
Tilly Wimbledon

Editor: Meh

They enjoyed a moment of affection, and then Ashes' attention was drawn to a bunch of diamond-like gemstones in front of Tilly. She asked curiously, "What're these?"

"Come." Tilly patted her sides. "I'll show you something interesting."

Ashes sat cross-legged next to her and saw her putting on a white silk glove the back of which was embedded with a red gemstone.

"Is this... a tracking stone?"

Tilly did not reply. Instead, she smiled and raised her hand toward the empty place. Suddenly, a lightning appeared from her fingertips, hitting the floor with a cracking sound. As a green smoke faded away, she saw a black spot at the size of a palm on the hit spot.

Ashes could not believe in her eyes. "Did you... obtain a new ability?"

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