
Worse than a dog

King Yu heard that Liuli came to him, and he was also surprised. He asked Ruan, Ruan said she did not know why. She told Liuli to wait. However, Liuli left and said she would come again another day.

King Yu didn't take it to heart because he thought it might not matter.

Early the next morning, Chunyu was transferred to the palace. Two days later, queen mother's coffin would be carried to cemetery. And Chunyu, as the first-class bodyguard in the palace, would naturally assume the important task of maintaining order and royal security. Chunyu was given a big holiday for personal when Prince presided over the funeral, but now he had to be called to the Palace.

When Chunyu was away, Ye Jiayao did not go out. Even asked Madam Rong to take the place of the class over there. In case of news, she might as well deal with it immediately.

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