building. Just as he depowered his suit, he crashed through several floors into his garage, with Dum-E blowing on the suit to thaw it.

"Epic fail!" Scott shouted as everyone laughed.

"The icing problem had its advantages." Tony simply said.

Later, as Tony used an ice pack on his head, he saw the box Pepper had dropped. It had a note with "From Pepper" written on it. He removed the note and opened it, to see a glass case and inside it was the first Arc Reactor. Around it were engraved the words- "Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart." A smile spread across his face.

A smile spread across Tony's face.

"Awww." Natasha of all people said this time.

"That was very thoughtful, Miss Potts." Aunt May told her as she blushed.

Rhodes made kissing noises and Tony said, "Shut up
