
Camping (3)

บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

An Xiaxia glared at Li Canxing. "You've gone too far!"

Su Xiaomo grabbed Li Canxing by her collar. "Do you have Parkinson's or are you too old to keep your hands steady?"

There was a splashing sound. Before Li Canxing could say anything, a bowl of cold spring water was dumped over her head.

Shocked, she turned around and Qi Yanxi whistled at her. He was holding a plastic basin he had picked up from who knew where and he grinned at her. "I'm sorry, Li Canxing. Oh my~ It must be my age. I can't control my hands these days. They just shake so much…"

Even Li Canxing's lips had gone pale. She was too furious to do anything but point at him and say "you" repeatedly.

As she ran away in that sorry state to change her clothes, Qi Yanxi called out after her, "I forgot to mention, I used that water to wash my feet~"

They could all see Li Canxing stumble at those words.

The two teachers heard the commotion and hurried over. "What happened?"
