
Explosive Welcome

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

The structure of this ancient, well-preserved man-made world closely resembled Earth's current state.

So, when Song Shuhang leaped into the atmosphere and rapidly descended, the friction between his body and the atmosphere caused it to heat up.

Of course, this level of high temperature posed no threat to Song Shuhang. However, to ensure the safety of Lady Onion and the hamster in his pocket, Song Shuhang invoked the Thirty-Three Divine Beasts' Combined Magical Treasure.

A gleaming suit of armor and cloak tightly enveloped him.

However, he chose not to wear the helmet—not out of stubbornness, but to maintain control over his hair manipulation technique. His twenty hair palms were in a state of readiness and were prepared to handle any unforeseen circumstances.

"Shuhang, are you sure it's okay not to wear a safety helmet?" Lady Onion asked via mental communication.

With a faint smile, Song Shuhang replied, "It's fine. I've got a hard head."
