"Sure, bring it on."
Sunny caught the blade, which was thrown at him. He smirked a bit at her words, but inwardly, he was surprised. He didn't expect her to voice her thoughts so directly to someone she barely knew, it was unlike her. Did his bright attitude towards her make her feel at ease around him? It definitely wasn't his performance in their previous spar. If anything, that spar would have made her extra guarded towards Sunny.
'Just what is she...'
Without a second to spare, Nephis dashed forward and her longsword collided with his sword. It felt like a PTV just crashed into his blade, Sunny was pushed back a tiny bit. What followed was strike, after strike, after strike. Sparks flashed in the air as the two weapons touched, loud ringing resounded in the almost empty dojo. It was a melody brought by the two blades.
Deciding that he was being pushed back for long enough, Sunny finally started to strike back at her. Nephis didn't use her true sword style, which he had no problem with. It's good that she is being careful, even if it's him.
He began his ruthless assault. Sunny launched a sequence of swift slashes as he shifted fluidly from one style to another. The mundane silver blade was flowing clearly through the air, its edge was as sharp as a razor.
His movements were gentle and unpredictable, exuding an air of mysteriousness. They were as treacherous as the unchained shadow practicing this formless battle art. But the strikes following them were anything, but gentle.
Nephis feverishly defended against the barrage of slashes, a soft smile found its way onto her beautiful face. Her smile widening bit by bit with every slash she had blocked. Looks like Nephis's inner love for swordsmanship was crawling out of her guarded, reserved mind.
Sunny's swordsmanship showcase was absolutely stunning, his skill with the blade took Nephis' breath away, he was incredible. She had never fought anyone with such skill. Just where did this person come from? Who taught him, or is he self-taught? Is he some sort of hidden Legacy? All kinds of questions flashed through her brain, but she no longer had time to think.
It was time to go all out. No hiding her blade, not anymore.
Nephis's weapon took on a different attitude. Her technique turned clean, graceful, and ruthless. Normally, no matter what type of attack was thrown at her, she was able to either predict or instantly react to it, then deflect and turn it against the attacker with a minimum amount of effort.
But not against this guy.
She was nevertheless still a battle machine, both of them had trouble keeping up with the other. Just like Sunny was able to grasp the essence of a battle style, Nephis was able to do something similar. They had used this fact before in the battle for the Black Skull Citadel. They were able to kill a Saint using their combined ability to sense the essence of Dire Fang's unique fighting style, using their different views on it.
Both sides were seemingly equal in power and cunningness. Instead of powerful strikes, feints and diversions took priority. They needed just one opportunity to overtake the other. And that opportunity just presented itself to Sunny.
As Nephis turned her body to the right, she narrowly dodged one of Sunny's slashes with the silver blade and Sunny replied with a wide step forward, turning his body and shifting all of his bodyweight, he swung with all his strength. His slash connected with the core of her blade and a loud sound resonated throughout the room.
The longsword had shattered.
It was a mundane one, just like the weapon, which Sunny was currently wielding. It could no longer handle it. But a shattered blade meant defeat.
Nephis' eyes widened. Her expression froze completely.
She had been defeated by a pale, malnourished young man from the outskirts of NQSC.
She looked up to meet his gaze, his face showing a gentle smile, free of any mockery or smugness.
"That was extremely close, had the sword lasted, I believe you would have obliterated me. I was beginning to feel exhausted. You're truly amazing, Nephis." His words had a calm and honest tone to them, it sounded like he wasn't lying at all.
"I..." Nephis tried to respond to his words, but she couldn't voice her thoughts out loud.
'It was so beautiful...'
Sunny noticed that she was struggling and spoke in her stead.
"Man, this was awesome. You're the best sparring partner one could ever ask for! The way you calculate every move with cold precision is amazing and terrifying!" His grin turned cheerful.
"Hey, how about we have a spar some time again in the future? Maybe we could make it a repeating occasion, even! We still have around three and a half weeks till we enter the Dream Realm, I think it would benefit us both greatly!"
Nephis just stared at him.
"Oh! I wasn't trying to be forceful or anything, believe me! I just thought that..." Sunny spoke, but she interrupted him mid sentence.
"Sure, I'd like that. Your swordsmanship is outstanding, Sunless. Let's learn a lot from each other."
It was now Sunny's turn for his expression to freeze.
'This girl...'
