
Good! Full of Energy!

"Approaching Nagazora, two hundred kilometers south. Commencing deceleration and descent."

"Drone footage shows… extensive damage to Nagazora. Most of the city is… gone. Only scorched earth remains…"

The Fire Moth One's crew reported their position over the public channel. Phamas sat silently in his chair, chin resting on his steepled fingers.

Vashak leaned casually on the armrest of his chair, occasionally taking a sip of coffee, a nervous habit.

He, usually so talkative when facing Phamas, was now silent.

Because the command center had a few new occupants: Elysia and Himeko, standing silently with their weapons, and several bound and gagged guards.

Phamas finally broke the silence, asking a question he already knew the answer to. "Where's Mikael?"

"He sent us here, then went straight to Nagazora."


Himeko raised an eyebrow, wondering what exactly was "good" about that.

And… the situation in Nagazora… wasn't it obvious two Herrschers had fought there?

"So, Captain Himeko, has Squad 5 taken control of the Fire Moth One? Are you aware of the consequences? You… you'll be court-martialed!"

Vashak threatened weakly.

"Shut up!"

Phamas slammed his hand on the table, his patience clearly wearing thin.

Vashak pouted, sulking in silence.

Calling me "sweetie" when you need something, then turning on me when the tables turn… Scumbag!

"Where's Mobius?"

Phamas asked.

"She's in the reserve laboratory, of course."

Fire Moth had anticipated the possibility of their base being destroyed, and had designed the Fire Moth One to function as a temporary headquarters. They had even consulted Mobius about the necessary equipment for a lab—though she'd taken the opportunity to extort them for a hefty sum.

"What about Strategic Command?"

Himeko tapped her sword hilt. "Phamas, enough with the games. We've worked together for years. Let's be honest."

Phamas nodded silently, gesturing for her to continue.

"My soldiers won't turn their weapons on their own people. Their orders were to protect Mobius's lab and cut off Strategic Command's communications. That's all."

"Then why did you injure my guards?!" Vashak interjected as soon as she finished.

Himeko's lips twitched, suppressing a smirk. "I said my soldiers wouldn't attack their own. I didn't say anything about myself."

"…And what about her?!" Vashak pointed at Elysia, who had been silently leaning on her bow.

"Is her weapon pointed at you?"


Vashak had an epiphany. He suddenly felt foolish: he'd actually tried to reason with women.

"Just shut up, Vashak!"

Phamas tapped the table, his tone a mixture of mockery and smugness. "If you and those imbeciles in Strategic Command hadn't mobilized all our forces to Shanghai, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

Vashak bristled. "You're saying this is my fault?! Did Squad 5 report that the 3rd Herrscher can transform into electromagnetic waves and move at light speed?!"

"Yes!" Himeko rubbed her forehead. "I, Mobius, and Elvin submitted a joint report on the 3rd Herrscher's abilities. It was mentioned."

Phamas shook his head, unsurprised.

That was the problem with incompetent intelligence work. It wasn't that the information wasn't received, but that it wasn't properly analyzed, burying crucial details in a mountain of irrelevant data.

Phamas could even imagine the staff officer's reaction upon reading the report.

"What? Moves at light speed? Yeah, right. Pull the other one."

Right-click – Delete – Empty Recycle Bin.


He hummed, swiping his hand across the air. A message appeared on the holographic display.

"Warning! High Honkai energy reaction detected! Warning! High Honkai energy reaction detected!"

"Get the ship out of there! Retreat at full speed!"

Phamas contacted the bridge crew:

"Retreat immediately! Get out of there as fast as you can!"

He then projected the real-time Honkai energy readings onto the main screen.

"The Honkai energy readings in Nagazora are spiking. What's he doing?"

Phamas looked at Elysia, but she also seemed confused.

Suddenly, a sharp pain stabbed at Elysia's chest.


She groaned, clutching her chest.

"Are you okay, Elysia? Don't worry, it's just like in Irkutsk."

Himeko tried to comfort her—but it wasn't the same.

There was no Honkai energy reservoir in Nagazora, and there hadn't been any large-scale Honkai energy fluctuations in the Japanese archipelago. Such a high energy reading was impossible, especially since the two Herrschers were already fighting, and the Honkai energy levels should have already peaked!

Could there be a third Herrscher…?

"Wait! It's gone!"

They looked at the screen. The Honkai energy readings in Nagazora had dropped below 100 HW.

Which meant—the battle was over.

Who had won?

Each of them had their own answer, except for Vashak. To him, the outcome simply meant one enemy down, one to go.

But Himeko was already celebrating.

"Mikael must have won! If it were the 3rd Herrscher, she would continue her rampage. The Honkai energy readings wouldn't have dropped so drastically!"

Her words echoed Phamas and Elysia's thoughts.

But Phamas maintained his composure. He raised his hand, calming them down, then contacted the communications department, activating the speakerphone.

"Can you contact Squad 3 in Nagazora?"

"Uh… Old Commander, sir!"

The heck?! Old Commander?!

"The comms were down across the Japanese archipelago due to the Herrscher. The electromagnetic interference has cleared, and we're re-establishing connections."

"The interference is gone!"

This was good news—if the 3rd Herrscher were still active, the interference would have persisted!

"Commander… we still can't reach Squad 3. But there's an incoming call from another unit. Should we answer?"

"Yes! Of course!"

A young, clear voice, tinged with a slight chill, echoed through the command center:

"This is Squad 5 operative, Sakura. Any unit receiving, please respond."


Elysia rushed to Phamas's desk, grabbing the microphone.


Sakura paused for a moment, and Elysia quickly asked:

"Where's Mikael? Is Mikael with you?! Let me talk to him!"


"Sakura? Sakura?"


"Sakura! Answer me! Don't scare me!"


Phamas and Himeko exchanged glances, a sense of unease settling upon them.


Sakura spoke each word slowly, deliberately, as if holding something back.

"Mikael is dead."

"Hmm? What did you say?"

"Mikael is dead."

"Sakura, you're mumbling! That's not like you!"

"…Elysia! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead! Mikael is dead!"

"Good! Full of energy!"

Elysia slammed her hand down, shattering the microphone and the reinforced alloy desk.

Then, her legs gave way, and she collapsed into Himeko's arms.

"Liar… you said yesterday… that you would…"

everyone is dead

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