
513 Plot Line

Part 1. Yesterday was Tomorrow

The youth running, taking deep heavy breath. Pant, pant, pant

I gotta find my sister, the first thought that materialize in his mind.

Running on bare foot, the concrete feels cold yet it didn't bother the youth whose mind were alert on greater danger.

Seeing the light at the end of the alley, that's got to be end the of it, finally I can escape. He ran toward it in speed hoping for freedom and then finally losing the shackles that bind him.

Taking the last step and finally exposing himself into the view. He stood in frozen stun.

Terrified, awed and confused

How? Did I wake up into the future?

Why? Why? Why? Why are these world like this?

Before the youth stand the high rising building, illuminated by bright light. Holograms of advertisement playing on the signage.

No, it can't be? Where am I? am I dreaming?

It was a world different after he lost his consciousness yesterday. It was a devastated world before, building in ruins as dark sky blanket the atmosphere. The sight before him can only be describe as future where technological advancements were already applied into the society.

How is this possible?

Then the youth feel a head splitting ache in his head. He lay writhing in the ground of extreme pain. Yet his thinking that after this pain is gone, I will surely be back into my world, my sister is waiting for me.

Then the pain intensified and he rolled on the ground, crying with his eyes like a frightened yet wild animal. Tears fall in abundance as sweat pours out, soaking his whole body.

Damn, what is happening to me?

Then the pain is gone in sudden like how it occurred.

Deep breathing of a person struggling for air. His whole body feels weak as sudden image flash into his mind.

Brother! This is delicious! I have never tasted anything like this before!

That smile, the thing that keeps him going and willing to live through all this life. I want to see it again.

He opened his eyes, yet the scenery before him didn't change. It was still the same of high rising futuristic designed building. The bright lights sharply stinging his eyes.

Yet the instinct that allowed him to survive kicks in again, commanding his body to move despite the near exhaustion of his strength. Knowing the priority of moving away from the immediate vicinity raises the chances of his survival.

Survival from what?

A question formed in his mind but he knows that in order to see his sister again, he needs to be alive first.

A shadow blend into the night, disappearing to nothingness.

Sir, he has .... escaped

Fear is evident in the voice as he report what happened to the boss. A failure to guard means punishment.

Light cackle can be heard. He he he he

As expected of him, that's the spirit. We are right on track to progress

Excuse me, pardon. The man reporting was puzzled. A high value have escaped and yet this one is considering it a progress?

Sensing the confusion in the subordinate's mind

Even if the memory is present but what made him that is more than the events of yesterday.

Then if I may ask, what more is needed for it to be successful?

Taking a deep breath, metallic voice coming from the computer answered

Didn't I say already? An awakened spirit does things beyond the conventional grasp of knowledge

So that was it, sir?

Yes, but I never expected him to escape successfully. I only prepared for the struggle and resistance. I have underestimated the capability of the one who changed this world.

The youth has been cautiously walking, hiding among the shadows. Movement blending in with the surrounding. The more he walk the greater his puzzlement and confusion of his discovery.

He remembered this place, same as like yesterday. The only difference is that yesterday it was in ruins yet today sleek looking buildings were in place. The dark corners where he hidden himself yesterday were now full of light.

Did I sleep for too long and wake up in the future?

The youth asked to himself but find the notion impossible. A sudden lightning streak the sky and a second later roared the thunder..

I remember it now, on this time like yesterday, I was walking on this exact road and over there was a … bridge.

Ye s, it was what he remembered yesterday. And he slowly walk toward the bridge that leap over the quiet river. Every step felt the exact same way yesterday. What happened after I reach the bridge?

The only thing he remembered were himself standing before the bridge, one more step and he will be on it. Yet he don't remember being on the bridge. He lift his left foot off the ground and then darkness.

Nothing follows no matter how hard he tried to remember.

How did I wake up into this world?

Or am I still asleep?

Is this an illusion? Yet it felt so real

Then he remembered his sister.

Aahhh, I almost forgot, I need to find her. This should be the way

Strange that no matter how different the places looked in this dream, or reality or whatever this world is, everything seems so familiar. Was it just the future version of his place? Having been roaming through this place yesterday, he memorized every corner of it and would probably find his way even with his eyes closed.

