
Chapter 4 Rewrite

Ruby, known to her fans as Scarlet, sits in front of her streaming setup, her vibrant orange-red hair pulled back in a high ponytail. She taps her fingers on the desk, her golden-yellow eyes scanning the chat as her audience expresses their boredom with the Goblin Slayer simulation she's been playing for the past half-hour.

"Alright, chat, I hear you loud and clear," Ruby says, her tone laced with a hint of exasperation. "Goblins are cool and all, but let's be real, we need some more excitement in here." She pauses, her gaze shifting to the side as she contemplates her next move.

[HotShot12]: "Come on, Scarlet, you gotta mix it up! This is getting stale."

[GamerGirl89]: "Yeah, girl, we need something new and fresh! How about a horror game or something?"

Ruby nods, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Horror, huh? Now you're speaking my language, chat." She taps her chin, feigning deep thought. "Alright, let's see what we can find that'll really get those hearts racing."

With a few quick keystrokes, Ruby begins browsing through the available simulations, her eyes scanning the various options. Suddenly, a donation notification pops up, and she perks up, reading the message aloud.

"'Hey, Scarlet, you should check out this Batman: Arkham Asylum simulation. It looks pretty intense, and I think you and the chat would love it,'" Scarlet reads, her brows raising in curiosity. "Batman: Arkham Asylum, huh? What is this, chat?"

[CatLover101]: "Batman? Isn't that some kind of superhero or something?"

[GamerGirl89]: "Is he a bat monster or something?"

Ruby nods, her interest piqued. "Alright, chat, let's take a look." She clicks on the link provided in the donation message, and the landing page for the Batman: Arkham Asylum simulation appears on her screen.

"Whoa, this place looks creepy," Ruby murmurs, her eyes widening as she takes in the Gothic architecture and ominous atmosphere of the asylum. "And it's got Batman? I'm intrigued."

[HotShot12]: "Dude, that looks so awesome! You gotta try it, Scarlet!"

[CatLover101]: "Yeah, yeah, do it! Let's see what this Batman guy is all about!"

Ruby grins, her fingers already moving to purchase the simulation. "Alright, chat, you've convinced me. Let's do this!" She clicks the button, and the simulation begins to load.

The simulation loads, and Ruby is immediately captivated by the opening cutscene. Her eyes widen as she watches a sleek, black vehicle - the Batmobile - speeding down a dimly lit road. Behind the wheel is a imposing figure, clad in a dark, armored suit with a distinctive bat emblem on the chest.

"Whoa, chat, is that Batman?" Ruby exclaims, her voice filled with a mix of awe and excitement. "This dude looks like he means business!"

[HotShot12]: "Yeah, that's gotta be him! He looks so cool in that car!"

[CatLover101]: "Wait, is that a bad guy in the back? He looks kinda crazy!"

Scarlet nods, her gaze fixed on the screen as the Batmobile pulls up to a towering, Gothic structure - the infamous Arkham Asylum. The camera pans to the passenger seat, revealing a pale, green-haired individual with a manic grin plastered across his face.

"Holy crap, chat, that guy looks insane!" Ruby leans forward, her eyes narrowing as she takes in the villain's unsettling appearance.

[GamerGirl89]: "He's got some 'crazy supervillain' vibe going on!"

Ruby nods, her mouth felt parched as she waits with bated breath to see what unfolds. The Batmobile comes to a stop, and Batman steps out, dragging the cuffed Joker along with him. Ruby can feel the tension building, and she leans forward, her eyes glued to the scene.

Ruby watches intently as Batman escorts the infamous Joker into the towering gates of Arkham Asylum. The warden, Quincy Sharp, greets them with a stern expression, his guards standing at the ready.

"Hey, Sharpie! Love what you've done with the place!" the Joker crows, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Warden Sharp's brow furrows. "That's WARDEN Sharp to you, Boles," he snaps.

The Joker chuckles, unfazed. "Yo, Frank-ay. How's the wife and kids? Ya miss me?"

"Shut it, clown! A lot of people here really want to talk to you," Boles retorts.

The Joker laughs, treating the situation as a twisted game. The guards quickly restrain him, but the Joker continues his taunts. "Really, I don't mind walking! Not so tight, boys. You'll crease the suit."

Warden Sharp's lips curl in disgust. "Get that filthy degenerate out of here," he orders.

