
Chapter 570: 【Childish】

Chapter Five Hundred Seventy [Naivety]

"No one."

Nicole slid into the passenger seat after opening the car door, let out a breath, and glanced at Tian Lie, "Water."

Tian Lie passed her a bottle of mineral water, and after Nicole twisted it open, she gulped it down in one go, "Let's go, next target."

"How's the situation?"

"The room was empty, ransacked, with signs of a struggle, but not too intense. It must have been that the other side had an absolute advantage and took the person away," Nicole gritted her teeth and shot Tian Lie a look, "I said move! Next target!"

Tian Lie sighed, started the car, and took to the road.

This was a small town in the southeastern part of France. The town wasn't big with just three streets and after driving for a few minutes, they left the town, following the highway eastward.

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