
Playing by Different Rules

We saw an opportunity to fix everything and were full of hope to finally put an end to this nightmare. However, we didn't expect things to turn out the way they did.

Recreating the antidote turned out to be relatively simple, and a working sample was produced. I handed a small batch of vials to James Gordon, and he immediately used them on the infected. All six recovered and regained their sanity, but their physical and moral condition remained dire. Under the drug's influence, they laughed uncontrollably, unable to stop, which took a toll on their bodies, while their minds endured unsettling sensations. The antidote cured the infection, but the consequences lingered.

To create the antidote, only my blood and Batgirl's help were needed. Together, we began supplying as much of it as possible to the hospital, where, working alongside the police, we reduced the number of victims.

I managed to find out about my family; I confided in the commissioner, trusting him with my situation. Despite the challenges, he located them. Although they had been exposed to a small amount of the toxin, they were okay. James Gordon promised to send them to a safe place. Assured of their protection, I could focus on helping others.

The green smog almost disappeared from the city, revealing sunlight, as though we had emerged from darkness, and hope opened up before us. We reached out to the remaining members of the League and the Teen Titans. Everyone gathered in Gotham to locate and neutralize Batman. At that moment, we were discussing where he might be.

"Maybe he went back to the mansion," Green Arrow suggested.

"Unlikely. He's too smart to make such a foolish move," Batgirl replied, shaking her head.

"I could run over there and check real quick," Flash offered.

"No, it's too dangerous to go alone. He's likely already taken measures against such a move," Green Arrow said.

"Then I've got no idea where to look," Flash admitted. "Has the tracker shown up on the map yet?" he asked Batgirl, who had been monitoring the bugs planted in Batman's armor.

"No," Batgirl replied. "It seems he either discovered them or switched suits. All the tech remains untouched."

"It's hard to find the greatest detective," Green Arrow remarked.

"Maybe I can help," said a voice I hated with every fiber of my being. Out of nowhere appeared the one person I wished to never see again Doctor Fate.

A guttural growl escaped my throat. I wanted to lunge at him, to make him feel even a fraction of the pain I'd endured.

Doctor Fate immediately removed his helmet. His armor vanished, revealing a much older man beneath. He leaned on a staff that appeared in his hand.

"Calm down. We come in peace. The situation with you was a mistake. I now understand you weren't the evil we were wrong. You are the one who will help fight it," he said in a conciliatory tone, raising one hand in a gesture of peace.

"Let's see how peaceful you'll be after spending years in hell," I snarled, my voice full of rage.

"I apologize for this. Nothing can undo our mistake, but right now we need to unite against a common enemy and deal with our personal grievances afterward," Fate said.

"What are you talking about, Kent?" Green Arrow interjected, stepping between us.

"I've seen the threat that is destined to consume this world. I've seen a being whose form can scarcely be called human, and I've always seen him Brian Forman standing in the visions, intertwined with the darkness devouring the world. It's clear now: he must help us overcome the storm that's coming," Kent explained.

"Batman wants to destroy the Earth?" Flash asked, his voice laced with disbelief.

"No. Across the multiverse, he is known as Barbatos. There is no darker being than him a living nightmare. Worlds under his influence are distorted to such a horrifying degree that it's terrifying to even look into them. He has annihilated more than one reality," Kent Nelson continued, his voice grim.

"And you're just now telling us this vital information?" Green Arrow shouted.

"So everything you did to me… was just a mistake?" I asked coldly.

All the suffering I endured, the years spent in hell, my entire life taken away because of a stupid mistake.

"It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Someone tampered with the flow of time," Kent said, his gaze turning to Flash.

"Me?" Flash asked, bewildered.

"Barry, did you create another Flashpoint?" Green Arrow demanded, moving closer to him.

"No, no, I didn't do anything!" Barry protested, shaking his head vigorously.

"It's true. He's not responsible. An alternate Barry Allen altered time, and I was barely able to piece together the chaos behind the veil of space and time," Kent Nelson explained.

"What do we do now?" I asked, my tone heavy. Moving forward was the only option, but I would never forgive him. And if he survived this, I vowed to be the one to end his existence.

"We'll fight the enemy that's coming, and if fate is on our side, we'll save our world," Kent replied.

And so, we began preparing for doomsday. We searched for anyone who could help. Every hero we could find was recruited for the battle ahead. At the same time, we continued working tirelessly to cure as many people as possible from Joker's toxin.

Unknown Location

It was a small bathroom, and a dark silhouette stood in front of the mirror.

"Get out of my head!" Batman screamed in despair. He clutched his head and shook it violently from side to side.

"Bruce, I'll never leave! Ahahaha!" The reflection in the mirror laughed.

Batman raised his eyes and saw Joker standing across from him. With a forceful punch, he shattered the glass. Shards scattered everywhere, and in each fragment, Joker's face leered back at him.

"Don't you see? We're the best version of ourselves now you and I are one," Joker continued, pointing at himself and then at Bruce.