Ruby leans forward, her eyes narrowing as Batman interjects. "Warden, something's not right, I'm going with him!"

Without hesitation, the Dark Knight follows the Joker into the Arkham Asylum Intensive Treatment building, his cape billowing behind him. Ruby can feel the tension building, and she knows this is just the beginning of a night filled with chaos and danger.

[GamerGirl89]: "The Joker is such a creep! I can't wait to see what kind of trouble he's gonna cause."

[CatLover101]: "Scarlet, you better keep a close eye on that weirdo. I have a bad feeling about this..."

Scarlet's eyes widen as she suddenly finds herself in control of Batman's body. She flexes his gloved hands, marveling at the power and agility she now possesses.

"Whoa, chat, I'm Batman!" Ruby exclaims, her voice deepening to match the Dark Knight's gravelly tone. She turns her attention back to the scene, following the Joker as he's escorted deeper into the asylum.

The hallways of Arkham are teeming with heavily armed guards, their faces obscured by helmets and body armor. Ruby can feel the tension building as she navigates the winding corridors, her eyes darting from one corner to the next.

[HotShot12]: "Look at all those guards, Scarlet! This place is locked down tight."

[GamerGirl89]: "Yeah, no wonder the Joker's in here. These guys mean business."

Ruby nods in agreement, her gaze drawn to the various inmates they pass. Some pace their cells, muttering to themselves, while others glare menacingly at the guards. She can't help but feel an unsettling chill run down her spine.

"Geez, chat, this place is intense," Ruby murmurs, "I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this."

[CatLover101]: "I told you, Scarlet! You should be careful. Who knows what kind of crazies are locked up in here."

Ruby nods, her eyes scanning the environment with renewed caution. As they approach the Intensive Treatment Center, the sheer weight of the security measures only heightens the sense of unease. Ruby swallows hard, knowing that she's about to delve deeper into the heart of Arkham's darkness.

Ruby follows the guards and the Joker until they stop in front of an elevator, waiting for it to arrive.

The Joker's gaze sweeps over the group, his lips curling into a twisted grin. "Can you smell the excitement in the air? Must have been one of the guards, then. Croc old boy, is that you?"

Ruby's eyes widen as the elevator doors slide open, revealing a towering, hulking figure. Killer Croc emerges, his scaly green skin and reptilian features instantly recognizable. Ruby's chat erupts in a chorus of shocked exclamations.

[GamerGirl89]: "Oh my god, what is that thing?! He's huge!"

[HotShot12]: "This place is insane, Scarlet! I can't believe we're seeing. Is that monster a person?"

[CatLover101]: "Be careful, girl! That thing looks like it could crush you with one hand."

Ruby can't help but feel a chill run down her spine as Killer Croc steps out of the elevator, the chains on his limbs rattling with each heavy stride. The massive creature towers over the guards, who seem dwarfed in comparison.

Ruby's heart pounded as Killer Croc turned his menacing gaze towards her. The massive, reptilian creature's yellow eyes locked onto her, and she felt a chill run down her spine. She had never encountered anything like this before - it was a monster straight out of her worst nightmares.

The guards' weapons were raised, their fingers hovering over the triggers in case Killer Croc made any sudden moves. Ruby could feel her knuckles turning white as she tried to keep her hands from trembling.

Killer Croc sniffed the air, his nostrils flaring. "I've got your scent, Batman," he growled, his voice a deep, guttural rumble. "I will hunt you down."

Ruby's eyes widened in alarm. Did he think she was Batman? She wasn't sure if she should play along or try to reason with the creature. Before she could decide, the shock collar around Killer Croc's neck suddenly activated, causing him to wince in pain.

"A toy collar won't stop me from killing you, Batman," Killer Croc snarled, his lips curling back to reveal rows of sharp, jagged teeth. "I'll rip you apart. Eat your bones."

Ruby felt a surge of fear course through her. She had no idea how to handle this situation. Killer Croc was a terrifying, unpredictable foe, and she was just a streamer playing a game, not a seasoned crime-fighter like Batman. As the massive creature turned and lumbered away, Ruby couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, but also a growing sense of dread for what might lie ahead in this perilous simulation.

Ruby entered the elevator with the guards and the Joker, descending to meet Jim Gordon. As the doors slid open, she found herself face-to-face with the grizzled police commissioner.

"Long night, Jim?" Batman's deep, gravelly voice asked.

Gordon sighed, running a hand through his graying hair. "The Joker invaded City Hall and took the Mayor hostage, leaving me to juggle SWAT teams, the media, and you. Yeah, it's been a hell of a night."

Ruby could feel Batman's determination as he responded, "Hopefully, it will be the last one we ever have with him."

Just then, one of the Arkham guards stepped forward, blocking Batman's path. "Hold it there! Sorry, Batman, Arkham staff only!"

Gordon tried to intervene, "I assure you, if anyone's qualified, it's—"

"Listen, I appreciate the assistance, but he'll unsettle the more violent inmates," the guard insisted.

The Joker's laughter suddenly echoed, his crazed gaze fixed on Batman. "Hehehe, I think he's talking about you, Bats. Don't be a stranger. You're always welcome here. Gotta say, it's good to be back."

As the guards escorted the Joker away, Gordon turned to Batman, concern etched on his face. "You okay?"

"He surrendered almost without a fight. I don't like it," Batman replied, his voice laced with suspicion.

Ruby could feel the tension in the air as Gordon nodded in agreement. Her heart racing with anticipation for what was to come.

Ruby watched in horror as the Joker pretended to trip, slamming the guard against the wall. Before the guard could react, the Joker wrapped his handcuffed hands around the man's throat, choking him.

"Joker's loose! Alert the Warden!" Batman's deep voice boomed, and Ruby saw him charge towards the reinforced window, crashing through it. The Dark Knight landed in the room where the Joker stood, an electrical wall separating them.

"Welcome to the madhouse, Batman!" the Joker cackled, his eyes gleaming with manic glee. "I set a trap, and you sprung it gloriously! Now, let's get this party started!"

Ruby's eyes widened as she watched the inmates' cell doors begin to open, one by one. The prisoners emerged, their faces twisted with malice, ready to attack her. Ruby felt her heart racing. She had no idea how to handle this onslaught of enemies.

Ruby's eyes widened as a flood of knowledge surged through her mind. She could feel Batman's mastery of various martial arts techniques, from Judo to Karate to Krav Maga, all crystallizing in her consciousness. The Dark Knight's years of rigorous training and experience had honed his body and reflexes to a razor's edge.

Ruby marveled at the sheer breadth of Batman's combat expertise. She could almost hear the voice of her mentor, guiding her through the proper stances, strikes, and counters. Suddenly, she felt more confident in her ability to take on the onslaught of inmates.

As the prisoners charged towards her, Ruby sprang into action, her body moving with a fluidity and precision that surprised even her. She ducked under a wild haymaker, delivering a swift elbow strike to her attacker's ribs, sending him reeling. Another inmate rushed her, but she sidestepped the charge and swept his legs out from under him with a well-timed kick.

Despite her initial hesitation, Ruby found herself falling into the rhythm of combat, her mind processing the flow of the fight and her body responding accordingly. She blocked a punch, twisted the inmate's arm, and used his momentum to flip him over her shoulder, slamming him to the ground.

The inmates, though numerous, were no match for her martial prowess, which Ruby now wielded with growing confidence. She moved with a fluid grace, her strikes precise and her defenses impenetrable. Ruby could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins, the exhilaration of battle heightening her senses.

However, the inmates were not to be underestimated. As Ruby fought, she took a few blows, the impacts jarring her body and reminding her that she was still learning to use her skills. A punch landed on her jaw, causing her to stagger, and a kick grazed her ribs, eliciting a sharp gasp of pain.

Gritting her teeth, Ruby pushed through the discomfort, drawing upon Batman's unwavering determination. She adjusted her stance, anticipating her opponents' moves more accurately, and began to counter with devastating efficiency. Blow after blow, she systematically incapacitated the inmates, her confidence growing with each successful maneuver.

The once-chaotic brawl soon gave way to a series of controlled engagements, as Ruby's mastery of Batman's fighting techniques became more apparent. She moved with a calculated precision, her movements economical and her strikes devastating. The inmates, sensing the futility of their assault, began to falter, their initial bravado giving way to fear and desperation.

Ruby could feel the tide of the battle turning in her favor. She had adapted to the weight and balance of Batman's body, and the knowledge of his martial arts expertise had become second nature. As the last of the inmates fell, she stood tall, her chest heaving, a newfound sense of empowerment coursing through her.

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