
Merely Amounted To This

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

Within Lang Ya blessed land, intense battle was occurring.

The Central Continent Gu Immortals received orders and scattered, setting up the immortal formation. As long as it was created, they would be able to bring Central Continent Gu Immortals into Lang Ya blessed land and reinforce Feng Jiu Ge and the rest.

For Lang Ya land spirit, this was horrible news! They had to be stopped.

"This Feng Jiu Ge is truly devious! Our hairy man Gu Immortals have to work together to assemble ancient battle formation Heavenly Giant Solor and have rank eight battle strength. He wants me to divert my forces, how can I do that?" Lang Ya land spirit snickered in his mind.

If this was the previous land spirit, he would panic and experience complete chaos now.

But this black haired land spirit was adept at fighting, he saw through Feng Jiu Ge's schemes.
