
Naruto : Venom : Chapter 34

Asuma taught me Lightning Release: Lightning Bullet. It can be used to either to stun or to kill. Now I know at least one jutsu for each of my elements. The lethal ones from the scroll, and the tame ones from my various teachers.

It took me another week, the one where I was pestered nonstop by fangirls, to truly master using my thread monsters and new jutsu. I find it easiest to make them use similar jutsu, that way I know what to expect from them. Ironically, the ones I use most are the bullets. 

Fire bullet, a smaller and faster version of Sasuke's grand fireball. Water bullet, which I can make strong enough to punch through trees. Earth bullet, best for blunt attacks meant to cripple and break bones. Lightning bullet, used to stun or stop an opponents heart.

I spent the third week learning the high level jutsu from Orochimaru's scroll. Lightning Release: False Darkness. Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work. Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave. Earth Release: Devouring Earth.

I may have trashed the training ground. Just a bit. Okay, I completely trashed it. Combining some of those attacks are seriously scary. I vaporized several trees when I combined Exploding Water Colliding Wave with False Darkness.

The bad news is that even with my four hearts I can't throw the high level jutsu around like crazy. They are hearts from gennin, I can't expect too much from them. I could upgrade eventually, but I refuse to make it a primary goal. 

I will not hunt down shinobi to take their hearts, but if I am sent on a mission and have to kill someone who has a better heart than one I have I will take it. It would be wasteful not to. I don't even know if five is the limit, or if Kakuzu just thought it was.

The fourth week I had an epiphany. While messing around with Eyes of the Damned genjutsu and my chakra strings. I have four natural affinities. Chakra strings can only have an elemental change if you have a natural affinity. Long story very short, I spent that week cackling like a mad man while screaming "Take that Kakashi-sensei! Elemental strings!"

Before I knew it, it was exam day.


Day of the Tournament

I look at myself in the bathroom mirror. "Today is the day. The day the invasion happens. The day Gaara lets out Shukaku. The day Orochimaru kills the Hokage. I can't change a damn thing. All I can do is survive. So that is what I'll do. Survive, so next time I can make a difference. I've trained my ass off for today. I will not go down easily! I will live to see tomorrow! Let's get to the arena and kick some ass!"

With myself officially revving to go, I exit Kakashi's apartment and start going to the arena where the tournament will be held. I'm going to be there an hour early, to get an idea of the terrain and scope out my opponent. I really doubt that anyone else has improved as much as me, but I don't doubt that they have improved. I need to be ready for anything.

Once the arena is in sight, I notice two chunin at the main entrance. "Hey Kotetsu, hey Izumo. Is there a spot the contestants are supposed to go to?"

Izumo speaks up. "Yeah, there are two booths in the stadium. One is for the Hokage and the visiting Kages, the other is for the contestants. You can go there."

"Cool. Thanks. Is there anything I'm not supposed to do as a contestant? I'd hate to be disqualified because I broke a rule."

Kotetsu talks this time. "Just stay in the booth until it's your match. You'll have to go back there after too. If you lose you can do whatever you want to. At that point it doesn't matter."

"Awesome. Don't leave the booth unless told to. Is it fine if I head there now?"

Izumo says "Go for it. It's the one without the big fancy Kage chairs."

I laugh, "Thanks guys!" I walk into the arena, I'm not the first one here by a long shot. It is already half full, people must really want to watch this. Well, it is one of the few times civilians can watch shinobi do their thing in a controlled environment. Surprisingly I am not the first contestant to show up either. The Sand Siblings beat me here.

"Hey guys. How is everyone?" I greet warmly. No need to be rude, even if one of them is my opponent. And the whole invasion thing, they haven't wronged me yet.

"I'm good." Temari replies with a smile.

Kankuro smirks, "I'm ready to kick your ass."

"I am well." Gaara drones out in his monotonous voice.

"Awesome." No more words are exchanged. They must be nervous. I know I would be. We fall into a companionable silence for the next few minutes.

The peace and quiet is broken by Team 8, more specifically Kiba. "Oi. Alvarcus. You better be ready, Shino learned some crazy moves over the last month! He'll kick your ass!"

I snort. "Please. The chances of us actually fighting are slim. Even if we do, I know how the fight will go." I share a knowing look with Shino, assuring him I remember our deal. "It'll be one hell of a show."

"You'll never get to face him." Kankuro interrupts. "I'll show you what a real chakra string user can do!"

"Oh? Is that a promise?" I ask. "I have always been mildly amused by puppetry. Do you put on shows for children?"

"You are so going down imitator!" That's it. I've decided. Kankuro is going down hard.

"We'll see whose strings are better. Just be patient. Our match is third, it's not that far off."

