
Chapter 17.

After a few moments of just standing in front of the bedroom door listening to the moans of my sister and her summon, I decided to go downstairs into the kitchen, as I was feeling pretty hungry after all.

But the second my foot went down on the first stair, I felt a sudden spike in my head, causing me to almost trip down, thankfully I was able to grab the railing before anything embarrassing happened.

Quick Attack - Legends of Runeterra - Domain (200 CP)

You're speed. Or at least that's what everyone thinks about you. Simply put, you will always strike before your opponent, either through sheer speed, some predictive ability, or some magical bullshit. This will let you strike at least once before your opponent has the time to react. Use this opportunity well.

Nearly instantly I knew that I had gained two new amazing abilities, the first being one that allowed me to always hit first.

It was sort of like a 'Quick Attack' in a game, giving me priority in an attack, granting me the ability to strike the first time in any fight, though that didn't mean that my attacks were faster or anything like that.

Sure I would always hit the enemy with my first attack didn't mean that my attacks magically became faster or more powerful. So if my attack didn't do any damage? Then I would be kind of screwed.

At the very least it's guaranteed that I will get a hit on them, as from what I can tell this newfound ability from the Celestial Grimoire allowed me to somewhat conceptually hit my targets first. So there was that.

So yeah, it was certainly a good damn ability. And one that I was one hundred percent going to use and abuse in any fight that I'll find myself getting into in the future, but it wasn't what I was really paying attention to.

No, that honor went to the other ability that I gained, one that was so damn bullshit that I couldn't help but grin as I slowly made my way down the stairs.

Clutching Tight to Power - World of Darkness: Sorcerer - Modus (400 CP)

"Sorcerers Awaken more often than anyone else, gaining access to the more powerful and more flexible Sphere magics true mages wield. Vampire clans that practice sorcery often seek sorcerers as prospective neonates. Unlike most transformations in the World of Darkness, when they do so they do not lose access to the linear magics they've worked so hard to acquire. With this perk, this trait extends to all your mystical powers, from this world and others. Your supernatural abilities and nature will never interfere with each other, and as an added bonus neither time nor disuse will erode your capabilities, nor can they be stripped from you or sealed away without your consent."

The ability was fairly basic and on first impressions not that great, but it meant that my powers no matter what their sources were would never conflict with each other, so I could theoretically use a fire attack and a water attack in the same attack without one canceling the other out or turning it into a steam attack, at least not without me intending for that to happen.

But there was also the added effect that it worked for my transformations, meaning I could layer them on top of each other even if they directly contradicted each other. I didn't have any problem with that right now, but I was pretty sure that in the future I might have had to deal with that sort of stuff.

So it was for the best that I was able to nip that in the bud beforehand. I didn't want to have to deal with that sort of bullshit.

Then there was the final facet of this ability, and that was… my abilities could now no longer be taken or sealed. And well, that was a massive load off of my shoulders. Because holy shit, that would be so damn useful against people with some sort of 'power nullification' bullshit.

Sure I don't know if that even exists, but hey… better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, right?

But then there was something else, there was this other thing, it didn't feel like a page being torn which would signify me not getting anything, but it also wasn't the sensation of a page of the grimoire being opened allowing me to read it, which is how I sort of thought of the process of me gaining spells and such from the Celestial Grimoire.

No, instead it felt like there was a sort of… bookmark in the Celestial Grimoire on a certain page, though I didn't know exactly what that page was just yet.

It was honestly strange and I didn't know what to think about it. But it might have just been some new function of the grimoire that I hadn't known about beforehand.

Honestly, I wanted to be optimistic about this sort of thing, because maybe it'll give me some sort of kickass super powerful ability? Or barring that, I really hoped it didn't screw me over.

With that done though, I finally made my way down the stairs and headed into the kitchen, where I saw that mom was already standing in front of the sink, looking at me with a nervous smile on her face.

And nearly instantly, my mind went to the worst places, as anxiety built itself up in my chest.

