
Sorry, Your Majesty, I Won't Help You

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Celestial Thearch sighed as she circled around the crystal coffin, then leaned on it with her arms and shifted her posture to face the White Dragon.

The White Dragon was speechless.

She felt like the Celestial Thearch's posture was even more provocative now.

But, whatever.

Since the Celestial Thearch had changed her position, anything she said now would seem pretentious.

After a moment of thought, the White Dragon slowly spoke, "Although I don't know why you suddenly want to abdicate, but... if you're thinking of passing the throne to Gold Trigram, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed."

The Celestial Thearch looked at the White Dragon in confusion.

"Because, Gold Trigram is already deceased. When he perished, I was there. I witnessed it with my own eyes," the White Dragon said slowly.

"What?" The Celestial Thearch was bewildered.

Gold Trigram was gone?
