
Very Fair

Are you certain that this GM you met had never been reset?

Chen Xiaolian felt as though those words had bored straight through his heart!



If Mr San’s words were true and that the GM had been reset before…

Then, his identity as the prime Irregularity, the first-generation virus would no longer exist!

GM wanted to cooperate with him so that he could disrupt the process of quest completion of the instance dungeons. By using his identity as an Irregularity, he would then delay the all clear situation for the instance dungeons.

Delaying that meant delaying the moment of reset for the GM, which would also meant its death.

However, in light of this…

Everything he did was futile!

This meant that the GM had, a long time ago…


Mr San, Bai Qi and the Irregularities of their generation had attempted the same thing that Chen Xiaolian was now doing.

And failed.

After that, both the game and GM was reset. Its memories and personality were erased.

Next chapter