As Mo-Mochi and his father step inside the hospital, they make their way towards the front desk to speak with the nurse on duty. They notice that the hospital is has become extremely busy. Occupied by patients who are still recovering from the recent Androids tragedy and others who haven't been able to actually see a doctor for years. After reaching the reception desk they are asked to wait a little while before a doctor can attend to the boy's checkup. So, they take a seat and patiently wait for their turn.
During this moment, Mo-Mochi decided to have a conversation with his father regarding their previous discussion from the previous night. They had talked about the possibility of Mo-Mochi embarking on his adventure, just as his father had done.
Mo-Mochi pipes up and says, Hey Dad, I was wondering if you remember our conversation from last night about me going on an adventure? You know, like the ones you used to tell me about when I was younger. I was a bit nervous to ask you in front of Mom and wanted to make sure now since we had a bit of time to talk about it.
He looks back at his son, a bit hesitant to respond because he wasn't expecting any of this to happen; his son was on the brink of death, and he just wanted to at least put his son's mind at ease. He didn't think his son was going to live after that night, and of course, he was grateful his son was still alive and doing well, he was a bit worried, but a promise is a promise in the Shibuto family.
He knew he couldn't just go back on his word, knowing that if he did, it could cause his son to see him differently. Hugo had never been a man to go back on his word, even be a bit stubborn when it comes to backing up what he says.
So with a heavy heart, he says to his son, "Alright kiddo, I get it; a promise is a promise, but I'll still have to talk to your mother about it after your checkup, but let's make sure you're really okay first before anything else, alright?"
Mo-Mochi just nods as they both hear the nurse from the front desk say over to them, "Okay, you two, we've got a doctor to see you. Head over to floor 4 and go into room 333, and just wait on them; they'll be in there before you know it."
They head upstairs into room 333, and not too long after, a young scrawny-looking man with a white coat comes into the room and says, "Good morning, mister... Shibuto?" Hugo nods at the doctor, assuring him that he is in the right place.
The physician breathed a sigh of relief and uttered, "Okay, good. I was apprehensive that I might have entered the wrong room." He then proceeded to inform the two boys, "After conducting a physical examination on your son, I'll inquire about your medical history, Mr.Shibuto, in regards to your family." After that, he began the examination.
After performing a usual procedures in an average check up Mo-Mochi seemed to be fine nothing really seemed to be wrong with the boy there was no sign of illness either. As the physician says, "Alright so far you seem to have a healthy growing boy Mr.Shibuto. You said before this he was sick yes?"
Hugo a bit shocked to hear this says, "Yes our son has been sick for over 5 years we could get anything for him during the time so we tried out best to take care of him and make sure keep em as healthy as we could but this doesn't make any sense how could he just get better in one night?"
After assessing the situation, the physician responded in a curious and reserved tone, stating that while they were not typically one to believe in miracles, they had heard some unexpected stories during their time in the medical field. The doctor suggested that perhaps the illness had run its course and your son's immune system was able to fight it off successfully.
As for why this happened, the physician was unable to provide a definitive answer. With no prior medical history of your son available and no previous doctors who had treated him, the physician was unable to offer any conclusive explanation for why things may have worked out in your son's favor.
Pulling out a reflex hammer, he says, "Now one last thing is to check your reflexes, and your physical is all done." As he stands in front of the boy to use the hammer, tapping the boy's knee. Then suddenly...
The man receives a powerful kick to the chest that launches him up into the air, hitting the ceiling. His body leaves a hole inside the building as he falls back down to the ground. The doctor was left in shock as he just fell from the ceiling straight to the ground, in both shock and pain about what the hell just happened. Hugo left in shock at what his son had done. Hugo walked over to help him up and slowly turned to his kid, who seemed as surprised about the kick as anyone, as he says, "Mo-Mochi... what did you do?"
Mo-Mochi found himself stunned beyond belief. Never did he imagine causing harm to the man, let alone sending him hurtling toward the ceiling with a powerful kick. The young lad was at a loss, struggling to comprehend the sudden turn of events and what it meant for him. Hugo immediately runs over to the man to make sure that he's okay picking him up and sitting him down on a nearby chair. He then asks the man, "Sir are you alright? I'm so sorry this wasn't what I expected I.. I."
The man stopped him and said with a lack of breath, "I'm.... alright my goodness sir what are you feeding that kid ?!?" Hugo just responds with, "Fruits and Vegetables from my farm but he's never done anything like this before! I do teach him martial arts but a kick that powerful I... I cant even.."
The doctor after Hugo picks him back up and says, "Dear Kami going to need some painkillers after that. Okay... look, sir, don't worry about it. This was my fault; I shouldn't have stood in front of the boy when using the reflex hammer. So you don't have to worry about it; just know your son is fine health-wise and might be even healthier. You both are all good to go, and I'm going to take five."
Hugo just thanks the doctor for his kindness and the nurse as well, then leaves with his son out of the hospital to meet back up with the rest of the family, who they found to already be back peacefully eating sushi inside the car.