"No! You won't take over my mind. I'll fight you," Bruce growled fiercely.

"Why fight yourself?" the reflection replied, now bearing Bruce's face.

Shocked, he glanced down at his hands. His costume was gone, replaced by Joker's trademark attire. His fingers had grown thin, and his skin was pale as a corpse. He touched his face and felt scars on his cheeks it wasn't his face.

"No… no! AHAHA!" he screamed, his voice now Joker's, breaking into maniacal laughter. The veins on his face bulged as he clutched his head, as if trying to crush it. He collapsed to the floor.

"Yes, we're a whole new person now," Bruce's reflection declared from the mirror.

Bruce writhed on the floor but suddenly froze. Slowly, he got to his feet and looked back at the mirror.

"That's right," he said in a chilling voice. The figure in the mirror was no longer Bruce but someone entirely different. "Time to finish what we started."

The remnants of Batman's old costume were barely recognizable. Around his eyes, a belt studded with spikes replaced his usual cowl. His face was corpse-pale, his figure leaner and more angular. His hands resembled those of a dead man, with sharp nails. The transformation was completed by a wide, menacing grin with blood-red lips.

Leaving the bathroom, he found himself in his mansion. Silence hung over the place. Taking the elevator down to the basement, he was greeted by destruction. Everything lay in ruins. Approaching the bodies of his family, he spared them only a fleeting glance.

"Two down. A shame, but it'll be more fun this way," the laughing Batman said.

"Bruce," a voice called out in the silence.

Bats stirred, disturbed by the sound, and began swirling in the air.

"Who's there? Come to join the fun?" Batman snarled.

"I'm on your side, here to aid you. I am known as Barbatos, Lord of Darkness." The bats spun faster, forming a face that began to speak.

"I don't need help. I'll finish this myself," he snapped.

"I know, but my lieutenant needs loyal allies. And what will you do when this world is done?" Barbatos asked. "I can offer you boundless worlds, each craving your attention. My army needs a leader."

"Worlds?" Batman stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I accept."

"Then our deal is struck. I want you to lead the Dark Knights. But first, you must gather them. The first is already here," Barbatos said.

A flash of light filled the room, and Reverse-Flash appeared, dragging an unconscious Flash at his feet.

"You're right on time. I'm pleased with you. You've done well," Barbatos said as bats enveloped Flash's body, lifting him into the air.

"Yes, but what about our deal?" Reverse-Flash demanded, ripping off his mask to reveal a gaping hole in his forehead. Through it, everything behind him was visible. "You promised to restore my powers and my life."

"The deal will be fulfilled. Now, take your enemy's power and become stronger," Barbatos commanded as the bats began swirling around the two figures.

Yellow lightning engulfed their bodies. Eobard Thawne hesitated but craved life too much to resist. He stepped into the strange vortex. His body was struck by crimson lightning as the bats swirled faster, dragging the bolts into their spiral. Yellow and red lightning intertwined, creating a storm.

"Wait! Something's wrong!" Reverse-Flash screamed in horror as he felt his speed force drain away, his fingers beginning to disintegrate. Seeing the same happen to Barry, he realized he had been betrayed.

"Do you want to live? Then you must be reborn. You will absorb the power of both your enemy and your killer," a voice echoed from all directions.

Before Thawne's eyes, an image of Batman with a gun pointed at him appeared.

"AAAAAAH!" Eobard Thawne screamed as his body dissolved completely, just like Barry's.

Lightning spun furiously, creating such pressure that the remaining electronics in the cave short-circuited and began to smoke.

Gradually, the yellow and red lightning merged, forming something new, something far more terrifying. Bright crimson energy solidified into a figure. A blood-red suit emerged, aggressive in design and style, resembling Batman's suit but bearing his signature logo on the chest a bat.

"Rise and destroy this world… Red Death," Barbatos declared.

POV: Brian Forman

Time flowed relentlessly, and August 15 arrived. Despite our efforts, we still hadn't located Batman. Yet, all this time, we had been preparing for battle and gathering our strength. Most of Gotham had been cured of Joker's toxin, and we had even started distributing the antidote to other cities. However, the overall situation remained dire.

Early in the morning, an unexpected package appeared at the entrance of our base. It was a black box with the emblem of a bat an unmistakable clue as to its sender.

I decided to open it. If it was a bomb or some other trap, I was prepared to absorb the damage. Inside the box, I found only a laptop. As I flipped it open, a video began playing immediately.

On the screen, a shadowed figure stood with his back to the camera, but I recognized Bruce instantly.

"I've prepared a number of rockets loaded with toxin to throw a real party. But I've decided to give you a chance to stop me. Right now, I'm at Wayne Manor. If you hurry, you might prevent the disaster. But if you don't…" Bruce turned to face the camera, his wide grin dominating the screen. "Well, that'll be on you. Hahaha!"

His laughter filled the room before the laptop began to smoke. Alarmed, I threw it across the room just in time for it to explode, releasing a cloud of green gas.

