
Greedy Ghost Shield

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

At the same time, the members of Void Blade finally understood the strength Quan Zhen Sect possessed, that even the mighty Sanguine Alliance feared them.

Wang Yu himself was enough trouble when he could pummel a BOSS single-handedly. Coupled with Fearless who was a master in all sorts of devious trickery and an unruly group of experts behind them, this small guild was truly not to be messed around with.

Greedy Red Devil was rendered immobile when he was injured by the falling stone pillars. His painful howls filled the whole place.

Fearless had gone through many difficulties in capturing the Greedy Red Devil. How could he possibly let it escape? Fearless hurriedly pointed towards Greedy Red Devil lower chin and once again shouted, "Close up!"

Spring Halo waved her staff and summoned her [Dark Barrier]. Crotch Lord also followed up on the attack. He whipped out his shield and cornered the Greedy Red Devil into a small edge.