Surprise after surprise, just what was going on inside her head? In the past, she was awfully quiet and terrible at relaying what she was thinking, and now she was unfazed and direct. To count the amount of times when Sunny had to read her blank face, just to realize what she had wanted from him, was practically impossible. It was just too much to count. What was that about?! Was she just trying to get closer to him to investigate if he is dangerous or not? Or was she really that excited about it?
He wasn't able to read her face. Any other time, he would be able to, but now he just couldn't. Sunny wasn't sure if it was due to the shock he was experiencing, but in the end he wasn't against the idea.
"Ehrm, sure, let's do that. How about we meet up here every three days at this exact hour? I don't want to take up too much of your time..." He said with a slight cough.
"Every other day..." She said weakly, he couldn't hear her properly.
"Eh, sorry. What was that?"
"Let's spar every other day instead of every three days." Nephis replied with a serious face and voice.
He stared at the slender silver-haired girl for a while.
"S–sure..." Sunny replied with a frozen, slightly shocked expression on his pale face.
The next day, Sunny approached Cassie's table, while holding a tray overflowing with a mountain of food, humming cheerfully. He put the food down and sat across from the blind girl.
"Hey, Cassie. How are you doing on this wooonderful morning?" He prolonged the 'wonderful' part.
"Hi, Sunny. I am doing alright, thank you for asking." Cassie replied and continued.
"Umm, if you don't mind... Just how much food did you bring? It sounded like a mountain landed on the table..."
"Oh, haha... Yeah, I might have overdone it a little bit. I had quite the eventful evening yesterday, I just needed a refill, I guess." Sunny replied with a glowing look on his malnourished, and seemingly more tired than usual, face.
Just as he was about to continue talking, he suddenly noticed in the corner of his vision, that a silver-haired girl approached their table and proceeded to sit down next to him. He turned his head and stared at her for a moment before asking.
"Oh, h–hey there, Nephis... W–what are you doing here?"
The slender girl turned her head, now both were looking at each other.
"I came to eat at this table." she simply said.
"O–oh, I see..."
And with that, their conversation ended. For the rest of their meal, Nephis had not spoken a single word, most of the time she was just diving into her food and immersed in her thoughts. But Sunny caught her staring at him with a curious look a few times. Cassie and Sunny continued to chat for a bit, she was waiting for him to finish the mountain of food he brought with him.
Nephis finished her food and simply sat there, just staring into empty space. It was like she was playing invisible.
'How can she be so... cute?'
'W–wait! J–just what am I thinking?! Shut up, Sunless!' Sunny tried to shut his thoughts off, but his heart was already beating faster than usual, he was beginning to blush slightly. Fortunately, Nephis wasn't looking at him at the moment and Cassie was blind, so neither of them had noticed, which was a really, really good thing. He was awfully embarrassed at how he was acting.
He hurriedly finished his mountain of a meal and said his goodbyes to the both of them and ran off as fast as he could.
As the days passed by, Sunny and Nephis continued their sparring sessions and she kept on coming to sit at their table everyday—very rarely speaking, mostly when she was prompted to. And soon enough; the destined day came.
The winter solstice.
Sunny woke up feeling tired and drowsy. No matter how much he tried to shake off this listlessness, it wouldn't go away. In the end, he just stayed in bed for a while, wrapping himself in a blanket.
It was his last day on Earth for a long time. Once nightfall comes, every Sleeper will be taken away by the Spell, to challenge the vast expanse of the Dream Realm. Sunny was sure about the kind of hell he was about to go through.
'Ugh. So tired...'
With a sigh, he got out of bed and went along with his usual morning routine. Starting with a hot shower, he didn't bother to mess with his hair today, even though he rarely really did anyway. If there was something to look forward to, it would be the last "Mountain Meal" as he had dubbed it.
The cafeteria was full of nervous Sleepers, it was completely quiet. There were no loud questions spoken nor any whispers—only the Legacies remained calm and collected. However, even they kept to themselves.
Sunny chuckled inwardly at the sight.
'Well... You should be nervous, thinking too much of yourself will only get you killed.'
Sunny immersed himself in his memories, trying to remember what he was doing at this time of day.
'Oh right, I had a coffee. It was the first time I tried out putting cream and sugar in there.'
His thoughts slipped deeper and deeper, right into the core of his mind. All of the time he had spent on the Forgotten Shore, how he had lost Nephis for the first time. His Second Nightmare. How she returned to him and how he had lost her again after she had decided to join Valor and he went off to Antarctica.
