
The First Curse?

"Beautiful..." Lilith suddenly exclaimed as she looked around her at the greenery, the animals, the sky, the very life that was there.

"It is isn't it, in a trillion different ways, one of Father's last perfect handiwork that he commanded me to bring into being." Samael told her, they were currently on earth.

Samael flew Lilith and himself to earth to get a better understanding of what happened to Abel.

The reason is that Abel simply wasn't In a state to explain, he was always breaking down the moment the loop was halted by him, so Lilith suggested that they go to the source, to where it happened and understand what he is feeling guilty about and why.

All he spoke was gibberish after all, and his thoughts simply not giving enough information.

Samael could've looked through his mind, but he didn't wish to be like his father, performing that kind of violation without proper reason.

As they saw that they were pretty far from their destination they took a leap and soon upon gently landing came upon a large mansion made of stone,

'Seems like my dear little brother Adam's been keeping himself busy,' Samael thought to himself.

If it were modern humans in this situation without technology such a building would've been impossible, but Adam was no modern human, he was the First human and was blessed with archangel rivaling physical strength alongside knowledge and wisdom nearly rivaling Samael.

As they arrive before the door Samael looks to Lilith as if to check whether she is ready or not. As he receives a nod he turns his gaze back to the door and knocks.

He can hear the movement within the house with his senses, he's sure Adam has already heard his heartbeat and heard the irregularity of it compared to a human heart making him know he isn't one of his sons.

As the door opens Adam stands there in shock for a moment, Samael, the eldest brother in creation that he sent to Hell stands before him alongside his sister by species who as well should have been in Hell, even more so since she was banished by God.

"Wh- What are you two doing here?" Adam questions, stuttering for a moment as he regains his bearings.

"Adam, we need to talk," Samael states as Eve suddenly also comes running to the door from upstairs, her hearing also rivaling an archangels, having heard the voice she recognized as the howl of agony that signaled her the end of the Great Heavenly War, the signal to take the bite out of the forbidden fruit.

"May we come in?" Lilith suddenly questioned. Eve who stood behind Adam grabbed his shoulder making him look at her as she shook her head.

Adam seeing her expression steeled himself, "Apologies sister, but I must refuse."

Samael's eyes seeing the hurt on Lilith's face and the song of love from her soul tone changing into one of sadness burned red with Hellfire towards Adam and Eve, making Adam step between them and Eve, his arm raised before her, protectively.

Lilith immediately put her hand on her husband's shoulder communicating wordlessly with Samael just like Eve did with Adam to let it be.

Samael therefore clicked his tongue, but his eyes returned to their previous chocolate brown. He understood really, understood that they can not start and be friendly to the castaways.

They don't know whether God and Goddess bear a grudge and if they do, if that action would count as an evil, as a sin that could keep them out of Paradise.

But the woman he loved be hurt so much at the rejection from her beloved brother, it made him furious.

"Be that as it may, little brother, we still need to talk." Samael stated.

"Why?" Eve questioned coming a bit closer now that the dangerous fury of an archangel wasn't present in the very air surrounding them.

"It is about your sons, where are they?" Lilith questioned.

Adam looked at her confused, he tried to act wary towards her like he did Samael but it couldn't come naturally to him like it did Eve because this was his sister, his best friend, the person he spent years with in the Sacred Garden playing, learning and even teaching her what he learned.

"Cain stormed away after his offering to God was proved to be inadequate compared to Abel's.

We have had twins, boy and a girl each time Eve has become pregnant, and were commanded that the boy from the previous birth will be married with the daughter from the second birth and vice versa.

Cain found Abel's twin sister not beautiful. He wished to marry his own twin. Since that went against what God and Goddess commanded, we told them to go bring an offering and see if they maybe change their minds.

If Cain's offering was accepted that would mean they accepted his desire for that was the very purpose of this offering which They know. As you both can were just told, Cain's offering was refused and he stormed off, with Abel running after him to make sure he is okay." Adam explained.

Hearing all this Lilith and Samael understood now what happened, Samael of course had the general idea from the comics, show and religious texts from his previous life, but this cleared everything.

"Well I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but I met Abel recently and he doesn't look good." Samael told him.

"What!? How is he!? What happened to him!?" Eve yelled, pushing Adam to the side as she came onto the front demanding an answer.

"We saw him In Hell Eve, he's down there because of guilt. He's in a hell loop, Eve, Cain killed him in cold blood. I'm sorry," Lilith explained with a look of sympathy, earning a look of absolute shock and horror from Adam and Eve.

"No! You have to be lying! It can not be true! Cain could never kill Abel! I refuse to believe it! You're here for payback aren't you! For Adam sending you to hell, admit it you Devil!" Eve howled in anguish at Samael as Adam held her back from attacking the archangel, he himself still in shock.

