
He Is The Hero, You Are The Hero

Yes, if the situation really developed like this, with Mr. Ye's strength, he would wreak havoc in the backlines of every corner of the world... the result would be unimaginable. He did not even dare to believe how bad the situation would be!

With Ye Hongchen's strength as the world's most powerful expert, as well as a group of old masters and Brothers and friends, he had gone from the light to the dark. His sole purpose was to wreak havoc in the dark. If he did not fight with you face to face, he believed that even if the five celestial emperors joined forces, he would not be able to do anything, they would work together with sincerity and unity, but they could only sigh helplessly and be powerless!

No one was willing to see such a price, and no one could afford it!

"Ye Hongchen, I swear to the heavens that I will kill you!"

Meng Huaiqing's furious roar reverberated in the sky above the boundless sea.

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