He remembered how he had lost her for the third time, not counting the events of the Third Nightmare.
Her memory of him.
All of the people in the world lost their memories, no one truly knew him, not anymore. He was just an outskirts kid now—not a Master, not a Major, not a Mongrel, not a survivor of the Forgotten Shore, not an accomplished explorer and researcher, and not one of Nephis' cohort members. He was no longer the man she had once loved. Although she never told him, he knew for a long, long time...
His expression turned dark, he was contemplating his entire existence. What was the point? They're no longer here—or rather, he was no longer there. He made a selfish choice and this is how it turned out.
Be careful what you wish for.
Sunny was taken out of his thoughts by a voice, a familiar voice. It was the voice of the girl he loved.
"Hello, Sunless."
He looked up, facing the girl, attempting to smile at her. A melancholic look was still overwhelming his face. Nephis noticed this and patted him on the shoulder, her face showing a gentle smile.
At least it was an attempt at a gentle smile.
"I know it's scary, but it'll be alright. You're strong, Sunless."
His eyes widened, a single tear rolled down his pale cheek.
Although Nephis tried to comfort him because she thought he was scared of re-entering the Dream Realm. What she had unknowingly accomplished was of much greater importance to Sunny's current mental state.
Sunny's mind was filled with a feeling of reassurance and warmth. The beautiful young woman in front of him was like a single star shining brightly on a cloudless moonlit sky. An inner desire awoke inside of Sunny—a desire to protect this beautiful star. To make sure her radiant light never extinguished.
His onyx eyes showed that desire as well, his resolve blazed immensely yet again. Seeing that Sunny had calmed down, Nephis nodded sharply and took her hand back. She then followed him to have their final meals in the waking world, for a while.
They walked next to each other, Nephis had a regular portion and Sunny had an absolutely ridiculous amount of food on his plate. It looked quite comical and it made for an interesting contrast.
A short, pale, raven black-haired boy with a cheeky grin on his face, walking with a mountain of food—a 'Mountain Meal.'
A tall, slender silver-haired girl with a stoic, emotionless face, walking with a regular-sized meal.
The two young Sleepers approached a table, where a beautiful blind girl with an exquisite face was sitting. Cassie looked their way and greeted them with a tiny smile on her face.
"Hey Cassie."
"Hello... Cassie."
They sat down and dug into their food. They stayed quiet until it was time to head out, just before they stood up, Cassie suddenly spoke out.
"Happy Birthday Sunny."
Sunny looked at Cassie with a huge smile.
In the snowy parks that surrounded the white building, multiple Awakened were leading their own batches of Sleepers to the same destination. It was the Academy's medical center.
Its interior contained both highly advanced technology as well as some of the best Healers among the Awakened. For the duration of their first journey into the Dream Realm, the bodies of Sleepers would be kept safe in specially designed pods and sustained by the magical powers of those Healers if anything unfortunate were to happen on the other side.
Of course, whether or not they would wake up in the end wholly depended on the Sleepers themselves.
Awakened Rock brought the group to the part of the complex that held the facility meant for caretaking of the Hollow ones. The people that had not made it.
It was a pitiful sight, they were just a husk of their former selves—a bunch of empty, soulless shells.
"If you're lucky, once your spirit is destroyed, your body dies with it. But if not, you'll become just like them. Hollow."
"So don't die out there."
Half an hour later, Sleepers had been led to their personal rooms and were preparing to enter the pods. Before Cassie entered her room, Sunny came up to her and gave her the last words of encouragement. For now.
"You'll make it, don't worry. Perhaps we'll end up close by, I will definitely help you out if you do!" A joy-filled smile crept its way up his face, Cassie couldn't see it, but she could sense it from the tone of his voice.
"See you, Sunny!" She replied with a wide smile of her own. And with that, she had entered her room.
Sunny saw Nephis in the distance, the both of them looked at each other and just nodded, and took off to their own rooms.
Standing before the sleeping pod, Sunny glanced at his shadow.
"Well? Are you ready for another ride?"
The shadow shrugged and didn't answer.
Sunny chuckled.
"Yeah, me too."
With that, he stepped forward and climbed into the pod.
In the vast echoing darkness, he heard a familiar voice:
[Welcome to the Dream Realm, Sunless!]
[One of your Attributes has been modified.]
man i am crying, nephis saved my boy and she has no clue hahaha. see y'all on the forgotten shore, where only steel and a certain not-so-tall shadow remembers o_o