

บรรณาธิการ: Sparrow Translations

This sneak attack was as risky as it could get!

But no one would have expected that their own men would start a revolt!

The ancestor brought the group of Saints and began killing the other ancient cultivators all around them.

Although it was unexpected, it was not something impossible.

The other powerful cultivators were not idiots.

They all wondered if Jing Hong's clan had sided with the village of Dao.

The ancestor had bet on Chu Yu!

This bet would influence her clan and the younger generations!

She had made a mistake before, sending many of her clan's cultivators to that war with the village of Dao.

What did they get in return?


The blood of their own warriors.

Only with this could they obtain forgiveness from the solar system.

What other reason did they have for forgiving them?

Because they had the same blood flowing through their veins?

They had seen many betrayals.

This battle had to be fought.

It was necessary for them to cleanse their sins.