The bravado talk wavers off, and I happily chat with Kiba, Shino, and Hinata about pointless things until someone else shows up. Team Gai.

I call out to them, "Hey Neji. Hey Lee. Hey Tenten. How's everyone doing?"

"The hospital staff is most unyouthful. They won't let me train!"

"Lee, your legs were pulverized. Its no wonder they don't want you to train. I'm fine by the way. Still wondering what you needed those masks for though. Care to tell me?" Tenten makes a puppy dog face at me, trying to weaken my resolve.

"I tell you what. I might use them today, you could see them in action." Who knows, maybe Kankuro will be a challenge. If not, there is always the invasion. I doubt I'll hold back during that.

"I am curious about these masks too. She won't stop talking about it." Neji adds. Tenten must really want to know. Interesting.

"Woah. Back up." Kiba jumps into our conversation. "You bought five masks? What for, you only have one face."

"Its simple. He isn't using them for his face." Shino got it in one! "Otherwise, he would be wearing one now."

Kiba turns to me. "So what are you using them for? No one could possibly need that many masks!"

"Question of the day: What am I using my masks for? I'm not telling! You'll have to wait and see." Everyone is obsessed with my masks. How annoying. I mean it isn't like I can just tell them 'they're supposed to cover the parasitic thread monster's hearts that I stole when I make them into minions.' Because that would go over well.

"Hey everyone!" Ino shouts out.

Ah, she's here now. She dragged Shikamaru and Choji here with her. Perfect, a distraction. Hopefully we'll stop talking about my stupid masks.

"What are we talking about?"

"Alvarcus bought some masks from the store I work at but he won't tell me what he's using them for!" Tenten huffs. Guess we're still talking about them. Fantastic.

Ino rounds on me with an expecting gaze. "Well? When a lady asks you answer."

"Sorry what? That's not how this works." She can't possibly think that will convince me to answer.



"I'm going to count to three. If you haven't told her by then I'm going to punish you."

"You're going to punish me? For not telling Tenten what I'm using my masks for? How does that make sense to you?" Is she crazy?


"You better tell her. Once Ino gets like this it's not good for anyone." Shikamaru warns me.


"Nope. There is nothing you can do to make me." I will not yield. If I give in once then she'll always try to do this to me.

"Two and a half."

"Really? Just hit me with your punishment already. I can take it."

"Fine! Three! Mind Body Switch Jutsu!"

I don't try to dodge. I didn't realize how bad of an idea that was until it was too late. I've gotten used to the presence of the Jiongu and didn't make the connection that it wouldn't like another presence in our head.

I feel Ino start to invade my mind. This is very bad. In my mind-scape I try talking to her. "Ino. Listen to me. You need to leave, now!"

Ino doesn't stop her advance on my mind. "Please! I just got in here, like I am going to let go that easily! Now, let's find some blackmail material! Whoa, your avatar is weird. Usually people model it after themselves, but you're just this... dark void. It's almost like you don't really know who you are."

"Ino! For the love of Kami, you need to go! We are not alone here! Heed my words Ino, and leave before it is too late." I'm begging her.

"Everyone has nightmares Alvarcus, they aren't real. They are only in your head, your mind, your brain." Ino sounds confident, this is not good. Not good at all. "Besides, I haven't got what I came for! Let's see what you have hidden away in here."

She starts rifling through my memories, images of my second childhood flash past us both.

"Hmm... not what I'm looking for. Where do you keep your secrets?"

"Ino no! You need to get out!"

~What's this?~

"INO!" I scream in my head, "Get out now! It will hurt you!"

Ino just snorts. "Please, nothing in here can hurt me. I'm in control of you. Besides, I want to know what that voice is. This could be exactly what I'm looking for!"

~You are not the host.~

"No! It will kill you! It's alive! It isn't me! Please! I'll do anything, just get out of our head!"


"Oh but it's just getting good! I never would have thought you would have a split personality! You always seem so calm and collected. What's it's name?" Is she crazy? Can't she tell that she's in danger?

"Ino, I am so sorry." I can't stop her. She won't listen. "I did everything I could. I tried. I am so sorry."

"You're sorry? This is great! I've never been in a mind like-"

~I will protect the host. The host must be protected. You are not the host. I WILL PROTECT THE HOST!~

Ino screams in agony, and I can't stop it. I can't do anything but observe. The Jiongu attacks her mind viciously and without restraint.

"Ino! Listen to me! You need to leave! If you leave the pain will stop! It won't follow you!" She finally listens to me, after who knows how much damage has been dealt.

Ino returns to her own body, and I gain full control of mine again. The second Ino is back in hers, she starts crying.

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