Then why do this world feels the same too?

The youth feels frustrated and confused. Combing his hands through his hair, a habit whenever he fell into such kind of situation.

Where am I? why I'm here? How?

Running his finger again, this time so slow to as if weight were applied on it. Then he felt something.

What is this?

He made sure to touch it again. It feels cold and metallic. Probing more gently this time, he was now sure it is shaped rectangle.

How did I have this? What is this?

Fear suddenly arise in his heart and cold sensation rise through his whole body. It would probably come off.

The youth tried peeling it off, at first gently, afraid that he might hurt himself. But it didn't come off.

Then he tried adding more force into his fingers yet it feels like just a normal part of his skin.

He tired using his two hands to extract this thing, scratching and clawing on it but the circle metal cannot be removed.

What is this? What happened to me?

Questions popped into the mind of the youth, making him dizzy not knowing what the answer is and even not understanding why he have to ask that kind of question.

Now acknowledging that thing in the back of his head cannot be easily removed, his fear were replaced by curiosity. He studied it by running his finger over it. It is about the size of his three finger. It feels smooth and cold to touch. It is very flexible and when he tried knocking his finger against it, it gives a sharp yet low metallic clang.

What the heck is this?

How much data was already uploaded?

18% sir,

Hmmm, just that fraction of data was transferred yet the actions he had committed were already beyond the expectation. Something of value that is always beyond the sum of our calculation.

Sir, the transfer must be resumed within 24 hours or everything will be for naught. Data were already decaying and any later than that, everything will be lost.

The man just stand in silence, yet the flame of his eyes were burning.

You are interesting, either when you're both living and dead. In the last life or this life, you never fail to bring the surprise.

Then he stared at the night sky filled with heavy clouds with rain threatening to fall anytime. A sudden flash of lightning was discharged from the cloud but the blast of thunder never reached his ear. It was muted by the thick glass separating him from the outside.

Thick raindrops were falling from the sky. The air turned colder of the already chilly night atmosphere. Colorful light form the high rising buildings and hologram were illuminating the path below.

The youth was fully soaked by the pouring water however he paid no heed to it. His mind were still full of question and actually a lot more question is in his head than earlier.

What happened to me? What's the truth?

Am I in a nightmare? Can I still wake up from this?

He look into his hands and for the first time, he noticed the clothes he is wearing. He was startled for a moment. It was a tight fitting textile. With patterns of light and dark green. And over it were a gown like one worn by a patient.

This isn't the one I'm wearing yesterday.

Then he stopped with the realization.

What if it weren't yesterday actually but a past long gone? Why was what happened a day like yesterday so still crystal clear in my mind? I can still clearly picture out the rays of sunrise dawning over the smoking ruins and the sunset when it was hidden away by the blanket of darkness.

A question that turned his inner sanity inside out.

He keep on walking through the heavy downpour. Why does this place feels so familiar, not the buildings in front of him which he had never seen until today but the vibe under his feet is of a lost hometown.

Thunders and lightning in the sky above were murmuring answers of questions he could never understand.

Yes, I know. That place is nearby.

That place is his favorite spot thinking alone. It was by the hidden side of the hill that overlook this place. Though this scene before him is a brand new to his senses yet he could feel the certainty in his heart that that place will never change.

He quickened his pace toward that spot. For a long time, it had given him the chance to ponder over his life and events around him in silence. Though known among his peers for his religiously will of doing things, in actual he thought about it over and over before taking the action.

Now he could see the tall grass and a small shade on it. Though he seldom go into that place during the day, he actually like the shade it provides as it pacifies his whole being. Like being under the shelter an individual is confident would protect him whatever may happen.

This place is a haven for him.

The tree, it is larger than yesterday.

Was it really just yesterday? A question inserted into his mind.

And it seems the trunk were more weather-beaten as it is darker and rougher.

How could this be? Was it really a yesterday of a long time ago?

Am I living where? This place is so familiar yet looks so strange.

And for moments, the youth spend it in silence. Wondering, peeking, questioning why this present so strange. But he could never discover the answer to the questions.

And he felt for the object in the back of his head.

Why is it here? Am I something of an experiment? Does it hold power for me?

