
Two Choices

Editor: Vermillion

Red Nautilus was the smallest world in the Twelve Worlds Centrum. Half of the planet's surface was ocean and there were four main zones with human civilization. Three of the zones were very close together and existed on the same larger continent. Cyber District was the only zone that existed independently on another continent in the middle of the ocean. Unfortunately, Lin Sanjiu found herself in that particular continent when she arrived in this world.

Even though Lin Sanjiu was aware that she didn't have the best of luck, she couldn't help sighing during the long journey from Cape Howling to Free District. Staring out of the window, there was only the dark blue ocean. She was already tired of this unchanging scenery. A few days ago, they flew above a forest of sea stacks, over a cluster of volcanos of all sizes, and over a vast stretch filled with the empty shells of dead Red Nautili. Thereafter, the only scenery which remained was just the vast, boundless ocean.

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