Did she see me earlier when I was peeking in on her masturbating in her room? Did she think that I was just as much of a degenerate as Tomoko? If not more so?

Was she going to scream at me for being some sort of pervert? Kick me out of the house?

Pausing for a few seconds, I waited for her to blow up at me… but she just let out a small breath and poured herself a glass of water before walking away.

Huh, maybe she was just thirsty?

As she walked back upstairs to her bedroom, I let out a small sigh of relief before walking to the fridge and opening it.

Okay, so I had some sliced ham, a block of cheese, I assumed it was cheddar, alongside some butter in a plastic container… looking at the bench, I saw that there was a loaf of sliced bread, and well it was pretty easy to see what I was going to make.

So with that, I took a couple of slices of ham and the block of cheese out of the fridge, alongside the container of butter, and placed them on the bench.

Then I grabbed a chopping board and placed the cheese block on it before using a kitchen knife to take off several slices of cheese. With that done I put the cheese back and took six slices of bread out of the bag then wrapped it back up.

I took care to grab a butter knife and open the container of butter before scooping some up and putting it on the knife.

With that done, I lathered each of the slices of bread up with butter, until they were all yellowed and placed the butter back into the fridge.

And then I proceeded to place the slices of ham and cheese on one slice of bread for each sandwich, and then when I was done I placed the slice of bread that had no ham or cheese on top of the cheesed and hammed bread, creating a trio of sandwiches.

One for myself, and two for both Tomoko and her summon, after all. All that fucking must have worn them out a bit, right?

I then looked at the little Sundancer who was still hanging out on top of my head looking at the sandwiches below in awe and sheer want, so I decided to give her a small amount of ham from my own sandwich, causing her to happily chew on the meat as she swayed from side to side. She was honestly adorable.

When the little Sundancer was finished, she flew to my side and gave me a little peck on the cheek before flying back on top of my head.

So once I was finished, I brought them up to my bedroom, and knocked on the door… once the gasps and sounds of scampering stopped, I opened the door and looked at both my sister and her summon sitting on either side of the bed in slightly disheveled clothes.

Tomoko had a small amount of my cum that was trickling down the side of her mouth, and blushed lightly upon seeing me. I just assumed that they thought that Mom was coming in or something like that.

"I made us some lunch." I told the two of them with a smile, causing Melusine to give me a sharp-toothed grin as I handed her a sandwich.

My sister then took one for herself, and I was left with the final one. And the three of us just sat there for a few minutes, eating our sandwiches.

It was fairly quiet, but… it was nice, the silence and calmness were like a balm to my soul after that damn fight for my life.

"Mistress, you seem to have some sperm on the side of your mouth, would you like me to clean that off?" Melusine asked after the three of us finished eating, breaking the silence as she stuck out her long tongue that was slick with her saliva.

"Hm? Oh no, I can take care of that." Tomoko said with a lewd grin as she wiped it up with one of her fingers before placing it on the last bite of her sandwich, "Can't go without my special sauce, isn't that right nii-chan?"

I gulped slightly as she slowly yet sensually placed the last remnants of her sandwich into her mouth and chewed on it with her mouth open, watching as the sandwich mixed with the cum in her mouth before she swallowed it.

"Mmm, that was absolutely delicious. Thanks for the lunch, Ryuu-nii!" Tomoko told me with a happy smile, swaying from side to side.

"Ah, yes. That was rather nice, thank you… Ryuuji-sama!" Melusine said cheerfully, even through the lustful blush on her face.

"Yeah uh you're welcome I guess?" I said after a moment, I didn't really get why they were thanking me. It wasn't like I really did much, just made them a couple of basic sandwiches. Honestly, I felt like I was a bit too lazy making them.

…Okay on second thought, I actually know exactly why Tomoko was thanking me, she was probably just trying to get a rise out of me, implying that my cum was what was 'absolutely delicious'. And Melusine was more than likely just trying to be polite.

