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The sky became dim and the summer night fell late. A gentle breeze blew from the Back Water Lake, scattering the heaviness and dampness.

"Sigh… My relatives… They just showed up to see you without informing us in advance," said Lou Cheng with a tinge of emotion, his hand holding Yan Zheke's. The worst was Lou Yuanwei, whose excuse sucked. At least he didn't stay for lunch in spite of Lou Cheng's mother's warm invitation.

However, these uninvited guests shortened the distance between Yan Zheke and Lou Cheng's parents. When there were only the four of them, she felt very relaxed and expressed her love for several dishes, which really pleased his mother.

After the feast, Lou Cheng led Yan Zheke to his bedroom and showed her his classmates' messages, posters of the capable, and old detective novels. The afternoon went by fast and pleasantly. They didn't make out at all as the parents knocked often to bring in fruits and snacks.

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