"You..." the elderly man was stunned, looking at Yun Luofeng with astonishment and an expression of disbelief, "how did you get in front of me?"
He had slightly increased his distance between them just now, so how did she arrive in front of him with just a momentary loss of his attention?
Staring at the old man's shocked gaze, Yun Luofeng shrugged and said, "I was only playing with you earlier."
Giving him hope and then letting him fall into despair. This was her retribution for this old man!
A spiritual attack slammed into the elderly man's mind again.
However, he had already reached sky-level, intermediate-rank after all, so he recovered in the blink of an eye. But this blink of an eye was enough to allow Yun Luofeng's leg to mercilessly hit the old man's face, making him stagger back a few steps. The friction of her leg moving through the air had created several sparks.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: