
Play Them for Fools

Editor: Elkassar1

"WHAT?! Dark-green grade weapons?!?!"

"I can't believe I'm seeing something like this here!"

"A set! A weapon set! Equipment sets are rare enough, but that's actually a weapon set! Hell, look at those blocking stats, and the 'Uppercut' and 'Tactical Throw' crowd control abilities! This is a quality set that's perfect for most MTs!"

"But if both hands are equipped with gloves, how will the MT hold the shield?"

"What a noob question. You must not be an MT. When 'Shield Proficiency' is promoted to level 10, there's a small chance for a rare option to appear for selection. The option will enable the equipped shield to be hung on the MT's forearm without any penalty. With this option, an MT can equip light weapons such as daggers and gloves on their shield-wielding hand."

"The value of this pair of gloves must be astonishing, right?"


At that moment, the official Major General from before suddenly stood up.

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