He felt it with his fingers, feeling the cold of something like metallic object. Yet it is also so flexible, a characteristic impossible for a metal. He tried rubbing it lightly, yet the feeling on his scalp is so natural. Then he made vigorous rubbing, not caring whether he might hurt himself and it would be better if this strange thing fall off.

Nothing happens as if his head and that strange object attached to him is one.

What could those damn bastards attached unto him?

Inwardly he is cursing the dreaded patrols of the city. Known for their cruelty and every one they have taken have been gone without traces, not one was ever seen again. a body or any part of it. The youth have been long avoiding them and he only had done so with his familiarity of their routine.

They were like a robot, clad in their armor suit and sticking to their schedule so ceremoniously.

The youth were lost in his thought, trying to find answers and instead fishing more lot questions to it. At least being able to formulate question is a path to finding the answer.

Sir, we found him. On the hillside. On that spot

The man take a deep breath, feeling it cool his depths.

So back into that place again? I wonder if you could ever run away from the destiny have been set for you by yourself? Did you find yourself again?

The location have been secured sir. My men are keeping continuous visual on the subject. He is not going anywhere without our knowing.

Are you sure about that?

Pardon sir?

Are you sure he won't slip away like today?

The man, head of internal security and special rank in the defense and order force of the city lowered his face. Hiding the embarrassment, his face slightly red from the word that doubt, deservedly so, on his capabilities. How could something like a baby escape from his watch.

Yes sir. Not again that he would be able to run away.

I do not blame you for him getting away from here. He is him. Running away and escaping is an expertise he has honed to perfect mastery by daily living for Survival. It is what molded him to be a person he is becoming to.

The captain heard the words yet on his head is filled with vow of not allowing the youth to run away ever again.

Give the order to take him back, I'll bring him here in one piece together.

Not yet, captain. Give him a little bit more time. We're not going to remove his fangs but should sharpen it.

Understand sir. 1 mile radius red code surveillance has been put up. 10 miles for yellow alert.

The man just heaved a deepn breath in answer. His eyes sharp in anticipation.


My name is Allen, the youth remembered his name.

I do not understand what is happening to me.

the youth named Allen came into a building with a glass wall.

This day have given him more shock than the combined all the previous years of his life. But this is the most shocking of all.

My hair…. my hair.. my hair..

The youth repeatedly said to himself. His voice full of disbelief and astonishment of his shocking appearance.

Why is my hair bla… bla…blond ?

He stuttered.

Moving closer to the glass wall to examine himself closely.

It must be a hair dye but no, it seemed so natural. It is light in shade. Fingers stretching few strands at a time before his eyes, the hair feels natural hair, color not dyed nor some kind of a wig.

He has a dark hair and was sure as it like a sunrise after the dawn.

Staring at himself closely again, his eyes went wide by another notch.

How is this possible?

The youth loudly exclaimed.

My eyes…. no.. what is happening? Why is my eyes also different color.

His two hands stretching both his eyes wide open.

His left eye is light blue shade like color of a clear sea.

The right is of light gray like a cloudy sky on midday.

No! No! No! No! No!

The youth repeated the word, stunned by his new appearance.

The last time he look at himself at the mirror, both his hair and eyes is of deep black in color. Rich like a midnight without the moon and stars.

How did something so impossible and miracle like this happened?

I must be in a dream.

The youth slapped himself, a loud crack echoed as his palms hit his face, pain was stinging on his cheek. This is a reality.

No, it must still be a dream where I can feel a pain. This is just an illusion and interpretation of my brain. This pain isn't real. Its just a…

The youth stopped himself.

What if I am the real object, and im looking into a mirror. Either I am real or a reflection of the real.

Confusion was brewing inside like a storm gathering strength over his ocean of thoughts. With it threatening a violent outburst of emotion he had been trying to suppress.

Then a thought came that shuddered his whole being.

Am I. I. I. a mo- monster?

He closed his eyes. After a lengthy breath that expelled his whole being, a fire was sparked in his eyes. Then spreading into his heart and soul.

Whoever made me into this must pay! I will find your trail and hunt you.

Knowing where to begin his hunt, a smile was formed into the face of the youth.

Sir, the target is moving. He is... coming back this way.

The captain can't believe the report he received. Why would a person who escaped from something like a prison would ever want to come back this way?

