

Blood dripped down falling towards the puddle that lay beneath, Ben rickshaw stained feet.Sobbing loudly, The tears slid down his cheeks, his voice hoarse and raspy from the screaming with a pleading look he spoke."please I don't want to die, don't kill me please!"

"Who did it Ben." Looking down on Him, Shane asked coldly, before saying."Who butchered my pregnant wife, killed my unborn child and took the only thing Good in this godforsaken world!" Blood lust seeped out of Shane, as he adjusted his pistol to the left thigh of Ben's who frantically spoke.

"Termite! It was Termite! Oh god! Please No More!"begging and pleading, Ben trembled with fear.

As the name rang a bell in Shane's mind, an old memory resurfaced with a small male figure in the palm of a woman hand, caressing her cheek. 'Termite.' Shane thought while clenching his fist, he knew who he was and his anger soared for it.a hero slash actor his wife and daughter fawned over. Countless times begging for Shane to rewatch his movies, over and over again.with the power to shrink at will, termite was a well known hero in the movie industry.

"Let me go, please! I've told you what you wanted to know."locking eyes with Ben who, had a spark of hope in his eyes.Shane pulled out the blue glass vile from his pockets, dangling it infront of Ben who froze at the sight.

"I want to know everything about termite, where he shits, where he fucks, every last fucking detail. And when I've squeezed every thing I can from your pathetic existence, your going to tell me what the hell this is."Shane's words, drained the last colors from his face.plucking that last spark from his eyes.

"I can't, Fuck! You don't understand." Ben said shaking his head.

The sounds of a gun firing off bounced off the walls, as a gouging hole ripped open, from Ben's thighs splattering blood across the room.

"No, I don't think you understand Ben." Glaring towards the, screaming Ben who thrashed in the chair uncontrollably.

"The moment you stepped foot in my house, you where a dead man." Shane's words shook Ben to his core as Fear etched itself onto his face.

"There going to kill me.."Ben muttered, as Shane spoke.

"Your already dead." For the next couple of moments a heavy silence lingered in the air, as ben told Shane everything, who he was, Where termite Lives. Where he partied, Where he gets his drug at, and how termite practically begged him to get the blue liquid known as compound V back From Shane's house, after he was high out of his mind and couldn't do it himself. After explaining that, Ben told Shane what he knew about compound V.

"Its power, that single vile makes us who we are, and without it where nothing thats why if he finds out I'm dead."Ben shuddered.

"Who."Shane said.



The moon rays shined down on Shane who sat, ontop of an abandoned building on the edge, with a beer in his hand, the cold winds of the night pushed against him. 'You got to be fucking kidding me.' he thought, Before angerly throwing the empty beer bottle.

'Homelander.' It's been an hour since Shane, took care off Ben the invisible turning supe and dumped his body in the dumpster. And yet he was still processing it, homelander a man he respected, a man who was doing right with the powers he had was nothing like he thought he was.

'Termite is all that matters.' Shane thought shaking his thoughts about homelander, aslong as he gets his revenge, has termites blood dripping from his hands That will be enough.looking up at the moon Shane could feel it, he was getting closer.

Standing up from the edge, Shane clenched both of his fist, he would have his vengeance. No matter what it takes, termite was going to die.

'No matter what it takes.' With a dark look in Shane's eyes, and the winds picking up blowing through his hair.

Shane turned around and walked towards the door that led down, leaving the abandoned building not far away was the warehouse, with the van no longer in sight. in a few moments Shane was already pushing the shutters up, and going inside.

Glancing at the bloody puddle, Shane crossed over it, as he headed towards a door.twisting the nob Shane pushed it open revealing a shower, a toilet, and a sink with a mirror.

Standing infront of the mirror, Shane face had dry blood splattered across while his gear was in the same situation.in silence Shane, turned the water on and wet his face where he started wiping the blood off with his hands. Suddenly He stopped, catching something through his reflection in the mirror. Moving his hands towards his neck Shane lightly reached for the necklace , as he gently held the gold ring that had got stained with the blood of Ben.

Pulling it off over his neck, Shane pushed it under the water and gently patted it down with his fingers, Lifting it up from the water, checking for any signs of blood or dirt, Shane saw words engraved on the ring 'Forever and always'. Clutching it tightly, his hand shook.


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