"Damn it, the guy's completely unhinged," Green Arrow said, entering with an air purifier mask over his face.

"We'll save him," I replied, resolute. Deep down, I believed Bruce's actions were a result of Joker's influence, and that there had to be a way to restore him. Yet, the things he had done… they were unforgivable. But who was I to judge him?

"Then gather everyone. We're going after him, even if it's clearly a trap. We have no choice," said Batgirl as she wheeled herself into the room.

The feeling in her legs still hadn't returned. She was now permanently confined to a wheelchair. Lucius Fox, however, had been working on experimental technology a next-generation exoskeleton designed as a prototype for Batman's new suit. It promised to not only restore lost mobility but enhance physical capabilities to superhuman levels.

"Wait," Kent Nelson said suddenly, clutching his head. "A vision… something important is about to happen in Central City. We must be there."

"We can't divide our forces," Green Arrow countered, shaking his head. "Batman's taken down the entire League with ease before. If he's prepared for us, this might be worse. The fact that he's openly declared his location shows he's confident in his victory. And now Flash is missing, too…" He trailed off. "Wait. Is this somehow connected to Barry?"

"Perhaps," Kent admitted. "I saw only fragments, but our help will be needed there."

"Then I'll go. I know the city, and I'll find out what's happening. I'll return as soon as I can," Green Arrow said, gathering his gear before leaving.

"Then it's time for us to move as well," said Doctor Fate as he donned his golden helmet. In a flash of light, he was clad in his resplendent armor.

"Check your comms. I'll guide you from here," Batgirl said, staying behind at the base. Despite her injury, she refused to step away from heroism, excelling instead as a tactical coordinator. In the past, this role had belonged to Cyborg.

"Brian, can we talk for a moment?" she asked, her tone quiet yet firm.

I hesitated but nodded. We stepped aside, away from the others. She placed her hand on my chest and looked deeply into my eyes.

"Please," she said, her voice trembling. "Be careful and come back in one piece."

"I promise," I replied, pulling her into a brief hug. I caught a flicker of disappointment in her expression but paid it no mind as I turned back to rejoin the team.

The last heroes of Earth were heading into their final battle.

When we arrived, Wayne Manor looked just as I remembered it. Nothing appeared out of place, which only made it feel more ominous. The silence was so profound I could hear my own heartbeat. Bats flew out of the windows, soaring into the sky and scattering in all directions. The doors to the manor creaked open, and the sound of claws scraping against the floor and the clinking of a metal chain echoed through the air.

We all tensed, preparing for the fight. At last, we heard approaching footsteps. Two heads came into view both with jet-black hair. Around their necks were collars, their pale skin stretched into wide Joker-like smiles, and their eyes were obscured by black masks. As they stepped fully into the light, I saw the Robin suits they were wearing.

Behind them appeared Bruce himself. He had changed drastically. It was hard to recognize his old costume; only a few elements hinted at its former design. His unnatural thinness suggested he hadn't eaten in a long time.

"You came! Wonderful. Now I can get rid of all of you at once. Oh, by the way, meet my delightful Robins. The last one was so boring these are much more fun," Batman said. His voice was completely different, hoarse and laced with cruelty.

"We'll stop you and the evil you're unleashing," declared Doctor Fate, gliding slightly ahead of the group.

"HAHAHAHA! You're welcome to try, but I'll warn you each attempt will cost you a life. That means you only get one," Batman said with gleeful malice.

Suddenly, a massive figure dropped from above. Its body was covered in jagged protrusions, and the shape of its face formed a grotesque bat-like mask.

"The Devastator," Bruce announced, gesturing toward the monstrous figure. "A Batman who took matters into his own hands and gained the power of Doomsday."


Next, a figure in a metallic suit appeared. Blue light gleamed from its joints, and its helmet resembled Batman's mask, though it was fully enclosed.

"The Murder Machine," Bruce continued. "A blend of man and machine that became a perfect engine of death."


Beams of green energy shot down from the sky. At first, we hoped it was Green Lantern, but the figure that emerged was something entirely different. This Batman was wreathed in green energy, with a Green Lantern ring glowing on his hand and the emblem of the Corps layered over his bat insignia.

"The Dawnbreaker," Bruce explained, smirking. "The Green Lanterns were weak-willed and useless. They couldn't protect the galaxy, so Batman eliminated them all heroes and villains alike."


A surge of water erupted from the ground, accompanied by the clang of metal. From the torrent emerged a dark silhouette holding a trident in one hand. It was a woman in a skin-tight green suit.

"The Drowned," Bruce said. "She killed her enemies and stole their powers, using them to annihilate an entire underwater kingdom and everyone in it."


Thunder roared, and lightning illuminated a figure in battered, scarred armor. The damage on his war-torn suit spoke of countless battles.

"The Merciless," Bruce concluded. "The God of War, ruthless and bloodthirsty, despising weakness and hungering for endless combat."


All of them stood behind our Batman, their presence forming a dark and terrifying shadow.

Next chapter