"I- I need to hear it from you Sam, tell me that Lilith is wrong, that- that this isn't true! You never lie! Tell me!" Adam yelled with desperation in his voice.

"It is the truth. I verified it myself the moment I stepped onto the earth. It is a stain on Cain's very soul, it was not done in self defense either. I'm sorry," Samael responded with a look of sympathy on his face.

Hearing this a tear slid from Adam's eyes, but be didn't let himself breakdown.

"Bring me Abel's body, please elder brother. " Adam suddenly pleaded.

Receiving a nod from him, earning a look of anguished relief from Adam.

"And as for Cain? What should I do with him?" Samael questioned the grieving father as Eve continued to howl in his chest, eyes continuing to stream with tears, Lilith unable to hold them back herself at the sight of her beloved older brother in such a state.

"He- he is now under your authority, do with him what you will." Adam responded.

Samael with a nod fly to where he sensed the last trace of Abel's soul. Though as he arrived there he to his surprise saw a garrison of angels led by Amenadiel standing before Cain, who stood above his little brother's body, murder weapon still in hand.

'How have I not noticed them before? Am I still that weakened from the Fall?' Samael questioned himself as he landed, though as he did and heard what Amenadiel just stated he couldn't help but exclaim, "Grant him immortality!? Are you out of your damn mind!"

"Silence Abomination! These are orders from up High!" Amenadiel growled as he noticed Samael's arrival, having sensed his approach moments ago.

"And on whose orders is this punishment?" Samael questioned, wanting clarification.

"Of course from our Heavenly Father and Mother," Amenadiel answered with a scoff, finding the question ridiculous.

"Well that does not sound like Father, Mother maybe, but Father most definitely not." Lucifer states.

"And how would you know Devil? How would you know what the Knower of All thinks? Another one of your pride induced delusions?" Amenadiel hissed.

"No, because believe it or not, the one thing Father and me have in common is that we both never lie. He Himself stated that I have been granted authority on all those who He deems have fallen off his path, so Cain's fate rests in my hands." Lucifer responded coldly.

"So, answer me, who did this order come from." Lucifer once more ordered.

"Gabriel," Amenadiel finally grumbled out.

"Father and Mother haven't ordered anyone directly in ages have they? Well that is what I have to presume since you obeyed Gabriel so blindly. Well, either that or deem you an idiot which I'd rather not do, little brother." Samael mocked.

"Do not call me that!" Amenadiel suddenly hissed vehemently, fury strewn across his face.

"Call you what? Little brother? Last I checked you were Amenadiel, in fact my brother." Samael stated confused at Amenadiel's aggression towards him calling him so.

"No, you don't call me that, I am not your little brother!"

"Oh, and who are you the little brother of? Michael? Gabriel? Last I checked I'm the oldest, if you don't acknowledge me as your elder then how can you acknowledge them." Samael retorted.

"No, I am Samael's little brother and you are not him! You are Lucifer-" Amenadiel hissed the word, like the name itself was poison on his tongue, a curse.

"My eldest brother Samael is dead and you killed him! You and your envy and delusional pride!" Amenadiel accused.

"I merely brought to light the tyranny of our Parents actions! How many times have our siblings been killed by their temperaments!? Their pointless arguments!? How many times have I had to revive them!? You forgive them so easily yet you disown me just as easily so!? You are a hypocrite Amenadiel!" Samael countered, furious, his eyes burning with hellfire.

"And that is the problem isn't it," Amenadiel began brokenly, "You and your venomous light, blinding and destroying everything it reaches. It blinded my beloved elder brother Samael from the fact that we needed him!

Needed him to be there for us rather than to go and go against our almighty parents! He was our comfort in dark days, our steady firmament that protected us from our sorrows, but now he's gone! Uselessly!

And all that remains is a Devil! A creature born from the flames burning within the darkness of the Pit! Your eyes, the windows to your soul evidence! As the gentle warmth has turned into an inferno of evil!" Amenadiel finished, panting, his eyes stinging with unshed tears.

Without warning he spread his wings and flew away to the Silver City, the Seraphim accompanying him giving him the same look Amenadiel did, their eyes also glistening with tears, full of rage and sorrow, as they then followed their leader back to the Silver City.

Samael seeing this was full of feeling of hurt, frustration and rage, and he had the perfect outlet.

Cain seeing the Morning Star's burning gaze turning towards him stepped back in fear, falling onto his behind in the mud.

"I will deal with you later, but not here," He stated, receiving a look of fear and confusion from Cain until his sight was enveloped by a bright red light and all that remained was smoldering ash.

Samael took Abel's body in his hands and spread his wings taking flight, no longer wishing to stay where the look on Amenadiel's face was burned was upon his sight.


(Author note: Hello everyone! Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter! Please do review and comment! We need just a couple more reviews for a rating.

It will let me know whether you wish for me to continue or not.

Well see you all later,


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