
The Red Cardinal

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

A cry of help rang throughout the quiet outskirts of the city. 

The skinny figure stumbled on his way as he fled in panic.

Behind him was a lady with long, wavy tawny-blonde hair. She quickened her pace as she chased after the man with strange irises like a fearless warrior. 

Her graceful pace was much faster than the man who staggered. The man with strange irises climbed up like a monkey. He ran quickly through the trees, windowsills, and polls. He was as fast as lightning. 

However, regardless of how many kilometers he ran, when he turned around, he always saw Parina's upright figure on the intersection of the road. She stared at him icily. She was intimidating.


The man with strange irises was as frightened as a street rat. He hit a garbage truck on the corner of the street before crawling backward in the middle of the garbage.
