
35 hundred miles to you

Dolton_culhane19 · สมจริง
5 Chs

35 hundred miles to you

my name is Dolton Culhane, I live in east london alone, my mum and sisters live down the block, staying was only for them. I feel like i've done enough, or as much as I can do for now, and it's time to start my life. I always knew when I grew up I wanted a family. one full of love. I never had a father growing up and my mum wasn't there for us as much as she should have been. I practically raised my siblings and I know i'd be a good dad.

I can't say this is my story because it is not it's ours, mine and hers and everyone im about to tell you about. From beginning to end our story did nothing but fill my mind with memories made from gold of you if your reading this just know my heart will always be one half of a whole without yours


The start

it's three AM. Im sat up on my bed with a glass of water and I get the urge to go play ball, I know im gonna piss off my neighbour but fuck then it's my last night here and if I wanna make noise im gonna. Look it's been a long time since I felt free and im finally here, my bags are all packed in the boot and the only sound is the ball bouncing from the floor to my hands over and over like a rhythm. im ready for whatever's about to happen.  4:50 am, shit I need to go.

Im out on the road a joint in my hand and my music on full blast I need to be at the airport by six and it's already half five. I put my seat back a little put my joint in my mouth, and look forward out onto the empty road, thinking about the life im driving towards.

Six ten im at the airport and my bags r being checked and shit, I got a hot chocolate, I always thought i'd grow into coffee, but I never did still think it taste rotten without fucklads of sugar and milk, and only if it's one of them ones you buy not make. Why the fuck am I talking bout coffee? don't even like the shit.

Looking down out the plane window about to set off still have that subtle high just enough to go to sleep. Woke up three hours later with still another three or four to go. Im starving and I need a joint. I got myself some food, a nice brownie with icecream and fudge, I remember when I was fifteen and I mixed icecream with alcohol, never do that i've never threw up so much in my life, back to the point realised my vape was in my carry on bag, and snuck it into the toilet probably wasn't the best idea, but I was tired and pissed off.

Must have fell back asleep because I don't remember nothing till we landed. I stepped off the plane and felt the cool breeze hit my face, like a new world welcoming me in. I got a taxi, or a cab as they'd say, to the apartment I bought and got my shit unpacked.

It was beautiful as i walked in there was a tall mirror looking back at me, I turned round the corner to see a beautiful glass wall between the kitchen and the living room,a set of gold spiral stairs going up to a indoor balcony, I suspected was the bedroom. a balcony outside with a jacuzzi and a bathroom with beautiful black and gold interior, the kitchen counters were black and gold marble, and the sofas were black with gold around the front of the arms.

stepping up the spiral staircase admiring the golden details, I looked up at the bedroom which took me by surprise. the bed was built into the floor with a tv practically hovering over it. there was a window behind my bed and plenty or storage room, I noticed a door at the back of the room and thought it may be another bathroom allthough the guy on the phone said it was only one, I opened it and saw a staircase one going up one going down. I was on the top floor so I thought it must lead to the roof, I wanted to see where the down one went. I kept walking down till I saw a big double door,

I peered in the window on the door to see a bar, pushing open the door and every head turned and looked at me

"sorry, am I not ment to be here i've just moved in upstairs im taking a look around".

There was so much silence it was loud no one moved or spoke they all just stared at me. I turned around thinking here might be some fucking shocking thing behind me.

"which apartment"

a voice came out of no where

"erm 15a"

I replied. All the noise started up again and the barkeep asked what drink id like. I told him to give me his recommended and sat down. He slid over a tall glass with a brown liquid inside, I sipped it, tastes like sugar nothing else just sugar.