Hmmmm.. that is him, he never run away from what he doesn't know, rather he would want to confront it to better understand the question in his mind. That's why he never feel inauthentic fear, he understand everything with his curiosity and extraordinary ability to form a question.

Question? Everybody can form one and there is nothing that can be consider special for questioning.

The man looked at the captain, his eyes full of knowledge ready to be shared.

The ma who built this era did it not through his strength, cunning or charisma. It was his ability to see.

Ability to see? It is not….

Yes, it is questioning. You'll never ask about something you didn't see, either with your vision or with your imagination. He have seen the future and made questions that turned it into reality.

Silence reigned yet not a question were voiced but thousands were floating in thoughts.

Emotions were rippling in the chest of the youth but his eyes were steady calm and composed. He had been through a lot and experience taught him to use only the tool needed to deal with the situation.

Presence of anything unnecessary will compromise the chances of success. Most often they are in form of thought and emotion.

Allen, you will ask the question and demand the answers. Everything.

The youth told to himself the objective.

Remembering his sister, he stopped for a while.

No, that is just an unnecessary thought. Whatever happened, already happened. I doubt I will find my sister here.

Assume that she isn't existing in this version.

The youth felt pain, not ever before that he imagined a world without his sister. But it is a distracting thought and it must be gone.

The youth take the pause to breath. Acknowledge the pain by pushing away its existence. And he expelled out loudly the air of uncertainty within him.

He had been walking back into the place he had escaped from earlier.

Was it really an escape? Was I a prisoner in that place?

The youth walked and walked, tracing back the path he had taken earlier.

Was I crazy to go back into that place?

He had doubt in his choice but he had already woken up into a strange and crazy version of his world. If things go crazy, it wont be any crazier.

How did I wake up into this world? Why is my hair turned blond and the colors of my eyes are different?

The answers to these questions might just be a small piece to a big puzzle. But the small piece is still part of the whole and it will provide clue in unearthing the answers.

The youth walked through the crowded part of the place. he could easily blend with the crowd as he had never been afraid before. He walked in the pace that isn't too fast or too slow, just blending in.

But he observed changes bit by bit. First there were stranger eyes that landed on him. Some blink twice at him.

Can they recognize me? But that is impossible?

Now there are whispers and lot more eyes were casted in his direction. No, not in his direction but unto him directly. Slowly people distanced from him and some even stopped to stare at him. He could see that in their eyes were flickering of something between recognition and confusion. Soon he found himself inside a circle and people were staring at him like an animal on circus.

What is this?

Panic were rising within him. The feeling to run away as soon as possible activated and he dived into the crowd, crashing into them. His action brought chaos, noises were created, stirring up confusion in the air.

Eyes tracking his movement suddenly found themselves in situation they dreaded.

The target could be lost inside the massive crowd. It is hard to utilize the tracking system as the citizen identification chip was not installed within him, or rather there never was an intention of putting one in him.

Some in the crowd were able to snap a photo of the youth and immediately uploaded it unto the web.

Within minutes it was already viral and exploding as the hottest topic.

Is that really him?

How is that possible?

Is this a cosplay? I'll gve that one 10/10. but why does his hair color and eyes are different?

Sir, he had been recognized. He run into the crowd and was immediately recognized. Should we block all the existing photos in the network?

No, any radical action right now would only create a far more destructive repercussion. Let them think its fake and it will die down.

No, let everyone know his return

A voice suddenly inserted from the background, it was firm and commanding. Not an ounce of hesitation can be traced in the tone.

Both the highest ranking in this building and the one reputed to be the most skilled were trembling silently in their knees in the presence of this one man..

But.. they both tried voicing out their opinion

Did you hear me right.

It was a question yet they both know deep in their heart it was an absolute command

Ye- yes si-sir! But I want to know..

A pair of eyes bore into him, it was emotionless but it stirred him greatly and felt himself a cold streak of sweat running down his back. Gaining his every inch of courage, he proceeded to ask the question in his mind despite the hardest ever to articulate.

Is.. tha… rea.. really.. hi..him..?

A pause of silence before the deafening blast.


And then the man turned around and walked out of the room. Both the two in nearest vicinity to him spat out a heaviest and deepest breath of relief in their life. You just simply don't know what happens to you in his presence.