

"Shit! Vultures!" Tammy cried in despair upon seeing other competitors building up right at the edge of the circle.

Lola took that news like a dizzying punch and just kept trudging forward. There was no time to inspect every angle of their situation in its entirety. First things first, they had to get out of the storm before they even considered fighting anyone. The timer for the next circle was already counting down past a minute and twelve seconds, which meant if they didn't wrap up the fight with these guys soon, there'd be no escaping the second storm.

With a desperate lunge Lola was barely able to make it into the circle with ten health points. There was a full squad on a nearby hill shooting down at them, but she didn't return fire. The very instant she was in the circle she frantically built a staircase and three walls to protect it. Switching over to her ranged weapon, a rare bolt-action sniper rifle, Lola popped up, aimed, and squeezed off a shot.


Lola knocked the helmet off a blue squire that had been standing still for too long. She ducked back down and reloaded for another shot when she saw Tammy crawling out of the storm over to her. Lola put a roof up and started reviving her friend.

"You still have that purple tac?" Lola asked as she heard the team on the hill launch padding across the valley over to them.

Tammy scrunched her face in pure confusion and answered, "Why the fuck would I drop it?"

"Just get up and get ready, they're right over us. I'm going out."

Lola edited a door and shouldered through it, turned, and pointed her purple silenced pistol up towards the roof. Someone had definitely landed up there. The footsteps were unmistakable. Unfortunately, her attention was diverted to the two airborne knights still parachuting in. She shifted her aim and emptied the pistol magazine into both of them, but only successfully knocked one out of the air. As the royale knight evaporated from the contest before hitting the ground, the red knight touched down right next to the river. She reached for something, but got her legs swept out from under her as Tammy came around the other side of the impromptu fort, blasting like crazy.

Lola was busy reloading when the assailant that landed on the roof showed himself. It was a black knight, holding what appeared to be a SCAR.

Now that's just perfect.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a sniper's round and a full spray of light bullets simultaneously slammed into the black knight and knocked him clean off the top of the fort. Lola scrambled for the wall as she finally popped in a fresh pistol mag, ready for another fight.

"Where are they?" She shrieked.

Tammy shouted back, "Three forty-five, north!"

Her friend had already built up another staircase facing in that direction for cover. Lola watched her raise an uncommon hunting rifle, then, after a few seconds, lower it.

"What? What is it?" Lola demanded impatiently.

She didn't wait for an answer and looked for herself. She saw her other two squad mates, the veteran and the rookie, emerge from the storm.

"Lose something?" Bob asked.

Next chapter