
The Supreme Mantis Prawn Persistent And Relentless Hunt

บรรณาธิการ: Vermillion

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The swamp, which had dried up and hardened, emitted constant rumbles as countless people rushed out of the entrance of the crystal mine in sorry states.

Wu Mu's complexion was quite unsightly gripping a longsword as his sword energy ran amok.

The Serpent Sovereign's blue hair fluttered around, and she swayed her blue tail as countless ripples of true energy surged from her body.

It wasn't only them. The Serpent King, Du Kai, still had lightning flickering on his body, but he was soaked with blood and had lost countless pieces of blue scales.

Their gazes were locked onto the black entrance of the big crystal mine, and they involuntarily sucked in breaths of cold air.


Another loud rumble reverberated from the mine, and more people rushed out of it. One unlucky escapee was caught by several beasts, and he was sent flying; he crashed to the ground so heavily that his fall created a depression.