So with my momentary confusion out of the way, I hummed lowly, trying to figure out what it was that I was going to do for the rest of the day. I had a sort of free day now, after all with the whole Devil debacle.

The first thing that I eventually decided to do, was get straight onto those orders for Gremory-san.

I might not have finalized the deal that I had with her to become her Contracted Magician just yet, but I felt that it would probably be for the best to have everything done beforehand.

And I didn't want to have anything hanging over my head or even have the slightest chance of going into debt due to me not seeing something in the fine print that would say some shit like 'If Ryuuji Hyoudou fails to provide all items required within a day's time, he will be forced into Rias Gremory's Peerage'.

Now, did I think that that sort of thing was likely? No, I didn't. But I didn't want to risk that sort of stuff whatsoever, so I figured that it was just a lot easier to get it all done ahead of time.

With that in mind, I went to the general store which was only a ten minute walk away from the house, and bought several items that I thought would work pretty damn well for the spells I was implanting into them before heading back home.

I had this idea of telling Gremory-san that I had to use specific items in order to place the spells into, a lie sure… but I wanted my 'enchanting' ability to seem more limited than it actually was. Purely because if I revealed how it actually worked and all of the minute details? Then I might just become too tempting a target for some asshole Devil or other supernatural creature to target.

So for that, I eventually bought five pairs of glasses, five small compact mirrors, five blank cards, five small toy wands, and ten sets of bracelets.

For the glasses, I imbued the Thought Acceleration spells into them, and by the end of it, I had a quintet of fairly normal looking glasses that could, once magical energy was poured into them, cause time to slow down for the user's mind.

Honestly, now that I think about it… this sort of spell would probably work the best for Shitori-san since she's some sort of magical girl and pretty damn smart to boot. Maybe I should make a pair for her one day?

Then with that done, I grabbed the compact mirrors and put the Clairvoyance spell into all five of them, I mostly chose this sort of thing because I'd already gone with cards for the Divination Spells and thought… mirrors would probably work well for this sort of thing.

Once magical energy was poured into the compact mirror, the user would be able to see a hazy almost live viewing of whatever or whoever they're thinking about, a great spell for scrying… or finding lost keys.

Speaking of Divination, I poured the magical energies of the Divination spell into the blank cards, and they still looked like they normally did, but when someone poured magic into them and thought of a target, the cards would gain a cryptic image relating to said target.

With those done, I went for the five toy wands and placed the Zap spells into them, and tested one of them, causing small sparks to fly out of the wand.

The Zap Wands were pretty basic, but they would be able to fire off several fairly weak blasts when magic was poured into them, and they barely took any magic to use- even someone like Tomoko would be able to fire it at least once.

But they also had the effect of Zap where the more they were used, the more they grew in power. And they seemed to take on the elemental or magical properties of whoever used it. Or barring that, whatever worked the best for them as a person.

So if Gremory-san got her hands on one, she could probably be able to shoot beams of disintegration out of them, while Koneko would probably shoot… fuck I don't know, candy beams? Bento blasts?

And finally, there was my coup de grace, the Disguise Bracelets, which were bracelets imbued with my disguise spell. One could store any outfit placed on the bracelet inside of it and then with a simple thought and a small amount of magical energy poured into it, the outfit would be placed perfectly onto the user.

It was honestly pretty easy to make everything, though I didn't plan on doing something stupid like giving them to the Devils tomorrow. I didn't want to reveal the fact that I could make them so easily.

No, instead I was going to wait at least a couple of days, though more likely a week before giving them to the Devils- or barring that, whenever the contract was going to be made, the second that I signed it, I would complete my half of the deal.

So with that, I decided to go onto the next course of action, and that was… training.

More specifically, I wanted to train more with my main mode of attack, that being the Zap Spell.

The Zap Spell, it was a rather simple spell on the surface, you pour magic into it, fire a quick and simple blast of energy, and whatever gets hit either breaks or doesn't.

But it was a lot more complicated than just the surface level, starting with the fact that you could with just a thought manipulate what it was. From a bubble to a bolt of lightning…

I personally preferred bubbles, because I just thought it was really fucking funny to shoot people with bubble beams. But even then I added a holy element to it, in order for it to be more effective against Devils or Vampires.

Then there was the fact that the more it was used, the more powerful it actually got. It was like training a muscle in a way, just more magical and not at all like training a muscle.

After all, there was no real sense of strain when it was used. Though perhaps that was because I apparently had an abundance of magical power at my beck and call, rather than the spell itself being cheap and easy to cast.

But then again, if Tomoko could cast it… well, I was pretty sure that anyone could. She was as civilian as they came, at least before she ate my jelly and suddenly used her Sacred Gear earlier.

So with that in mind, I went out into the backyard, which was thankfully fenced off from any possible peeping eyes, and started to fire blasts of Zap into the fence, taking care to not overpower the spell.

Instead, I was making sure that the spell was weak enough to not actually put any sort of hole in the fence as I changed the shape of the spell.

At first, I started out with simple bubbles, then I went onto bolts of electrical energy which were relatively easy to do even if they left little scorch marks on the fence, and then I switched tracks turning the Zaps into various different forms.

From blazing balls of fire to shards made of ice and even more esoteric things like a glob of slime or a wad of gum.

I found that I could give it any sort of appearance and effect, and even when it wasn't strong it would still retain that effect.

So for instance, glue, slime, and gum would stick to someone even if it didn't hurt them. Fireballs would burn, water blasts would wet, lightning bolts would zap, holy lasers would purify, and a lot more would happen.

The effects weren't too strong, only being as strong as a normal lighter or a taser in the cases of the fireballs and bolts of electricity. But those would likely help me if I had to quickly determine an enemy's elemental weakness. Or maybe do some terrifyingly efficient debuff-based combo attack.

And hey maybe I could build up on that sort of stuff in the future, learn from this experience with Zap to create more powerful elemental spells?

During my practice with the Zap spell, I also found that I could instinctually make a more powerful blast of Zap, one that should be capable of taking out an enemy with far more ease… though I also found that the cost grew as well.

So that was the flaw with it, the stronger it became the more it cost. Well, at least I discovered it now and not in a life or death battle.

Eventually having finished my practice, I decided that it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to try and find Father Anderson and talk to him about the contract that I was going to make with Gremory-san to become her Contracted Magician.

Surely he should understand that I was doing it in order to protect my family. I just had to… find him, now.

Knowing that I didn't know where the hell he would be, my most likely guess being that he was currently in either the old dilapidated church, provided the Fallen Angels had fucked off to where they came from, or he was in his house… I didn't know if he was actually in either of them, as he could be out shopping or fighting.

And well, I didn't want to risk potentially pissing him off if I broke into either building.

So I took a few moments to think about what to do, when I decided to use one of the Clairvoyance Compact Mirrors in order to find Father Anderson's current location.

I did sort of need to do a test run with these things on a supernatural creature anyway, and using it to find Father Anderson would be a great way to test if it even works on supernatural people.

And so with that in mind, I opened up the compact mirror and poured my magical energies into it, thinking about wanting to know Father Alexander Anderson's current location.

Peering into the mirror I watched as a hazy video of the priest manifested on the glass, I wasn't really able to make many features but I could tell that it was Father Anderson. Mostly from the bayonets.

Strangely though there was someone else with him, I couldn't really make out her features due to how blurry the image was, which I should probably fix if I want to create mirrors for my own personal use.

But from what I was able to tell from the blurry images, I could see that she was a blonde-haired nun, and she seemed to be praying next to the priest.

I recognized the surroundings though, that was definitely Father Anderson's house. So the two of them were in his home praying to God, at least now I knew where he currently was.

Now that I knew where he was, I decided to put a jacket on and left the house, saying goodbye to mom as I closed the door behind me, wanting to speak with the bayonet-wielding priest about the whole… contracting with a Devil thing, and hey maybe I could befriend that nun.

Next chapter