
Going All Out

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

"You audacious servant! I'm Ibrahim, the Duke of Shadow! I gave you that power! How dare you insult me?! I'll take away your Shadow Element to show you who truly controls your power!" the enraged Duke of Shadow shouted.

At their level, they did not care about social niceties. After all, they rarely faced any rules that could restrict them.

Most Dark Kings acted like mischievous children, and they did as they pleased without caring about right or wrong.

Angering them did not always result in instant death. Instead, it often led to endless divine retribution and demonic torture.

The Eye of Shadow suddenly appeared on the Duke of Shadow's forehead, and it gave off an intimidating aura. To others, it seemed like he had just opened an eye on his forehead. But from Mo Fan's view, the Duke of Shadow's body had suddenly grown so tall that he could touch the stars!
