The North Province governor's complexion was equally horrible. If he had known Huang Yingying's identity, why would he have prohibited his son from dating her? The subsequent events also would not have happened…
Currently, the regretful North Province governor has no idea his own son had started to hate him.
Ling Shuang liked Huang Yingying to begin with. If it were not for his father's disagreement, she would have been his wife already! Huang Yingying had a low status originally, so there was nothing wrong with his father's disagreement. However, after learning about Huang Yingying's identity as the Saintess of the Witchcraft Tribe, Ling Shuang felt like claws were mercilessly scratching his heart, and it was awfully unbearable!
Huang Yingying did not look at him from start to end, as though she was unaware of his existence.
"Everyone should be here." Grandfather Jun's lips turned up. "I have one thing to say first!"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: