
Boss of the Khans!

Ned, or as he was known online, SpiderSidekick, was preparing for a potential fight with raiders in Fallout. After coming back from Junk town for some exploration he had been met by Seth, one of the guards of Shady Sands. Apparently the daughter of Aradesh; the leader of the town, had been stolen by raiders of the Khan clan. 

Talking with him he found that these raiders were some of the most violent around and constantly raided Shady Sands. Going to speak with Aradesh himself he was able to secure himself a hefty reward.

"Please my friends, save my daughter... I will give you a substantial reward for her safety!"

Being the aspiring 'Spidersidekick' he couldn't exactly turn it down, could he? Thus we reach the current point where he is equipping his heavy armour plates and doffing a double barrel shotgun. The weight was real on his body and the slowness it gave was even more noticeable as his movements were slightly stunted. No dodging would work for this.

"Chat, should I go pure melee with this? Or stick with the shotgun, I am unsure."

<CrimsonFucker69- DON'T PUSS OUT NOW!!! C'mon...! You gotta smack some skulls in!>

<Conquis7ador- Yah, take your sword and stick it up this boss mans ass!>

<DivinitySlayer- We believe in you>

<LolOVm- You can do dis!>

Filled with the trust of his fans he smile in game and put away his shotgun, instead lifting the heavy broadsword that he had gained in random encounters. Viking runes were carved into this sword, but that wasn't the cool part about... The cool part was the bone hilt.

"Okay, let's go melee then!"

<CrimsonFucker69- I could **** you right now! LET'S FUKN GOOOOOO....!!!>

<LolOVm- Calm down Crimson...>

With his choice made he summoned up the map and clicked on the south east green spot that would most likely be the raider camp. His vision went blank for several moments, as usual, before reappearing in a new space. 

Multiple tents were pitched around a single story brick building. No one had seen him yet. Looking around he spotted many people in ragged armoured clothing. Some had maces and pistols, whilst others merely were armless currently. Feeling that standing still would be bad he moved to the nearest tent.

Inside was a bedroll with some plates nearby, nothing of value found. The one thing he did find was someone inside of the tent. Panic leapt to his throat as he reached for his currently sheathed sword.

"Have you come back to kill your son?"

The raider looked thoroughly concerned, frightened and disbelieving all at once. A condition that was currently shared by Ned as he stared right at the NPC.

<CrimsonFucker69- PPPPFFFFFTTTTT>

<Conquis7ador- Huh?>

"E-excuse me?"

"Have you come to kill your son?"

The NPC repeated the line as he simply recoiled a touch.

"Um, yes?"

"I knew it... I will go get the Deaths-Hand, your son."

The NPC sprinted off as Ned watched him run away. He was stunned, shocked and bamboozled all at the same time. 'Was it that easy...!?'

<Dawnelder- What if he goes and gathers the rest of camp to kill you?>

<CrimsonFucker69- That'd be HILARIOUS!>

Shouts resounded a little ways away as people were gasping and speaking loudly, boisterously. Ned, wanting to provide a good experience for his audience, followed the man out a few moments afterwards, witnessing dozens and dozens of raiders line the way to the brick house.

These NPCs saw Ned and immediately lines started.

"It's the Death-Hand he's returned!"

"We're sorry Death-Hand!"

"Are you really here to kill your son?"

This all ceased as the front door was slammed open, revealing a man with bulging muscles armed with two pistols and a trench coat. He had a cowboy hat and his features were beastly... Mutton chops with a thick beard and golden teeth. His eyes were bright blue and nose hairs were slowly creeping out of his nostrils.

"I KILLED YOU!" His voice boomed through the area as he stepped down the few stairs that lead to the building's entrance. Behind him were two slave women, half naked, that were staring at him with hope. The breasts weren't censored by the game at all, Twitch attempting to ban him but failing as the game prevented that.

"Y-you shouldn't have done that!" 

Ned faked confidence as he stared right at the man's stupid face. The leader's face scrunched as his eyes took on a hardness equivalent to steel.


"But I still live... Don't I?" Ned was just going with it at this point, he was as confused as anyone. A prompt from his Pip-man caught his attention before the leader of the Khans slammed his fists and pulled a pistol.


The pistol went off in quick succession as three rounds immediately burst towards Ned. Whizzing noises passed by his ears twice before a single dinging of metal resounded, his body being pushed back a single foot as the armour absorbed the round.

"Melee isn't looking good guys... I think it's time for the Shotgun!"

<CrimsonFucker69- PUSSED OUT LIKE A B*TCH!>

<Dawnelder- Shotgun is the logical answer here>

Ned pulled the shotgun dangling from his waist and immediately advanced forwards as the other raiders began to life their weapons. *KROOM* *KROOM* AP 12 Gauge rounds spread in a conical pattern in front of him as multiple raiders dropped to the ground wounded. The boss of the raiders was launched inside the main house as his slave women ran away to a nearby tent, screaming the entire time.

Not failing to capitalize from this brief moment of advantage, Ned unsheathed his broadsword and sliced the throat of a nearby enemy. More pinging noises and a shoot of pain in his leg told him that some were better off than he thought. Ignoring that however he picked up a pistol the guy he had just killed was carrying, opening fire immediately and indiscriminately.

With the sheer volume of raider the shot hit some of them as he ran at another man, holding a shotgun this time, and slid his blade through his stomach. His damage with melee weapon was surreal and the accuracy he had with them was almost Conan levels of satisfying. 

Much like with gun combat, melee combat had it's slow down moments too where you could choose which part to attack. Almost always Ned chose lethal points that would usually one-shot if you hit.

More whizzing continued as several melee fighters from the Raiders rushed him. Unfortunately for them, he was a beast in melee and had a large amount of stims. One struck a mace blow on his shoulder only for him to inject a stim into his leg and one handily riposte. The head of said mace-wielder flew through the air majestically...

The next was a bisection. The following an utter lobotomy. He picked up the shotgun next and missed his shots, striking the main building instead. A shotgun blast pumped into him as his own blood started to be felt. Another stim shot was taken and he healed.

"Come at me! Like a man!" His broadsword cut into the spine of a female raider as she screamed out in agony. Iron filled the air and the tactile sensations of continued fluid movement began to fill Ned with utter ecstasy. This was the game, this is his game, this is his fucking sword, and no one would fucking stop him getting what he wanted at this time.

A pistol shot from the entrance domed the side of his helmet and broke it as blood trickled down hi face. Ignorance was blissful at this moment as Ned merely decapitated another man and rushed the boss.


<CrimsonFucker69- OoooohhhhhHHH YEAH! Slice his C0ck off!>

<Conquis7ador- This violence suits you...>

Another bullet fired off and destroyed his right pauldron as his broadsword cleaved through the air towards the neck of the boss. As it seemed more and more likely that he would strike true and completely maim his opponent... A meaty hand rose and grabbed the broadsword, blood pissing out of the wound immediately as madness gleamed in the eyes of his 'son'?

"You're a tenacious fucker, i'll grant you that! NOW DIE!"

The boos pulled the pin of a grenade and tried to pull Ned closer using the leverage on his sword. Completely uncaring though, Ned simply jumped back and pulled his shotgun up, reloading as the boss started to move towards him.

"That was a stupid move!"

Cocking the shotgun back with rounds chambered, the thunderous cracks of shotgun rounds soon followed as the armour of the boss was destroyed and he was plunged back into the main building.

Ned moved forwards, reloading as he did so...

Only to realise that the grenade from before had now been tossed and was hurtling towards him. He had one of two choices now, flee and hope he could get out safely, or, take his shotgun and skeet shoot that son of a bitch before it even got halfway.

It wasn't even a question really.


The rounds struck the grenade and launched it backwards, the sparks of the metal causing a fissile reaction within the chamber of the grenade and detonating it in the opposite direction of Ned. 


A pained scream resounded before silence followed it. Ned reloaded before walking forwards and finishing off the injured raiders. Mercilessly and uncaringly executing them as he menacingly walked up the few front steps into the hallway that the Death-Hand's corpse now was plastered throughout. 

In the middle of the floor however was a cowboy hat, two pistols and a single coin purse. Picking them up he jaunted through the rest of the building, killing the raiders he came across as he searched each disgusting room. 

The beds smelt of off fish and there was such a derisive smell of urine and shit permeating throughout that It was a wonder that anyone could live in such a place. More slaves were present, which he soon freed, some offering to help him whenever he needed it. Then, finally, he made it to the back of the house where a jail-cell was occupied. 

A woman of clear beauty and style was standing at the bars, holding onto them as she stared out at Ned.

"You came to save me?"


"Great! Now you just need to break me out and I'm sure my papa will give you a reward."

Ned nodded before hitting the jail cell a few times, struggling to open it. With battle over though and a moment to think, he searched the corpses of the raiders until he found a key and opened the cell.

"Thank you! You are my eternal saviour!"

"All in a day's job?"

Ned's chat laughed as blood covered his entire body and all that they could see was his eyes poking out amidst the gore-filled avatar. 

<Dawnelder- That was sick! I clipped it! You should post it on YouTube and see how many views you get!?>

'Damn... That's, not a bad idea really...'


Meanwhile I, Freya, sat back and ate some popcorn as I watched Spider slaughter everything with a berserker-like rage. It seemed that the graphical improvements were going well and it was making the game super popular.

"I should get some powers or something in real life... Maybe use it to soak up some time since I lack the internet and can't really do anything else...?"

I looked around my empty apartment as the lights of the city still flickered and flashed in the distance. Yeah, i needed to do something.


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